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Looking for kiwi camgirls to participate in AUT study

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Apr 22, 2017
Hey guys! I'm looking for NZ-based webcam models to interview for my Masters thesis. The interviews are 100% confidential and any identifying features (name, personal info, etc.) will be removed or changed prior to publishing. (I also want to assure you that I am not anti-sex work or anything like that - this is just an exploratory study looking at your experiences.) If you are:

1) 18 or over
2) Have cammed for income either currently or at some point in the last five years, and
3) Identify as a woman (trans-inclusive) OR perform as a woman when working but personally identify as another gender

... then please message me for more information :)

NOTE: This is a legitimate study and I'm happy to send you the ethics approval, information sheet and my own personal details. I've posted on a few different online forums and prefer to keep my details off the main announcement as I'm also a young woman trying to minimise trolling/harassment. If you need any additional details, please let me know!
people maybe more inclined to participate in your study if you go explain what your study entails, "young woman who is a member on here."
people maybe more inclined to participate in your study if you go explain what your study entails, "young woman who is a member on here."

Sure thing! I'm going to quote a couple parts from my information sheet (which any of you are more than welcome to message me and request in full):

What is the purpose of this research?

I want to explore the experiences of camgirls in New Zealand. In doing this, I hope to not only add to a relatively new area of research, but also allow camgirls themselves to voice their opinions and experiences. Academic research about sex work tends to make judgments without giving the people involved with the work itself the chance to voice their perspectives. I find this problematic. With my project, your viewpoints (should you choose to participate) would be hugely beneficial.

I should note that the main purpose of this research is to use it to form a Master’s thesis. I may also use data from the research in conference presentations, journal articles and/or other academic publications/presentations. To clarify, your information will be 100% confidential – I will refer to you by a fake name and take out or change any identifying information from your interview.

What will happen in this research?

Your part in this research will consist of a single one-on-one interview. All you will have to do is meet with me at a convenient prearranged time (either at AUT or via Skype/FaceTime) and talk to me for around about an hour. The conversation will be recorded on a digital recording device and later transcribed by me so I can use your quotes and ideas as the basis for my research.

What are the discomforts and risks?

Firstly, I can guarantee there won’t be any physical discomforts or risks. However, we will be talking frankly about your experiences when camming, which has the possibility of making you a bit embarrassed or uncomfortable. Your comfort will be the first priority, so please keep in mind that you will be more than welcome to refuse to answer any question or stop the interview entirely if you wish.

How will these discomforts and risks be alleviated?

The interview should be a very relaxed atmosphere – I’m only interested in your experiences. First of all, I will organise a place and time to meet you based on whatever would make you the most comfortable (it’s up to you). I want to stress that if you become uncomfortable during the interview, you are more than welcome to change the topic, refuse to answer any question at any time, and/or drop out of the study altogether with no questions asked. Finally, I will provide you with a list of different support services at the end of the interview, just in case any issues come up that you want to address.

How will my privacy be protected?

I will ensure your privacy is protected in three key ways:

1) I will assign you a pseudonym (fake name) that I will refer to you as in my research,

2) I will alter or remove any obviously distinguishing parts of your interview (i.e. references to close friends, where you live or what you look like) and

3) I will ensure that only myself and my supervisors have access to the data and your contact details.

All data from this project will be destroyed after six years.

So yeah, those are the main ideas around it. I'm keeping it quite exploratory until I get all of my data, because I don't want to assume anything at all about your experiences - I am not anti-sex work or worker in any shape or form, but I am not a personally a sex worker/cam-model, so how would I know? However, if you're interested in my personal politics - I'm a proponent of sex work as legitimate labour, for sex workers to be respected for their choices and agency, and I advocate for full decriminalisation of the industry.

Also, I know my account is brand new which looks totally suss - I haven't used these forums before, but was told about them by a couple participants. If you were interested in participating but still aren't too sure about me as a person, I'm happy to send you personal details if you message me! I keep my social media relatively private just because I'm a teacher, but I have a public Twitter and I can even do a quick Skype with you to just chat about the research/prove I'm a real person :)
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it's not clear from the information you've provided why the country someone cams from is pertinent to the thesis. What's the reasoning there?

I have to assume there's an important reason (obviously if the thesis was merely psychological rather than cultural you could get data from any English-speaking camgirl), because otherwise why would you risk limiting your data pool so heavily.

