AmberCutie's Forum
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Members leaving chat?

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Ambers Troll

Deactivated Account
May 15, 2014
Far away
Am very curious about how members you know have left chat.

Did they delete their accounts? How long did this take?

How do you know they really left? Anyone suspect they left for another site, or just changed accounts?

How was the goodbye? I suspect serious ones are brief, non serious look for attention?

I know from personal experience, many return to chat, what do you feel makes some return and some just go for good?

What was their reason, if you got one?

Might have more questions later, thanks for now....Maniac_1 (MFC)
Just logged back on after 8 weeks...was too curious ...especially after how I left.
As expected no messages, got one hello, said hello to another, and logged off for good (not sure if I want to relive old pvts so no deleting of account planned yet).

Was funny talking to the model who I have said I was leaving many times before (she said 10 times just now), she doesn't believe me, and wouldn't care enough to check if she did. Anyway got to say thankyou, pay my last compliment to her, and leave for good in a way I am happier with. This one return visit (even if only 1 or 2 minutes) closes things off nicely.
i leave for "other reasons" i spend to much.... time inside,,,money...eating on couch; (you will get fat, who knew)

I come back after 2 years,,,,,, i cancel my cable tv..) and for the sexy sexy pleasure pillows, but that second reason is obvious :-D
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JimsX said:
I've begun to say "goodbye for now" because whenever I plan to leave for good I always end up going back. :lol:
This is the reality so many times, that is why I posted this topic. Was in ask a model because those who have been long term models know it better than we do, even as long term members. I was surprised that no one answered, perhaps ACF models have not done this for long enough yet to lose many supporters.
For my own experience I began to leave after the fantasies left me, as simple as that. Does this mean I was bored?.. no not really. Was I angry/ upset with past experiences?...not enough to leave those I liked. Was it medication,or was it age? ...perhaps. As BB King sang, it was simply that the thrill had gone.
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I always find it really bizarre when a member "quits mfc for good" and right around the same time signs up here... on a cam model forum and completely immerses themselves in the world via a different avenue.

I don't know your reasons for leaving Maniac, but it seems replacing MFC with an MFC forum is a little counter productive.
JoleneBrody said:
I always find it really bizarre when a member "quits mfc for good" and right around the same time signs up here... on a cam model forum and completely immerses themselves in the world via a different avenue.

I don't know your reasons for leaving Maniac, but it seems replacing MFC with an MFC forum is a little counter productive.
And him drawing attention to the fact that he "quit for good" on a forum full of MFC models and members further proves that he isn't over it.
I'll likely never "quit MFC forever" for the same reasons that I'd never "quit the cinema forever" or "quit pubs forever" - it just seems a bit pointless. I might decide to take a break from cams, I might find something else to occupy my time with, I might tire of cams altogether one day... but I have no plans to ever make a dramatic exit and loudly declare "this is the last time you'll ever see me in camland" because I'll just look silly if and when I get bored and decide to log on again.
mynameisbob84 said:
I'll likely never "quit MFC forever" for the same reasons that I'd never "quit the cinema forever" or "quit pubs forever" - it just seems a bit pointless. I might decide to take a break from cams, I might find something else to occupy my time with, I might tire of cams altogether one day... but I have no plans to ever make a dramatic exit and loudly declare "this is the last time you'll ever see me in camland" because I'll just look silly if and when I get bored and decide to log on again.

Preaching to the choir on that one. :lol:

I'm on my 5th account. I gave up on giving up.
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JoleneBrody said:
I always find it really bizarre when a member "quits mfc for good" and right around the same time signs up here... on a cam model forum and completely immerses themselves in the world via a different avenue.

I don't know your reasons for leaving Maniac, but it seems replacing MFC with an MFC forum is a little counter productive.
Can only answer for myself (Limitting too much detail).
My time camming took me from quite perverted to much healthier. Individual models I have already thanked, but in a general sense joining ACF for a while seemed a good way to add a little more. I have known of ACF for a long time, it was both a clever business decision Amber made to create it, and a nice way to help other models.
Would be nice to see ACF more inclusive of other successful styles of camming (am sure models only would be, am only talking of the public side), those models working from outside the studio system but with studio background seem to struggle for much support here or anywhere. This is why Ambers Troll (she is also the only model to label me that).

I joined because I was worried for an ACF model at the time. I did not want to intrude or interfere directly, and I see all is ok now. In this sense joined ACF for a reason now obsolete.

