I have lush, ferri and domi.
It's hard to tell for me what is the most profitable, because I'm using them only couple times per month for 2-3 hours at once. I am not showing my pussy on streams. Tippers are mostly only my regulars, i didn't noticed much more 'new' tippers just because i had the toy. Indeed, sometimes there is someone who will throw tips for patterns or 1-tks, but it's not a big difference. My regulars are not there especially for that, but for sure getting more active when i decide during show that 'it's the time for toy'
So I think it's important to think about something else before buying it.
First - how are your shows looking (my shows are more into moving a lot, but 'domi time' is strictly for fast, big pleasure. This is a time fully focused at pleasure, just sitting, lying. I think i would use different toy if i would want it to be just an 'nice addition' for the stream) and second - what people who visit your room are into (teasing you/get you to orgasm). Also decission should depend on how much body do you show.
From my little experience (of course your body is different, so you can like something else more):
Domi I & my regulars likes the most.
> It's the most effective in pleasure for me, which they see and it's more fun for them and me
> It's also a little 'hard' toy - sometimes it feels after that it's 'too much', that's why i don't use it everyday on streams
> It's hard to stream with. I need to have my hand on domi almost all the time. I think it can be a problem if it's not the main thing that you want to care of or tips are slow. Keeping hand on domi all the time 'waiting' for tips would made me crazy

That's why in my streams i am using that only sometimes and i am sure that in that 2-3 hours tips will flow almost all the time, so i would not have a problem with doing nothing, but waiting
> No problems with loosing connection
> Loud
- Lush was a big failure for me
> It's too big for me to put before streams, lol. I also don't like the feeling, but it's personal thing and you have to try by yourself
> Inside-it give me no pleasure, i hoped for that, but yeah, if you are more a 'clit girl' it can not work well that way
> Outside it's very delicate, what i also do not like very much. It's a good addition to something else or when you don't want big fireworks on streams, but not alone in my case. I think it's moving a little different than domi. Domi is really working with all 'head', when in lush vibrates seems to be more 'in toy'.
> Guys were asking about that a lot, so they are for sure more into that toy (i was too before i got it because of how much girls seem to love that

), but after trying it with me inside & discuss that i felt literally nothing - fully accept it outside or domi and went much more crazy about learning how to give me pleasure with them since they know that i am true and honest in that, so i guess it's not a big deal if you will say that you prefer that way
> I didn't noticed any connection problems
> If you are using outside there is the same problem as with domi - your hand is busy and I found it not very comfortable because of the shape
Ferri is a nice compromise & i'm using that sometimes as a 'foreplay' for domi or on streams where I want it to be a something 'extra' for guys, but not orgasm-oriented
> It has a magnet, so you can attach it to your underwear & do whatever else you want
> It's delicate vibrations, more like lush, but because you put it in a right place it seem to be better (but not 'fireworks' like domi, it's more a long time tease toy)
> It's not very visible - can be advantage or disadvantage

> Loosing connection a lot! I noticed that i need to put a phone in a position, where it's a simple line between that. It looses connection even when i 'hided' it with my leg - so sometimes you can not do whatever you want

> The most silent one
When you are connecting toy to the site you can set up your own setting for each toy, also disable some levels or patterns. I suggest you to use patterns because i noticed that people likes them. Also, make sure that the starting levels are not the same as things in your menu. For example, my medium level start at 10tks, which i had also in menu - you don't know for what someone is tipping in that situation
The nice thing you can do is to create a wish-list on lovense site, where people can participate in buing you that (that's how i got ferri - 2 people decided to split costs between them and buy it), so maybe it's a good choice to buy something by yourself, but make the wishlist about other toy.
I also wanted to notice that no matter what you will choose - if you are also looking for real pleasure, you should give it at least couple of tries. You still have to find out what works for you and for example my firsts moments with domi were not amazing, but right now i can't imagine life without it