I just bring it up because I've yet to stumble across any females camming who advertised as being Kiwi (and if you speak it's kinda hard to hide that fact (you could pretend to be a kiwi in another country with very similar daylight hours, I guess), so if they're out there I don't know how much luck you'll have finding them.
it's not clear from the information you've provided why the country someone cams from is pertinent to the thesis. What's the reasoning there?

I have to assume there's an important reason (obviously if the thesis was merely psychological rather than cultural you could get data from any English-speaking camgirl), because otherwise why would you risk limiting your data pool so heavily.

I just bring it up because I've yet to stumble across any females camming who advertised as being Kiwi (and if you speak it's kinda hard to hide that fact (you could pretend to be a kiwi in another country with very similar daylight hours, I guess), so if they're out there I don't know how much luck you'll have finding them.

Good question! There were a few reasons for limiting the sample to NZ-based camgirls:

1) I would prefer to conduct mostly face-to-face interviews (conversation flows better) so Auckland participants are the most ideal. Other places around NZ are also fine - I go to Wellington occasionally - but Skype interviews work too! A lack of time difference also makes it easier for both of us.

2) Most importantly: Some of my participants so far don't only cam, but work in other areas of the sex industry, such as full-service work. New Zealand is unique in terms of sex work legislation (it's fully decriminalised here) so I assume this variable will have an effect on my participants' perceptions of the industry as a whole, how safe they feel in general, etc. I'm really interested in comparative research (I'm thinking of doing a project for my PhD that compares the experiences of NZ sex workers to those overseas) but currently my interest is camming specifically, so I'm basically just taking out an additional variable that's hard to control for.

3) Despite that, I would have been really interested to broaden the scope and look at a range of webcam model experiences - different nationalities, genders, couples, etc. But it's only a one-year thesis, which is actually quite a small project. My participant pool will be limited to 10-12, and I already have 7 :)
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Sure thing! I'm going to quote a couple parts from my information sheet (which any of you are more than welcome to message me and request in full):

What is the purpose of this research?

I want to explore the experiences of camgirls in New Zealand. In doing this, I hope to not only add to a relatively new area of research, but also allow camgirls themselves to voice their opinions and experiences. Academic research about sex work tends to make judgments without giving the people involved with the work itself the chance to voice their perspectives. I find this problematic. With my project, your viewpoints (should you choose to participate) would be hugely beneficial.

I should note that the main purpose of this research is to use it to form a Master’s thesis. I may also use data from the research in conference presentations, journal articles and/or other academic publications/presentations. To clarify, your information will be 100% confidential – I will refer to you by a fake name and take out or change any identifying information from your interview.

What will happen in this research?

Your part in this research will consist of a single one-on-one interview. All you will have to do is meet with me at a convenient prearranged time (either at AUT or via Skype/FaceTime) and talk to me for around about an hour. The conversation will be recorded on a digital recording device and later transcribed by me so I can use your quotes and ideas as the basis for my research.

What are the discomforts and risks?

Firstly, I can guarantee there won’t be any physical discomforts or risks. However, we will be talking frankly about your experiences when camming, which has the possibility of making you a bit embarrassed or uncomfortable. Your comfort will be the first priority, so please keep in mind that you will be more than welcome to refuse to answer any question or stop the interview entirely if you wish.

How will these discomforts and risks be alleviated?

The interview should be a very relaxed atmosphere – I’m only interested in your experiences. First of all, I will organise a place and time to meet you based on whatever would make you the most comfortable (it’s up to you). I want to stress that if you become uncomfortable during the interview, you are more than welcome to change the topic, refuse to answer any question at any time, and/or drop out of the study altogether with no questions asked. Finally, I will provide you with a list of different support services at the end of the interview, just in case any issues come up that you want to address.

How will my privacy be protected?

I will ensure your privacy is protected in three key ways:

1) I will assign you a pseudonym (fake name) that I will refer to you as in my research,

2) I will alter or remove any obviously distinguishing parts of your interview (i.e. references to close friends, where you live or what you look like) and

3) I will ensure that only myself and my supervisors have access to the data and your contact details.

All data from this project will be destroyed after six years.

