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Lying about purchase on Wishlist

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UncleThursday said:
It's funny, because I was talking to her after I bought her some bath products from her list, and was mentioning how some people, not even just models, have the most inane and super expensive shit on their wishlists. Like new $2k+ laptops... and her response was 'like anyone is going to by me a laptop.' And, to be fair, if I'm spending $2k+ on a new computer, you can be goddamn sure it is for ME and not someone else... I don't even spend that much on myself in a single purchase more than once every few years (normally to upgrade my computer to a newer model).

I've bought a $2k laptop for a model before. But it wasn't from a wishlist. Different situation entirely.

The most expensive thing I've bought on a model's wishlist was under $200. I don't see anything wrong with putting all sorts of crazy stuff on a wishlist. Who knows who will be feeling super generous sometime. But I always feel a bit weird when looking a wishlist made up entirely of expensive stuff. There should be some fun cheaper stuff too.
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PunkInDrublic said:
Kinda related to this, its gotta be pretty weird for the boyfriends/husbands when it comes to wishlists. I imagine the dude coming home and realizing something new around the house like "whoa where'd the new tv come from?" "Oh stroking4you420 bought it for me." Would be awkward af.

The two times I learned of a model's partner knowing of me, I was referred to as the model's Shaun by the model's partner. They were both super cool dudes though, and very supportive of their partner's job.
PunkInDrublic said:
CharlotteLace said:
mynameisbob84 said:
My first thought upon being bought something like a new TV or a $2000 laptop by someone I'd only ever spoken to on the internet (once the initial euphoria had passed anyway) would be "why has this person bought me this incredibly expensive item?". I'd worry about how I'm going to repay them, and whether they're hoping for something in return that I can't offer them, or whether they're obsessed with me, or whether they've mistaken my being friendly with them for something it's not.

That's the biggest reason why I took my wishlist down after a couple days on MFC. I hate obligations, and the thought of feeling indebted to somebody for a surprise gift made me feel oogly. I know there's plenty of guys who send "just because" gifts, but they're pretty hard to distinguish at first from the "now you owe me" guys.
Kinda related to this, its gotta be pretty weird for the boyfriends/husbands when it comes to wishlists. I imagine the dude coming home and realizing something new around the house like "whoa where'd the new tv come from?" "Oh stroking4you420 bought it for me." Would be awkward af.

Why would that be awkward? The only way I can understand this is if you're implying it somehow devalues is manhood cuz someone else is buying his girl things. But I don't think that's what you meant. I guess I just don't see the awkward.
SexyStephXS said:
PunkInDrublic said:
Kinda related to this, its gotta be pretty weird for the boyfriends/husbands when it comes to wishlists. I imagine the dude coming home and realizing something new around the house like "whoa where'd the new tv come from?" "Oh stroking4you420 bought it for me." Would be awkward af.

Why would that be awkward? The only way I can understand this is if you're implying it somehow devalues is manhood cuz someone else is buying his girl things. But I don't think that's what you meant. I guess I just don't see the awkward.
It's awkward because the boyfriend asked you to put the LCD on the wishlist and you put the plasma on. :oops:
SexyStephXS said:
Why would that be awkward? The only way I can understand this is if you're implying it somehow devalues is manhood cuz someone else is buying his girl things. But I don't think that's what you meant. I guess I just don't see the awkward.
Would be so awkward. "Yo where'd ya get the new panties" "Bigballs4you bought them for me"
idk maybe its just me being weird but I don't think I could deal with random dudes buying gifts for my gf/wife.
Just a quick note from someone who's worked at Amazon about wishlist stuff--

There is an option you can choose that basically tells Amazon you purchased the same item elsewhere and it will register on your wishlist as purchased if you look, but nothing will ever be sent. So it's really easy for dudes to hit that button and say "Go check your wishlist!" which is...scummy.

You can always contact Amazon support to get information about gift items. They are authorized to provide certain info to you such as order status, estimated delivery date, if the order was cancelled or if there is a reason it should be delayed. You don't need the person's personal information to find out when a package is supposed to arrive at your home, they just need you to verify name and address.

If you feel like something is fishy they are very helpful and I encourage you to contact them. An order cannot be canceled once it has shipped. If you feel comfortable doing these transactions, get the order ID and shipping/tracking information or contact wishlist support.
SirenLilith said:
Just a quick note from someone who's worked at Amazon about wishlist stuff--

There is an option you can choose that basically tells Amazon you purchased the same item elsewhere and it will register on your wishlist as purchased if you look, but nothing will ever be sent. So it's really easy for dudes to hit that button and say "Go check your wishlist!" which is...scummy.

