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Masturbation ban!

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Summary for everyone who doesn't link:

"This bill will state that life begins at conception, ensuring that no woman can ever get an abortion in this state. But this other bill saying the only place sperm can be deposited is in a woman's vagina is going too far. Men should be able to do what they want with their bodies."
Lol I thought this commenter made some amusing points about fetal citizenship
TitoZ commented | 1 day ago
Seriously, I think Ms. Johnson makes a brilliant point turning the table on the fetus fetishists (fetushists?) who are talking their ******** to dangerous legal extremes. If you give a fetus legal personhood, doesn't it follow they are entitled to citizenship as well? Yet we don't know where they're going to spring out, which goes a long way in determining your lottery number in the fickle accident of birth. As we know, if you're born in a US military base anywhere, and possibly a Walmart anywhere, you are a full-fledged American citizen and eligible for a future presidential run. Will the moment of conception now become the standard of citizenship? What if you were driving to the other side of Niagara Falls, is your kid now going to be Canadian? What if you got frisky on both sides of the border that night? How will they know which one of the boys swam home? There are plenty of other rights you would have to concede to the fetus as a full-fledged person. You'd have to consider the right to bear arms and the right to a speedy trial, or the right to give to a candidate or campaign as much as they want as an exercise of free speech even if they are incapable of actual speech. I say with the rights come the responsibilities, and so let the Official Fetus Draft Lottery begin. No sense in waiting 18 years, we need them pronto. Old enough to bleed, old enough to bleed.
Sounds like a very blue-balled world.
If Senator Johnson is going to get all up in arms about the loss of sperm, why not bitch out every woman who has a period? We're losing valuable life there- we failed to get pregnant so now we're killing off our eggs every month! I mean hell, our eggs are actually limited in supply; we can't produce eggs later in life. Meanwhile, men continue producing sperm long after a woman's "biological clock stops ticking".

How dare Senator Johnson flush her blood-babies down the toilet each month! She should have found a valid sperm donor to cringe through giving her some D to make sure that egg got the right to life it deserved! :roll: I think someone needs to teach this woman a little bit about overpopulation of the human species..

Btw, completely lost it at "I'm like sperm-Hitler" XDDD
SweetDivalia said:
Sounds like a very blue-balled world.
If Senator Johnson is going to get all up in arms about the loss of sperm, why not bitch out every woman who has a period? We're losing valuable life there- we failed to get pregnant so now we're killing off our eggs every month! I mean hell, our eggs are actually limited in supply; we can't produce eggs later in life. Meanwhile, men continue producing sperm long after a woman's "biological clock stops ticking".

How dare Senator Johnson flush her blood-babies down the toilet each month! She should have found a valid sperm donor to cringe through giving her some D to make sure that egg got the right to life it deserved! :roll: I think someone needs to teach this woman a little bit about overpopulation of the human species..

Btw, completely lost it at "I'm like sperm-Hitler" XDDD

I think she was just trying to point out the ridiculousness & one-sidedness of pro-life bills like this. I think that that is also a completely plausible scenarios especially considering she is a democrat.
Read this- ... 68768.html which states she did it in protest.

But I mean- she has a point. Doesn't the personhood bill also ban female contraception? If life doesn't begin until conception, then why can't us women STOP conception using contraception, just like males do with condoms? but you don't hear anyone uproaring about condoms or jerking off or the good ol' fashioned "pull out" method. Why? Because men still get to get off. It really is an eye opener seeing this debate (pro life v choice, not necassirly just this instance) because womens rights really haven't come as far as we'd hoped. There are still a LOT of ignorant people out there who are willing to protect a mans rights over a womans.
I'm with Gemma. This was an absolute genius move to make a very good point. near the end she said "now you know how the women of Oklahoma feel." It's just not as funny to point that out on the daily show.
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Bocefish said:
I laughed when the kid asked "But how will they know?" :shifty:

They could've worked into the skit that a 'special nocturnal emission task force' A.K.A. SNET has been secretly watching you for years.

:rofl: that would have been an awesome time to incorporate that. I thought the skit was really funny honestly, all seriousness aside! :p
Thanks for the sum-up guys, it won't let me watch the video unless i hop on a proxy! :cussing:

Even with the location block (lol,) i just gotta say, that I'm so. fucking. thankful. that i was born in canada.

