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Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 minutes

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Love or Stalking?

  • Creepy.

    Votes: 26 74.3%
  • True love.

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • How I met the Missus or Mister.

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • How I got a restraining order.

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters
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Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

dunno about creepy...dunno about true love either, tho....sounds like his brother wouldn't let him forget her :lol:
but i'm a romantic, so long as he not spending the family fortune, i'm all for the guy having his dream.
Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

he doesn't SEEM creepy, but I think it's pretty odd to spend hours searching for a girl he chatted to for two minutes, and then to come back from overseas to spend another MONTH looking for her is just deluded.

If she sees this in the newspaper she might think it's incredibly sweet, or scary, or WAY too much pressure. 'Oh awesome, I gave a guy directions and now he tells the whole world he thinks he loves me'
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Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

A bit extreme maybe but I wouldn't call it creepy. Seems like there would be cheaper ways to go about finding her too but maybe I'm crazy.
Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

Actually I think the reason it doesn't seem creepy is because he got to tell his side to the newspaper lol. Also because he appears clean and has a decent job. Other than that, it doesn't get any creepier than spending a month searching for someone who gave you directions.
Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

HarmlessSquirrel said:
It happens in the movies all the time. It must be reasonable.
:lol: that crossed my mind too
Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

I have had the same sort of feelings many times, hell there's a lady I met in the parking lot of my vet's office who I hope will be there again, every time I take one of the dogs in. It's been 3 years and those dogs get all there check ups, lol. At some point though, i think you have to realize that what is at play in those situations is much more about chemistry, than finding the "one". If he finds her and she is single, there may be a reason, other than she was saving herself for him, - like she's a crazy bitch that likes to beat her BF's whit empty whiskey bottles after they have fallen asleep. And he said he thought he would be fine with it if she is not single, as long as he approves of her other. What if he thinks the other is a creep and she needs saving, what then? No, if it was meant to be she would have been hanging outside the diner, or he would have found her right off if she had the same feeling as he did, she would have been around. Let's not forget where were talking about, - its Ireland, if she was single you don't think she would quick give up her sack of patatos and her lump of coal to hookup with anyone who could get her out of there :lol: :lol: :lol: I kid, I kid.
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Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

He reminds me of the members who fall in love with a model the first time they see them. They know nothing about her, but what she looks like on cam. They do not know her pains, her hopes, her strengths, or her weaknesses. I think true love should be a slow build up over time not, "Nice tits wanna fuck like bunnies?". Of course I am single, so doing the opposite of what I think is probably a good idea.

Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

He knows nothing about her. They might have nothing in common. They might have opposing ideological viewpoints. They might like different things sexually. She might like Nickleback...

The only thing he knows about her for sure, is that he finds her aesthetically pleasing and would like to stick his dinkle in her dumdum. That's not an adequate basis for "love"... is it?
Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

The funniest thing would be is if she called the newspaper to say she was lesbian.
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Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

mynameisbob84 said:
He knows nothing about her. They might have nothing in common. They might have opposing ideological viewpoints. They might like different things sexually. She might like Nickleback...

The only thing he knows about her for sure, is that he finds her aesthetically pleasing and would like to stick his dinkle in her dumdum. That's not an adequate basis for "love"... is it?
No, the funniest thing would be if she called her vag a dumdum. :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh and I concur ^^^
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Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

So... Imagine that you found out today that a guy you supposedly met weeks ago (you don't remember) was obsessed with you after speaking with you for a couple of minutes and came back to your country and spent weeks tracking you down.

He knows nothing about you. All he cares about is that he likes how you look and you're a witty conversationalist. He doesn't know if you're a lesbian, married, have kids, or hold world views that are drastically different than his own. He doesn't care that you're citizens of different countries and his visa will run out. He doesn't care about your life.

He saw you and he must have you.

No logic.

No reason.

That man is going to track you down.

But hey, it's okay, because he's well-dressed, right?
Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

The restaurant down stairs at work is entirely staffed by female Irish backpackers. Cute does seem to be a national characteristic, even if i can't understand a fucking word they say. As for flying 8,000 km. I did that to confirm is someone was miss right (she wasn't) but to try and meet the same girl again is very..