In terms of ending my time camming, have had moments over the years, but returned to it. The time before this I returned because I was denying myself the people I really wanted to enjoy. This time I lost all interest (and belief in my own fantasies), started late in 2013, had one good pvt on 1st April 2014 (faked it a bit with her), no tips or spending since. Am still open to returning to it, but it seems increasingly unlikely.

I would not say ACF is a replacement, but is a way to hold on a bit longer to those I have lost. There is an element of making your time camming want to mean something more too. I used to like forums quite a lot before camming, in some senses I am returning to an old love, the years of camming just allow me to be here easily and add to discussion.

There is no fantasy I am taking from being here than the occassional retrospective one as memories (I have already paid for those), I am not watching cams as a guest and getting off. If you were suggesting I was taking for free what I used to pay for, this is not the case.

AmberCutie said:
And him drawing attention to the fact that he "quit for good" on a forum full of MFC models and members further proves that he isn't over it.
This is fair comment AmberC., was a big part of my life for a long time. It takes time to adjust. Other forums on camming would have been inappropriate for me, thanks for allowing non models here too.

Should I have not made the point about leaving? ... am a little unsure now. I just wanted to be clear, open, and honest about it. I was aware it would open me up to attack and suspicion on that too. I don't hate camming, or models. I mention it as a display of honesty, because now I can be about it.
I am only aware of about 5-10 ACF models, and less than 5 of those here know of me at all as a member. I wont hurt anyone with any of my comments (these 5 successful models know I respect them) related to camming/ chat.

I am genuinely curious about this topic, it was one of my first. And this one is personal and quite real to me, want to know if I will find myself returning again too. If I don't also want to know where this will lead my fantasy life.

Sorry for the length, and hope all was clear...thanks to both of you
mynameisbob84 said:
I'll likely never "quit MFC forever" for the same reasons that I'd never "quit the cinema forever" or "quit pubs forever" - it just seems a bit pointless. I might decide to take a break from cams, I might find something else to occupy my time with, I might tire of cams altogether one day... but I have no plans to ever make a dramatic exit and loudly declare "this is the last time you'll ever see me in camland" because I'll just look silly if and when I get bored and decide to log on again.
Have looked silly a few times in just this way. The cinema is next for me :liar:
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Was just hit by another little challenge... a beloved models birthday arriving.
Want to wish her well this coming Monday, but it would send the wrong message.

She is my largest ever tip, I helped to train her dog to stop barking, helped her through being stalked/ blackmailed a few years ago, I can notice her from her twin, in short we have a long history with the cam/ member relationship. This will be the first time in 6 years I will not acknowledge her birthday.
I hope and suspect that she will not notice, but she is to me precious. At least I get to say it here, adore you 'Dancer' (M.R.), Happy Birthday.
It is so hard seeing someone that you respect suffer a bad time camming, even if it is likely you would not have helped when you were online.

Am super tempted right now.
mynameisbob84 said:
I'll likely never "quit MFC forever" for the same reasons that I'd never "quit the cinema forever" or "quit pubs forever" - it just seems a bit pointless. I might decide to take a break from cams, I might find something else to occupy my time with, I might tire of cams altogether one day... but I have no plans to ever make a dramatic exit and loudly declare "this is the last time you'll ever see me in camland" because I'll just look silly if and when I get bored and decide to log on again.

Summed it up really well^^^^^
I'd never go into my RMT's office and tell everyone I wasn't going there anymore and then hang around the lunch break room. I'd just...actually stop going there.
Announcing that you're leaving a cam site is simply egotistical. Do you really think anyone cares? If you tip a lot, maybe, but most people don't chat with money, so while lost income may be a downer, the person who announces he's taking away his funds, is being a very special kind of attempt at being mean, but likely no one cares.

Sock puppets are a unique sort of troll, who likely have very sad lives.
I don't think telling a model that you are leaving is that bad if you go about it the right way. I usually go with just disappearing or creating a new account and don't tell the model shit but I can understand a member letting the model know not to be expecting him to be in her room anymore. Seen some get mad when dudes randomly disappear. I'm sure some don't care at all but it seems like common courtesy if you are a regular tipper/"friend" to let her know. Disappearing is way easier tho and what I would recommend.
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PunkInDrublic said:
I don't think telling a model that you are leaving is that bad if you go about it the right way. I usually go with just disappearing or creating a new account and don't tell the model shit but I can understand a member letting the model know not to be expecting him to be in her room anymore. Seen some get mad when dudes randomly disappear. I'm sure some don't care at all but it seems like common courtesy if you are a regular tipper/"friend" to let her know. Disappearing is way easier tho and what I would recommend.
There's a difference between a sane-minded member letting his favorite girls know that he may be taking a break, not sure if permanent or not (common courtesy)... and a guy like this Maniac Troll who makes a huge dramatic exit with reminders of how much he's tipped in the past (a cry for attention and acknowledgement).

