MsAllyCat said:No there isn't a member count. Not that I've realised anyway. But yes, would be cool to know how big that seething horny cesspit of debauchery known as MFC is at any one time.
Math.sum = function (ary) {
return ary.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b; });
Math.avg = function (ary) {
return Math.sum(ary) / ary.length;
function getRoomCounts() {
return []"i")).map(function (e) {
var match = e.innerHTML.match(/\d*/);
if (match) {
var cnt = parseInt(match[0], 10);
if (cnt > 0)
return cnt;
}).filter(function (e) {
return undefined !== e;
function navRoomPages(pageNum) {
MfcPaging.hInstances[1].nPage = pageNum;
var userCount = 0;
var allRoomCounts = [];
var currentPage = 1;
var roomCounts = getRoomCounts();
while (roomCounts.length > 0) {
userCount += Math.sum(roomCounts);
allRoomCounts = allRoomCounts.concat(roomCounts);
roomCounts = getRoomCounts();
console.log(userCount + " total viewers.");
console.log(Math.round(Math.avg(allRoomCounts)) + " average viewers per room.");
Very coolKradek said:There are typically 30-50k in public rooms. I wrote a snippet to calculate it.
In Chrome, open the most popular rooms page, press f12 to open the developer tools, then paste the code below into the console and hit return.
The most popular rooms page actually lists all rooms with viewers, it's just paginated. The script looks at each page until it reaches rooms with zero viewers.JerryBoBerry said:Does that just count the 100 most popular rooms, since that is all that shows up in the most popular rooms page? Or does that actually get all the rooms including those that are away, in group, and privates?
I'm wondering because the number I just got from your method is VERY close to the number I got from when I counted all the rooms manually.
Numbers from the code:
32124 total viewers.
36 average viewers per room.
Almost identical, with just a small difference being attributed to doing the two methods a little bit of time apart.
Kradek said:All the caveats in your manual calculation apply (people in multiple rooms counted multiple times, doesn't count people in privates/groups, etc).
Your numbers would be different, but still close if you only counted the first page because numbers drop precipitously after page one.
I think it's sexy how you used precipitous like an everyday word.Kradek said:The most popular rooms page actually lists all rooms with viewers, it's just paginated. The script looks at each page until it reaches rooms with zero viewers.JerryBoBerry said:Does that just count the 100 most popular rooms, since that is all that shows up in the most popular rooms page? Or does that actually get all the rooms including those that are away, in group, and privates?
I'm wondering because the number I just got from your method is VERY close to the number I got from when I counted all the rooms manually.
Numbers from the code:
32124 total viewers.
36 average viewers per room.
Almost identical, with just a small difference being attributed to doing the two methods a little bit of time apart.
All the caveats in your manual calculation apply (people in multiple rooms counted multiple times, doesn't count people in privates/groups, etc).
Your numbers would be different, but still close if you only counted the first page because numbers drop precipitously after page one.
Evvie said:I think it's sexy how you used precipitous like an everyday word.Kradek said:The most popular rooms page actually lists all rooms with viewers, it's just paginated. The script looks at each page until it reaches rooms with zero viewers.JerryBoBerry said:Does that just count the 100 most popular rooms, since that is all that shows up in the most popular rooms page? Or does that actually get all the rooms including those that are away, in group, and privates?
I'm wondering because the number I just got from your method is VERY close to the number I got from when I counted all the rooms manually.
Numbers from the code:
32124 total viewers.
36 average viewers per room.
Almost identical, with just a small difference being attributed to doing the two methods a little bit of time apart.
All the caveats in your manual calculation apply (people in multiple rooms counted multiple times, doesn't count people in privates/groups, etc).
Your numbers would be different, but still close if you only counted the first page because numbers drop precipitously after page one.
pg240 said:Evvie said:I think it's sexy how you used precipitous like an everyday word.Kradek said:The most popular rooms page actually lists all rooms with viewers, it's just paginated. The script looks at each page until it reaches rooms with zero viewers.JerryBoBerry said:Does that just count the 100 most popular rooms, since that is all that shows up in the most popular rooms page? Or does that actually get all the rooms including those that are away, in group, and privates?
I'm wondering because the number I just got from your method is VERY close to the number I got from when I counted all the rooms manually.
Numbers from the code:
32124 total viewers.
36 average viewers per room.
Almost identical, with just a small difference being attributed to doing the two methods a little bit of time apart.
All the caveats in your manual calculation apply (people in multiple rooms counted multiple times, doesn't count people in privates/groups, etc).
Your numbers would be different, but still close if you only counted the first page because numbers drop precipitously after page one.
I think it's sexy that you think it's sexy that he used the word so casually.
I think it's sexy that you appreciate that Evvie finds Kradek's usage of the word sexy.pg240 said:Evvie said:I think it's sexy how you used precipitous like an everyday word.Kradek said:The most popular rooms page actually lists all rooms with viewers, it's just paginated. The script looks at each page until it reaches rooms with zero viewers.JerryBoBerry said:Does that just count the 100 most popular rooms, since that is all that shows up in the most popular rooms page? Or does that actually get all the rooms including those that are away, in group, and privates?
I'm wondering because the number I just got from your method is VERY close to the number I got from when I counted all the rooms manually.
Numbers from the code:
32124 total viewers.
36 average viewers per room.
Almost identical, with just a small difference being attributed to doing the two methods a little bit of time apart.
All the caveats in your manual calculation apply (people in multiple rooms counted multiple times, doesn't count people in privates/groups, etc).
Your numbers would be different, but still close if you only counted the first page because numbers drop precipitously after page one.
I think it's sexy that you think it's sexy that he used the word so casually.
I think it's sexy that you think that they appreciate that she thought he used....wait, I'm getting confused now. :confusion-confused: :confusion-helpsos:LilyMarie said:I think it's sexy that you appreciate that Evvie finds Kradek's usage of the word sexy.pg240 said:Evvie said:I think it's sexy how you used precipitous like an everyday word.Kradek said:The most popular rooms page actually lists all rooms with viewers, it's just paginated. The script looks at each page until it reaches rooms with zero viewers.JerryBoBerry said:Does that just count the 100 most popular rooms, since that is all that shows up in the most popular rooms page? Or does that actually get all the rooms including those that are away, in group, and privates?
I'm wondering because the number I just got from your method is VERY close to the number I got from when I counted all the rooms manually.
Numbers from the code:
32124 total viewers.
36 average viewers per room.
Almost identical, with just a small difference being attributed to doing the two methods a little bit of time apart.
All the caveats in your manual calculation apply (people in multiple rooms counted multiple times, doesn't count people in privates/groups, etc).
Your numbers would be different, but still close if you only counted the first page because numbers drop precipitously after page one.
I think it's sexy that you think it's sexy that he used the word so casually.
What, ALREADY?! I'm so disappointed in you.JerryBoBerry said:I think it's sexy that you think that they appreciate that she thought he used....wait, I'm getting confused now. :confusion-confused: :confusion-helpsos:
LilyMarie said:But yeah we should probably put an end to this before Amber beheads us all. :thumbleft:
LilyMarie said:What, ALREADY?! I'm so disappointed in you.JerryBoBerry said:I think it's sexy that you think that they appreciate that she thought he used....wait, I'm getting confused now. :confusion-confused: :confusion-helpsos:
But yeah we should probably put an end to this before Amber beheads us all. :thumbleft: