AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Looking for a specific model

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scroll down to her message wall for 1 Jan 2013 to stop the autoplay for MeTaMoRpHoSiS posted by LoungeMax. Her last login was 28 Jan 11:39 am hope this helps.
LadyLuna said:
I had a random thought... and this isn't meant to say that this applies to this gentleman, just that it's possible...

How would we know that it's not a case of a guy coming here with a pic of his girlfriend to make sure she's not a cammodel?

I actually thought of this too. But it wasn't that exactly, I was thinking say people I know know I'm a cam model, yet they don't know what website I work on. Someone who doesn't like me in real life or has a personal grudge against me could take a picture off facebook and post on camgirl forums to find my cam girl profile. If my cam girl profile got into the wrong hands it could destroy my life and my camming career. People know what I do, but it's very different from everyone in my town being able to actually see me. Or even people printing out naked pics and putting them everywhere. (I had a very immature, crazy ex flatmate who I had to kick out about a year ago, she would have done this stuff)

I'm not saying I thought this is the case here, but actually kind of scary how easy it could be.
Thanks guys, that's her, and on her profile even says I've admired her even though when I looked before it wasn't showing up. If anyone is worried about her name being around feel free to delete the thread.
Yes, if a model happens to give a member her real name, it's should be considered a private matter, and not spread publicly unless she specifically says she doesn't care.
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