Honestly with camscores as low as those mentioned, I as the owner or administrator would have to go into those rooms and take a good hard look to see if they are even trying. If I feel they are not, then I would have to make a decision as to allow them to continue. I know this sounds awful, but a business needs to be run. And although minimal, wasted bandwidth is wasted bandwidth. Please understand, that I stress the word "trying" as if I feel they are at least making a concerted to be successful, I would keep them on. But models, who are not paying attention to the room, or not realizing that what they are doing isn't working. They have to go. Business 101. I wouldn't be on mfc or here if i were not a perv. But I am a businessman first.
P.S. What i said about the low camscore models, also applies to studios who are not pulling in the business with there models...