You can always contact Amazon support to get information about gift items. They are authorized to provide certain info to you such as order status, estimated delivery date, if the order was cancelled or if there is a reason it should be delayed. You don't need the person's personal information to find out when a package is supposed to arrive at your home, they just need you to verify name and address.

If you feel like something is fishy they are very helpful and I encourage you to contact them. An order cannot be canceled once it has shipped. If you feel comfortable doing these transactions, get the order ID and shipping/tracking information or contact wishlist support.

This is exactly the reason I've registered and visited this forum (fantastic resource Amber, terrific). My friend is a cam girl and has been "purchased" a few items from her Amazon wishlist by a guy who is now asking for Skype as a thank you. Her concern is that she will have her wish list and Amazon account removed/suspended if she enquires about the status of the order. This is based on her reading that (apparently) Amazon aren't keen about cam girls have wish lists setup. Is that something that others have found from experience?

Thank you all in advance for any help or advice.
phoneafriend said:
SirenLilith said:
Just a quick note from someone who's worked at Amazon about wishlist stuff--

There is an option you can choose that basically tells Amazon you purchased the same item elsewhere and it will register on your wishlist as purchased if you look, but nothing will ever be sent. So it's really easy for dudes to hit that button and say "Go check your wishlist!" which is...scummy.

You can always contact Amazon support to get information about gift items. They are authorized to provide certain info to you such as order status, estimated delivery date, if the order was cancelled or if there is a reason it should be delayed. You don't need the person's personal information to find out when a package is supposed to arrive at your home, they just need you to verify name and address.

If you feel like something is fishy they are very helpful and I encourage you to contact them. An order cannot be canceled once it has shipped. If you feel comfortable doing these transactions, get the order ID and shipping/tracking information or contact wishlist support.

This is exactly the reason I've registered and visited this forum (fantastic resource Amber, terrific). My friend is a cam girl and has been "purchased" a few items from her Amazon wishlist by a guy who is now asking for Skype as a thank you. Her concern is that she will have her wish list and Amazon account removed/suspended if she enquires about the status of the order. This is based on her reading that (apparently) Amazon aren't keen about cam girls have wish lists setup. Is that something that others have found from experience?

Thank you all in advance for any help or advice.

Tell her to tell him that she doesn't want to do a Skype show with him until she's received the items so he can see her open them. It's a polite way of saying "not until they're in my hands, bud"
SexyStephXS said:
Tell her to tell him that she doesn't want to do a Skype show with him until she's received the items so he can see her open them. It's a polite way of saying "not until they're in my hands, bud"

Already done, thank you though. We'll just have to be patient and see what comes of it all.
PunkInDrublic said:
SexyStephXS said:
Why would that be awkward? The only way I can understand this is if you're implying it somehow devalues is manhood cuz someone else is buying his girl things. But I don't think that's what you meant. I guess I just don't see the awkward.
Would be so awkward. "Yo where'd ya get the new panties" "Bigballs4you bought them for me"
idk maybe its just me being weird but I don't think I could deal with random dudes buying gifts for my gf/wife.
Then I assume you wouldn't be OK with your girlfriend camming in the first place, I think.
In my previous relationship, when guys bought me toys for example, my guy was just happy he could integrate them in our sex life :D But he was 100% ok with me camming because he always knew where the line is.
PunkInDrublic said:
Kinda related to this, its gotta be pretty weird for the boyfriends/husbands when it comes to wishlists. I imagine the dude coming home and realizing something new around the house like "whoa where'd the new tv come from?" "Oh stroking4you420 bought it for me." Would be awkward af.

At least in my case, my boyfriend loves it. We put things I like as well as things he'd like to see me in on my Wishlist, and since we have somewhat of a DD/Lg dynamic, he sees me in any gifts before I wear them on cam. He thinks it's cool and my whole room knows I have a boyfriend, so we're all pretty open about it. :thumbleft:

As for very expensive items, while I'd personally much rather save for large items than have them purchased for me, in some ways I can see how it's not all that different from regulars spending thousands of dollars on their favourite models a month. Frequently, big tippers and regulars generously drop huge tips without asking for anything in return (or even insisting that they not be compensated/that their tokens don't count toward a countdown, etc.!), and I think it's the same mindset being manifest when they purchase big ticket items that they know a model would never see coming.
LilyMarie said:
Then I assume you wouldn't be OK with your girlfriend camming in the first place, I think.
I think I'd be ok with camming but I still wouldn't want other dudes gifts in my house. I wouldn't mind if she was a stripper and she got big tips from regulars but don't think I'd be cool with it if they started buying her gifts.
I could see how it would bother some guys. But if he's in on it and getting gifts as well i'm sure he's loving it. But then you flip it around and would guys really be buying stuff for models if they knew it was for her partner? The entire idea of spending large amounts of money on a girl you will never meet, have no shot with and probably views you as nothing more than a pathetic atm is just bizarre. As for lying to models about buying stuff that is just sad.
pinknerds said:
I could see how it would bother some guys. But if he's in on it and getting gifts as well i'm sure he's loving it. But then you flip it around and would guys really be buying stuff for models if they knew it was for her partner? The entire idea of spending large amounts of money on a girl ... [who] probably views you as nothing more than a pathetic atm is just bizarre.