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Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

If I were here, I'd've left the country as soon as I saw that article.
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Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

Bunch of pessimist, no one can imagine she might be as goofy as he is and will think it is very romantic, and they live happily ever after? :lol:
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Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

camstory said:
Bunch of pessimist, no one can imagine she might be as goofy as he is and will think it is very romantic, and they live happily ever after? :lol:
I think she's really a serial killer; she lures Canadian tourists to the Emerald Isle with her sensual charms and manipulates them into compromising situations in dark places, then she eats their brains.

Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

camstory said:
Bunch of pessimist, no one can imagine she might be as goofy as he is and will think it is very romantic, and they live happily ever after? :lol:
If someone stalked me for weeks after a two-minute encounter, I would be afraid of them, not attracted to them. In what world does obsession and lust become romantic?
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Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

Evvie said:
camstory said:
Bunch of pessimist, no one can imagine she might be as goofy as he is and will think it is very romantic, and they live happily ever after? :lol:
If someone stalked me for weeks after a two-minute encounter, I would be afraid of them, not attracted to them. In what world does obsession and lust become romantic?
It was a joke dear, maybe not such a good one but still just a joke.
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Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

It is creepy, but sometimes there's just a gut feeling that's hard to let go. He could have spent the rest of his life wondering. At least this way he'll know for sure if it's something or nothing.

I'm also a sap and a bit of a sucker for movies like 'Serendipity' where the main character searches for a woman for a long, long time after only spending one evening with her.
Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

Girl wants him = it's romantic.

Girl doesn't want him = it's creepy.
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Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

Red7227 said:
Girl is half his size. She can only say no, if that doesn't work she's fucked.
Heh, literally I guess.

Except that we're all surrounded on every side by people who COULD take things from others if they chose to - if you lived your life on the assumption that they probably will you might as well never set foot outside your house.
Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

Jupiter551 said:
Red7227 said:
Girl is half his size. She can only say no, if that doesn't work she's fucked.
Heh, literally I guess.

Except that we're all surrounded on every side by people who COULD take things from others if they chose to - if you lived your life on the assumption that they probably will you might as well never set foot outside your house.

There's a difference between being afraid random people will take your stuff, and being afraid that the person who keeps giving you offers to buy your stuff will get pissed that you won't sell and just take it.

Too many men believe they are entitled to women. They believe they are owed our bodies. When we don't give it to them, they get mad. Most of them will just post stupid shit online, but more and more of them decide to cross a line and force the woman of their misplaced affection to get the police involved.

In middle school there was this one guy who didn't understand why I didn't like him. I had to beat him off with my friend's newspaper at least once a week at lunch.

In high school I was cornered on the sidewalk in broad daylight by the basketball team. When one of them started to drop his pants, I ducked through some legs to get out of there.

I was shopping with my friends at walmart back in college. I looked about 16 years old. They had me try on the outfit they were picking out for my makeover. A guy who was at least 29 decided to catcall me, in the middle of walmart. If I hadn't been with my friends, who knows what he might've done?

I've been approached while at work in a gas station. One gentleman couldn't take "no" for an answer. He had the nerve to touch my thigh. The only time I have ever had to bitchslap someone.

DO NOT ever imply that a woman who is nervous about a guy who won't let her go is overreacting.
Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

I'm not sure I was implying anything like that Luna, but stalker-rapists don't usually announce their presence via large newspapers.
Re: Man flies 8,000km to find the girl he met for just 2 min

Jupiter551 said:
I'm not sure I was implying anything like that Luna, but stalker-rapists don't usually announce their presence via large newspapers.
I'm not so sure about that. My ex announced publicly to the school, my family and my circle of friends that he intended to kidnap and harm me. He did everything in his power to follow through on what he said too. Nobody believed me even though they heard his bullshit firsthand....It sure was funny when he showed up at my house one day, threatening to kill my family and kidnap me, and we had to call 911. The ones who aren't afraid to tell everyone around them about their intentions are usually the most dangerous because they don't have anything to lose.
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