Ah. Juju remains ever the class act that she's always been. She's put lilsecrett's pic with her huge tits out (and barely sensored) on the front page of her Twitter account...
In a blatant attempt to gather more views for her inane petition, when the steam's clearly running out. Also very classy is the way she brazenly admits to her
waiting for a slow news day in order to 'out' another model when the media will be sure to pay it the appropriate amount of attention. ...Simply because
makes her moist.
http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/that-makes-me-moist.jpg (That link is meant to be 'invisible', but I'm not used to these forums, so, meh.)
weirdbr said:
And to add to the story - someone is now going in some MFC rooms posting a link to a gofund.me campaign supposedly for littlesecret's defense costs (lawyer plus fine up to 5K).
I doubt that it's really her. Somehow, I doubt she'd want for money at this juncture. I mean I would pay that in a heart-beat if I had, say, a cool million lying
in my bank account. And judging by the tips she got, plenty of dudes did in fact have it, and wouldn't mind parting with 5 promilles of it in order to do some
good ol'-fashioned white-knightin' (especially if 'rewards' could be arranged).
I take it that no one monitors that site -- what with titles like 'help me buy new Xmas presents for my kid who got his STOLEN';
'help my autistic daughter SWIM with DOLPHINS!'; 'help us STOP ISIS!'; etc. I wonder how the presumed third party has framed his (or her) request, though?
'Please help me pay my legal fees after I accidentally exposed myself over 50 times in various libraries... *puppy eyes pic w/ tits hanging out*'
It actually shocks me that people are willing to just give their money to some stranger, with no guarantees of where (or even to whom) it's going.
Maybe I should try a campaign on that site, too (must be illegal in Finland though, like all get-rich-quick schemes). I'd roll up a real tear-jerker:
'Help my BLIND BROTHER who's a SOLDIER to REBUILD the HOME of AUTISTIC flood-VICTIMS w/ CANCER who are being REFUSED help by the GOVERNMENT..! Also, they're KILLING DOLPHINS!!!1'
:sad6: :angry-soapbox: :angelic-sunshine: :banana-ninja: :law-policered: :flags-usa: :confusion-helpsos:
Could you send me the link by PM btw (if you have it)? I tried searching for it, and it's not under 'emergencies' like most legal stuff. After that I'm not sure which
category'd be the best fit for it. Probably 'national news', haha. (Sorry lil if you're reading this.