I think you completely misunderstand the mindsets of most models. Give us a little credit, please.

Also, just because there are things on the Wishlist that a model's partner would like doesn't necessarily mean that they are "for" her partner. And some guys actually have humiliation/exploitation fetishes that extend well into the realm of buying a girl items for her to use with another man, though I have not encountered any personally.
Sorry if I offended you Lilah that was not my intent. It's obviously a touchy subject. Which no model will openly bash the guys who pay her bills. That would be bad for business. I just go off of what I have seen on cam. Some girls seem genunine and sweet and have a great room no matter how many tips they are getting like Geniva. But then you see girls who get pissed at one guy and take it out on everyone. Or get offline if the tips are not flowing fast enough to suit them. So you can see why you could think some girls just use guys. It's a balance on both ends to make it enjoyable for the girls and guys imo.
pinknerds said:
Sorry if I offended you Lilah that was not my intent. It's obviously a touchy subject. Which no model will openly bash the guys who pay her bills. That would be bad for business. I just go off of what I have seen on cam. Some girls seem genunine and sweet and have a great room no matter how many tips they are getting like Geniva. But then you see girls who get pissed at one guy and take it out on everyone. Or get offline if the tips are not flowing fast enough to suit them. So you can see why you could think some girls just use guys. It's a balance on both ends to make it enjoyable for the girls and guys imo.

I dont think its a touchy subject per say but more of a who do you think you are assuming most models view people as pathetic ATMs. Are their some who do, yes. But not most by any means. A little more interaction on this forum more than your ONE DAY here will tell you that.

Also there are plenty of models who openly bash the guys who pay her bills. It's their thing, their niche, their room vibe. It's a fetish even for some. A rather huge one in fact. One that is great for their business. Maybe you need to see a little more on cam to know this.

As far as one girl taking it out on everyone cause of one guy lemme tell you that you have no idea what she put up with that day already. Twitter harassment and people begging, a room full of beggars and trolls, PMs of people begging and trolls, and for all you know that "one guy" has been harassing her for months already.
Every person has an off day, one where they snap even on camera, one where trolls can touch a nerve, one where they just are not themselves. It happens to everyone. Even Geniva. Cause we are people. Not perfect. I do not judge you for this and I think we deserve the same in return.

Now tips flowing fast enough to suit us? The faster our tips come in the higher on the site we get placed, which usually means more traffic and tips to pay our bills and eat with. When those tips don't come in girls scores drop and that results in less traffic and usually less money. It's pretty serious. So the next time you see a model leaving due to lack of tips realize she's trying to save her score to try another day. So if you want a girl to stay online .. tip her. Don't complain for her doing so. How would you feel if you went to work and weren't getting paid. Not to great i'm sure.
It's obviously is a touchy subject when you attack me in the very first line. Then go on to do so a few more times. That's okay though. If I offended you or anyone else that deeply i'm truly sorry. I'll just take my beating. :crybaby:

Shoot in all of this I forgot to watch PB&P roar event tonight sigh. :woops:
pinknerds said:
It's obviously is a touchy subject when you attack me in the very first line. Then go on to do so a few more times. That's okay though. If I offended you or anyone else that deeply i'm truly sorry. I'll just take my beating. :crybaby:

Shoot in all of this I forgot to watch PB&P roar event tonight sigh. :woops:
I don't think anyone has attacked you, they just explained things. I think you're being a touch sensitive, there were no cross words. :)
i know some girls who virtually subsidize their existence on their wishlists.

when i moved, a huge portion of the things i needed was bought from it (closets, dressers, side tables, mirrors, lamps, rugs, porch furniture, spice racks, kitchen shelves, bookshelves,

camming supplies - webcams, lights, etc

I have not bought coffee or tea (both of which i consume at a very rapid pace) in two years. I have people that like to make sure that those things are taken care of for me.

Biking gear, hiking equipment...

Office equipment - especially printer ink.

Some people feel more at easy buying presents rather than tokens.

On my birthday I had a pile of presents that literally took an entire wall up in my cam room. It was INSANE. One guy, saw my article in the NY times, was not an MFC member, emailed me and told me i'd been a victim of a spree of random kindness..and proceeded to get me all sorts of things.

When i've needed special items for shows (black light paints etc) they have been bought

$450 camera was purchased for me
new fancy Router

it's really not that nuts to keep a good variety of items you want/need on your wishlist - as many people do prefer to spoil this way.
holy smokes i just read all the posts in this thread.

I don't think buying wishlists gifts is any different than being spoiled by big tips. Its just a different way of doing it.

Girls attitudes of entitlement towards those that tip them are no different from guys who gift them things takes all sorts.

And as for the bf comments - my other half is an active part of my mfc personality - everyone knows about him etc. I don't usually put things on there for him but sometimes for 'us' (our home etc). The funny part? When his birthday rolls around usually one or two members request me to put items on there so they can get him gifts. In the past he's recieved some incredibly thoughtful and personal stuff from members...

And its not awkward when i come out in new panties and he goes 'where did those come from" any more than when i get my paycheck!

MFC is social. Sometimes members can become friends with the boyfriend too :)
Miss_Lollipop said:
holy smokes i just read all the posts in this thread.

I don't think buying wishlists gifts is any different than being spoiled by big tips. Its just a different way of doing it.

Girls attitudes of entitlement towards those that tip them are no different from guys who gift them things takes all sorts.

And as for the bf comments - my other half is an active part of my mfc personality - everyone knows about him etc. I don't usually put things on there for him but sometimes for 'us' (our home etc). The funny part? When his birthday rolls around usually one or two members request me to put items on there so they can get him gifts. In the past he's recieved some incredibly thoughtful and personal stuff from members...

And its not awkward when i come out in new panties and he goes 'where did those come from" any more than when i get my paycheck!

MFC is social. Sometimes members can become friends with the boyfriend too :)

Thanks for the input Lacey.

Have you ever experienced members claiming that they've purchased an item on your wishlist (it actually comes up as purchased when you filter the items) only for it not to have been the case?

I also have a question, if you don't mind (this applies to all models) regarding Amazon safety. I've recommended that my friend invests in a PO Box with mail forwarding to add another layer of security. Is this a common practise and is there a better, safer alternative?

On a side note I just read the article that you were featured in for the New York times (no clue if I can post the link here but I found it via the Miss Lollipop forum and I highly recommed that newer models especially read not only the article but the response from Lacey on her forum) and learnt a lot that I shall be passing onto my friend. Excellent resource.
I put up incredibly expensive things on my wishlist. An ipad, studio lighting kit, webcam, $300 camera, and $900 camera. All of them were purchased for me by the same guy. Then I had a $300 stripper pile and laptop purchased by a different guy *cough MD cough*
I never thought they'd really get purchased for me. I just saw other girls do it so I did the same. I'm sure glad I did and am VERY thankful for those items as they are a huge part of my camming career. The guys that bought them would have tipped me the same amount anyways, but I'd have only received half of it. Personally, I much rather get to receive the full amount of money through a gift than save up twice as much.
It's okay for you not to want to buy a girl an expensive laptop. But it's also okay for another guy to want to and I don't think people should make that guy feel crazy for wanting to do a nice thing. Everyone has different budgets. What's expensive to you, could be nothing to another member.
As for the bf thing...It's only awkward if it's something like a dildo and it happens to be on his side of the dresser, but that's why I have my own room dedicated to camming now. :p
I have always felt there was a weird dynamic between wishlist purchases and tips. I could be completely wrong about this or just biased due to an extremely small sample size. The wishlist purchasers I have seen or known about tended not to tip very much if at all in the models room, where as the bigger tippers tended to not purchase items from the models wishlist. Of course there must be exceptions but do any models notice that trend? If so, I wonder what the psychology is behind that. Maybe some members like the idea of giving a gift over what is essentially a cash transaction when it comes to tipping tokens?
Just Me said:
I have always felt there was a weird dynamic between wishlist purchases and tips. I could be completely wrong about this or just biased due to an extremely small sample size. The wishlist purchasers I have seen or known about tended not to tip very much if at all in the models room, where as the bigger tippers tended to not purchase items from the models wishlist. Of course there must be exceptions but do any models notice that trend? If so, I wonder what the psychology is behind that. Maybe some members like the idea of giving a gift over what is essentially a cash transaction when it comes to tipping tokens?
This has not been the case with me at all. My highest tipper has been incredibly generous when it comes to wishlist items..even bought me my ventriloquist dummy. In fact, most of the items purchased for me have been from high tippers.