So yeah, those are the main ideas around it. I'm keeping it quite exploratory until I get all of my data, because I don't want to assume anything at all about your experiences - I am not anti-sex work or worker in any shape or form, but I am not a personally a sex worker/cam-model, so how would I know? However, if you're interested in my personal politics - I'm a proponent of sex work as legitimate labour, for sex workers to be respected for their choices and agency, and I advocate for full decriminalisation of the industry.

Also, I know my account is brand new which looks totally suss - I haven't used these forums before, but was told about them by a couple participants. If you were interested in participating but still aren't too sure about me as a person, I'm happy to send you personal details if you message me! I keep my social media relatively private just because I'm a teacher, but I have a public Twitter and I can even do a quick Skype with you to just chat about the research/prove I'm a real person :)
There must be plenty of kiwi girls doing it but of the 4 sites I've visited I've only come across 1 kiwi girl on CB, even aussie girls are rare.
I'm a kiwi so I'd spot the accent.
There are some on MFC but i can't think of any names at the moment. Try enabling regional filters but accessing from NZ you may need a vpn to see them.
There must be plenty of kiwi girls doing it but of the 4 sites I've visited I've only come across 1 kiwi girl on CB, even aussie girls are rare.
I'm a kiwi so I'd spot the accent.

Yeah, my participants have been saying the same thing - "TEN? You'll be lucky to get that many!" - hence my attempts at finding participants on a number of online forums. I made a reddit thread on r/newzealand that hasn't really gotten any traction, other than a bit of trolling at the beginning ... if any of you guys have any ideas of other places I could look and ask, it would be much appreciated!

Importantly though, my participant pool includes anyone who's cammed in the last five years (2012 - now) so if y'all know anyone who doesn't cam anymore but did in that year bracket, please let me know so I can send them a friendly message/email (or link them this thread!) :)

There are some on MFC but i can't think of any names at the moment. Try enabling regional filters but accessing from NZ you may need a vpn to see them.

Yeah I was thinking about doing that, but then I thought - they have those geo-blockers up for a reason, right? Just because I'm looking to recruit for an academic study and not seek their services doesn't make it okay (in fact, it makes it worse, because I'd be violating their privacy without even compensating them with payment). So yeah, I reckon I'll only contact people in ways that they're comfortable being contacted :)
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Yes I forgot about thd geo filter thing.
I only found Web camming a year ago but it is a fascinating form of adult entertainment.
I never expected to meet so many nice friendly people...and it's a great way for someone to earn a living if you have what it takes.
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Importantly though, my participant pool includes anyone who's cammed in the last five years

any female* :pompous:

they have those geo-blockers up for a reason, right? Just because I'm looking to recruit for an academic study and not seek their services doesn't make it okay

the reason is probably 'small town' syndrome. NZ is a small nation, they fear being discovered. Since you're not going to out them or try to stalk them, I don't think you could rightly lump yourself in with 'people they want to hide from'. But I dunno, ask the other 7 participants what they'd think?
any female* :pompous:

the reason is probably 'small town' syndrome. NZ is a small nation, they fear being discovered. Since you're not going to out them or try to stalk them, I don't think you could rightly lump yourself in with 'people they want to hide from'. But I dunno, ask the other 7 participants what they'd think?

Anyone who identifies as a woman generally or identifies as a woman only when camming too :)

But yeah, that's a good point! I'll message my participants and see what they think. I'd still prefer not to for the reasons I mentioned though.
2 out of 3 :(

good luck, there doesn't seem to be many of us.

Btw, totally forgot to reply to this - sorry! Really wish I could include you - it's mainly just because 1) like I've mentioned, it's a very small-scale study and 2) prior sex work research is really focused on the experiences of women (to its detriment, definitely, but I need to work with and understand what exists before I can challenge it properly). In saying that, if I get funding for a bigger project that looks at the experiences of webcam models of more genders, I'll definitely hit you up! :)
Btw, totally forgot to reply to this - sorry! Really wish I could include you - it's mainly just because 1) like I've mentioned, it's a very small-scale study and 2) prior sex work research is really focused on the experiences of women (to its detriment, definitely, but I need to work with and understand what exists before I can challenge it properly).

ah. I was thinking maybe it's for 'women's studies' or something rather than sociology/psychology, so men were simply beyond the purview. appreciate the explanation.
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