Like really. HOW IS IT ANY OF THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS what people do with their unborn babies and/or their man juice?????? They are missing a very very important point that is also seemingly missed by the "war on drugs..." that if you tell people they CAN'T do something, they are going to go and do it anyways, however they can get it done.

Providing them with a safe way of doing it just reduces harm in the long run. You can get an abortion with a vacuum cleaner and someone who knows what they're doing, people are just going to do that instead. It just goes underground and becomes shameful. So really, what's the point???

As for the masturbation ban... LOL! GOOD LUCK WITH THAT! I can just see the blue balled masses running rampant trying to find a vagina to stick it in, ANY VAGINA! does a fake vagina count?? is it better to forcefully put my sperm in an unwilling vagina than it is to spill it on my floor?? especially if that unwilling vagina would have to bear the consequences of becoming pregnant afterwards?? :shock: :shock:

i sure wish all these ridikuliss rules would go away and stop wasting everyones time, energy and focus when there are so many bigger things to worry about in this world. >_>

:snooty: :snooty: silly heads!! thanks for the link mross !

EDIT...after reading the video comments more thoroughly it sounds like some of this bill is a senator poking fun at another. i'm confused now. wut.
JoleneJolene said:
I'm with Gemma. This was an absolute genius move to make a very good point. near the end she said "now you know how the women of Oklahoma feel." It's just not as funny to point that out on the daily show.
Exactly. I'm also sure senator Johnson knows fully well what The Daily Show is all about and may have even talked it over with them before the "interview" began. Senator Shorty, on the other hand (ha ha!), is a bonafide dolt.
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LOL! I love the ending:

"Where's your bathroom?"
"Right down the hall"
"Alright, could you please go there, cause... I need to use your computer"

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missmeowmixx said:
Thanks for the sum-up guys, it won't let me watch the video unless i hop on a proxy! :cussing:

Even with the location block (lol,) i just gotta say, that I'm so. fucking. thankful. that i was born in canada.

Like really. HOW IS IT ANY OF THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS what people do with their unborn babies and/or their man juice?????? They are missing a very very important point that is also seemingly missed by the "war on drugs..." that if you tell people they CAN'T do something, they are going to go and do it anyways, however they can get it done.

Providing them with a safe way of doing it just reduces harm in the long run. You can get an abortion with a vacuum cleaner and someone who knows what they're doing, people are just going to do that instead. It just goes underground and becomes shameful. So really, what's the point???

As for the masturbation ban... LOL! GOOD LUCK WITH THAT! I can just see the blue balled masses running rampant trying to find a vagina to stick it in, ANY VAGINA! does a fake vagina count?? is it better to forcefully put my sperm in an unwilling vagina than it is to spill it on my floor?? especially if that unwilling vagina would have to bear the consequences of becoming pregnant afterwards?? :shock: :shock:

i sure wish all these ridikuliss rules would go away and stop wasting everyones time, energy and focus when there are so many bigger things to worry about in this world. >_>

:snooty: :snooty: silly heads!! thanks for the link mross !

EDIT...after reading the video comments more thoroughly it sounds like some of this bill is a senator poking fun at another. i'm confused now. wut.

Well, the video itself is from a politcal comedy show so the entire spin on it was to, in fact, shed light on the matter in a humerous way, which is probably what your getting from the comments. The "facts" are that in Oklahoma they have a bill called the "personhood" bill which is to ban contraception (correct me if I am wrong, pls. I didn't do a TON of research on the bill b/c I am not from Oklahoma. Lol) & abortions. An Oklahoma senator who actually opposed the bill decided to point out the ridiculousness of telling a woman what to do with her body by suggesting an amendment that would make it illegal for men to ejaculate anywhere other than a womans vajajay. Men were angry. The end, it didn't pass. Lol. You are right to be enraged. :p
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GemmaMarie said:
SweetDivalia said:
Sounds like a very blue-balled world.
If Senator Johnson is going to get all up in arms about the loss of sperm, why not bitch out every woman who has a period? We're losing valuable life there- we failed to get pregnant so now we're killing off our eggs every month! I mean hell, our eggs are actually limited in supply; we can't produce eggs later in life. Meanwhile, men continue producing sperm long after a woman's "biological clock stops ticking".

How dare Senator Johnson flush her blood-babies down the toilet each month! She should have found a valid sperm donor to cringe through giving her some D to make sure that egg got the right to life it deserved! :roll: I think someone needs to teach this woman a little bit about overpopulation of the human species..