Ambers Troll said:
I am an ex-member of cam sites... spent about $175 000 as a member over 8 years before stopping. Been involved in sex style chat for about 19 years. Know this forum, been banned a few times a while ago. Rejoined to emotionally support someone, should she require it. It is doubtful I will be too active here, just a few posts.
Yeah can't argue against that. My fault for not noticing that he meant camsites in general and not just a certain model.
I am a cam site admin and I can tell so many times there are member who write us: "please close my account", some adding reasonns such as: "I am spending too much money here" or "I am catholic this is bad" or "I need to change my life and go out to make real friends" or "I am addicted to this", whatever. We close the account as requested.

After a while (it can be the day after or a month after) they re-open an account, silently, and spend an hell of cash. After a day or a month, they write again: "please close my account. This time I will not return, sorry for any inconvenience". We close the account.

After a while (it can be the day after or a month after) they re-open an account, silently, and spend an hell of cash. After a day or a month, they write again: "please close my account. This time I will not return, sorry for any inconvenience". We close the account.

After a while (it can be the day after or a month after) they re-open an account, silently, and spend an hell of cash. After a day or a month, they write again: "please close my account. This time I will not return, sorry for any inconvenience". We close the account.

After a while (it can be the day after or a month after) they re-open an account, silently, and spend an hell of cash. After a day or a month, they write again: "please close my account. This time I will not return, sorry for any inconvenience". We close the account.

After a while (it can be the day after or a month after) they re-open an account, silently, and spend an hell of cash. After a day or a month, they write again: "please close my account. This time I will not return, sorry for any inconvenience". We close the account.

After a while (it can be the day after or a month after) they re-open an account, silently, and spend an hell of cash. After a day or a month, they write again: "please close my account. This time I will not return, sorry for any inconvenience". We close the account.

After a while (it can be the day after or a month after) they re-open an account, silently, and spend an hell of cash. After a day or a month, they write again: "please close my account. This time I will not return, sorry for any inconvenience". We close the account.

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I spent again :oops: ... 5.5 months after last time.
No pleasure for me, logged on to give a compliment.

The model took a short group show, then left, it was not fair to be so honest, I shouldn't have done that.

AmberCutie said:
a cry for attention and acknowledgement.

Surely there is a way to do this right?
Had a massive 2 month binge, and am out again. That was so much fun, enjoyed it all completely freely just like my first time. I even met some new models (sorry, was wrong of me).
Physical injury had me running back to familiar comforts, luckily it also restored my old sexual drive. Will I need cam time again in future? Perhaps, but not for now.

Think I post all this here as a simple reminder for models not to expect any one of us to return, we can just be gone, enjoy the moment. I was actually hoping to hear some of your experiences when I posted, wanted to know if it was the end for myself. I no longer feel the need to ask the question.

For ACF models big thanks to JJ, Gween, and Lily M. for this last few months, wow! you are amazing models. Keep the BA shows painful, keep on dancing, and be the bestest model ever.

Members reading this, firstly say bye if you are anyones regular when you leave for sure (something posted in profile is wise too).
Secondly, if you are still enjoying, be generous to your favourite models (what tokens you spend and your time). Think ahead a little, pay attention, and see the woman on the other side;
  • Give her appropriate time with shows. If you can't spend the time, then it may be inappropriate to ask. As a guideline, private shows take about 20 minutes minimum to do right.
    If a compliment comes to you, don't be insecure, if you feel it, express it.
    Pay attention to the actions sent to you. Models often target certain acts to those they favour, if this is you, be respectful and pay attention.
    Be supportive in her room. Talk and tip a bit, contribute in some way to her day.
    Expect some distraction from those on friends lists. Be polite and honest, if you are with another, protect her pride but be honest.
    If you are getting a bad experience, stop spending on the model as soon as you realise it. Assess what went wrong, but only for yourself. If you like the model still, put the loss to a learning experience, it is the classy thing to do (you would have spent on her anyway).
    Never be possessive. If you feel that way, take control of that emotion.
Enjoy the experience, I think most of us spending any real time at this come to realise how much we like women more than when we started.
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