There are times an item will be purchased for me and I can't figure out who did it, and in that case I assume it's someone who doesn't normally tip me/visit me on cam, otherwise I feel they'd mention something. This is frustrating when you want to thank someone!

Re: putting expensive things on wishlists...I've put things on my wishlist that I wouldn't in a million years expect anybody to buy me and when they were just completely floored. Without my highest tipper buying Slappy just before a real life performance, I would have been forced to do ventriloquism in a dark bar with a black bird...which would have been a disaster. Instead, I have been able to carve out a niche both online and offline, as he's been a +huge+ part of my life/career. In fact, I can't even fathom where I'd be today without that thoughtful purchase, as I simply don't make enough to afford dummies costing several hundred dollars.

Never underestimate the generosity of mankind.
Just Me said:
I have always felt there was a weird dynamic between wishlist purchases and tips. I could be completely wrong about this or just biased due to an extremely small sample size. The wishlist purchasers I have seen or known about tended not to tip very much if at all in the models room, where as the bigger tippers tended to not purchase items from the models wishlist. Of course there must be exceptions but do any models notice that trend? If so, I wonder what the psychology is behind that. Maybe some members like the idea of giving a gift over what is essentially a cash transaction when it comes to tipping tokens?

A consideration to throw into the mix.

I presume Amazon purchases could be tax write offs for self employed members. Buying token packs would be a little more difficult to explain, but the purchase of goods could be classed as a gift or business expense.
Just Me said:
I have always felt there was a weird dynamic between wishlist purchases and tips. I could be completely wrong about this or just biased due to an extremely small sample size. The wishlist purchasers I have seen or known about tended not to tip very much if at all in the models room, where as the bigger tippers tended to not purchase items from the models wishlist. Of course there must be exceptions but do any models notice that trend? If so, I wonder what the psychology is behind that. Maybe some members like the idea of giving a gift over what is essentially a cash transaction when it comes to tipping tokens?
I'm with Veronica my biggest tippers = biggest gift givers. Non-tippers= no gifts.
PlayboyMegan said:
Just Me said:
I have always felt there was a weird dynamic between wishlist purchases and tips. I could be completely wrong about this or just biased due to an extremely small sample size. The wishlist purchasers I have seen or known about tended not to tip very much if at all in the models room, where as the bigger tippers tended to not purchase items from the models wishlist. Of course there must be exceptions but do any models notice that trend? If so, I wonder what the psychology is behind that. Maybe some members like the idea of giving a gift over what is essentially a cash transaction when it comes to tipping tokens?
I'm with Veronica my biggest tippers = biggest gift givers. Non-tippers= no gifts.
I agreed. When I'm tipping good and there is a good vibe with the model, I sometimes go ahead and buy an item off their wishlist on the same day.
Personally I only do tokens for shows. In the rare occasion someone I have known for a while and developed a good trustworthy friendship with, I will allow amazon gift cards. But of course I only do that because you can cash it into your account before you do the show.

Hope this helps. There can be a lot of scummy members out there and when I was new it happened a lot before I got fed up with it.
PunkInDrublic said:
LilyMarie said:
Then I assume you wouldn't be OK with your girlfriend camming in the first place, I think.
I think I'd be ok with camming but I still wouldn't want other dudes gifts in my house. I wouldn't mind if she was a stripper and she got big tips from regulars but don't think I'd be cool with it if they started buying her gifts.

You wouldn't be okay with your girlfriend receiving gifts but you'd be okay with her receiving money from a member? They are essentially the same thing. Same thing whether the member buys it directly off her wish list or tips her the tokens so she can buy it herself. IDK, not saying you're wrong for feeling that way; I just don't understand why the gifts part is any different from money.
Mia Lynn said:
PunkInDrublic said:
LilyMarie said:
Then I assume you wouldn't be OK with your girlfriend camming in the first place, I think.
I think I'd be ok with camming but I still wouldn't want other dudes gifts in my house. I wouldn't mind if she was a stripper and she got big tips from regulars but don't think I'd be cool with it if they started buying her gifts.

You wouldn't be okay with your girlfriend receiving gifts but you'd be okay with her receiving money from a member? They are essentially the same thing. Same thing whether the member buys it directly off her wish list or tips her the tokens so she can buy it herself. IDK, not saying you're wrong for feeling that way; I just don't understand why the gifts part is any different from money.

I can kinda understand it, because tokens/money are seen more as payment than wishlist items that are seen as gifts. I don't necessarily agree but I can see where someone would be coming from with that, it could blur the line between work & relationship maybe?
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