Btw, completely lost it at "I'm like sperm-Hitler" XDDD

I think she was just trying to point out the ridiculousness & one-sidedness of pro-life bills like this. I think that that is also a completely plausible scenarios especially considering she is a democrat.
Read this- ... 68768.html which states she did it in protest.

But I mean- she has a point. Doesn't the personhood bill also ban female contraception? If life doesn't begin until conception, then why can't us women STOP conception using contraception, just like males do with condoms? but you don't hear anyone uproaring about condoms or jerking off or the good ol' fashioned "pull out" method. Why? Because men still get to get off. It really is an eye opener seeing this debate (pro life v choice, not necassirly just this instance) because womens rights really haven't come as far as we'd hoped. There are still a LOT of ignorant people out there who are willing to protect a mans rights over a womans.
Ahh, completely understood, was half awake and couldn't tell between the crazies and the non x_x
Wait, wouldn't this also mean it would be illegal for women not to swallow? Or are we talking about a different kind of "sperm wastage" here :lol:
I thought it was pretty funny when they were interviewing senator Ralph Shortey. He supports not letting women use birth control but he says

"I think the Johnson Amendment is an egregious attack on personal liberties from the government. And quite frankly it’s embarrassing that this was even brought up because it’s a ridiculous notion. One, it would be a huge free choice issue. Basically, the government is telling a man what he can and cannot do with his body."

"There’s not another individual that knows what’s better for you than you."

I think Senator Johnson is pretty awesome :) She couldn't have really thought the bill would pass she was just trying to make a point.
Jupiter551 said:
lordmagellan said:
Heh! I can still do what I want. I'm shootin' blanks!

Vasectomy FTW!
That just makes you a mass-murderer!

Though, on that logic, if hormone birth control contraception is banned, then I would imagine that performing a vasectomy would be outlawed as well.
Bocefish said:
Imagine what the world would be like if guys couldn't masturbate and only deposit their baby gravy in vaginas.

Crime would skyrocket, massive overpopulation, rapes would increase exponentially, prisons would be overflowing, there would be no porn and likely no highspeed internet... :eek:

wed all be out of a job
watched this yesterday. thought it was a great point. its not real though of course.
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Jupiter551 said:
lordmagellan said:
Heh! I can still do what I want. I'm shootin' blanks!

Vasectomy FTW!
That just makes you a mass-murderer!
Nope. She says it's murder to deposit sperm anywhere other than a vagina. I'm not depositing anything, I just reabsorb it. I'm like a sperm soul recycling machine.
RainbowBryte said:
I thought it was pretty funny when they were interviewing senator Ralph Shortey. He supports not letting women use birth control but he says

"I think the Johnson Amendment is an egregious attack on personal liberties from the government. And quite frankly it’s embarrassing that this was even brought up because it’s a ridiculous notion. One, it would be a huge free choice issue. Basically, the government is telling a man what he can and cannot do with his body."

"There’s not another individual that knows what’s better for you than you."

Jebus. That's some IMPRESSIVE hypocrisy right there. I don't know how these doods do it. I mean, (theoretically) they're intelligent, well-educated people. I'm sure they KNOW that what they say on one matter (birth control) completely contradicts what they say on another (fictitious masturbation bans) but they just heroically plunge on ahead, unafraid to look stupid and ignorant and sexist and wrong :?
mynameisbob84 said:
I'm sure they KNOW that what they say on one matter... completely contradicts what they say on another ... but they just heroically plunge on ahead, unafraid to look stupid and ignorant and sexist and wrong :?

Hehehe.... This is simply "How to be a Politician -101" .. If you're good at it, it will take you all the way to the big house on Pennsylvania Avenue..... ;)
lol, but could you imagine if her bill DID pass? That'd be one heck of a political statement backfire. >_<
lordmagellan said:
Jupiter551 said:
lordmagellan said:
Heh! I can still do what I want. I'm shootin' blanks!

Vasectomy FTW!
That just makes you a mass-murderer!
Nope. She says it's murder to deposit sperm anywhere other than a vagina. I'm not depositing anything, I just reabsorb it. I'm like a sperm soul recycling machine.
No you're aborting it! You're killing it before it even has a chance to be fertile!

Edit: wait, how does the Florida Stand Your Ground law fit into this? If the thought of having a baby with the woman you're banging is bad enough, it could be classed as Justifiable Spermicide because you're not expected to "retreat" from the encounter, and can just blow it on her tummy? :think:
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