OK. Time to fess up. While broadcasting Friday night, there's the "Promote" button. 150 tk. I am, for good or bad, the kind of person who will try most anything once. So I did. There is a countdown but that's it. No other indication that you are current in the rotation. I only got 2 new followers out of it which I may have gotten without the promotion. I had maybe a few more people in my room than normal, and while it satisfied my curiosity, this feature is not for me.
chaturbate doesn't pick winners and losers and the only thing they do is randomly pick people in the top 5 of a gender for the affiliates. If they just wanted to boost successful models to the front while the worst earners end up in the back they would use a camscore system which is what all the other cam sites are doing.
Update: It looks like the 9th spot in the Male and Female sections are also now showing Promoted models. If they’re going to offer this, it’s at least a step in the right direction, getting the models some better-targeted visibility to members who prefer one gender.
I don’t see it on Couples or Trans at the moment, but maybe it’s because there just aren’t any models in those categories currently paying for promotion.
This is great actually .. wish they will implement it.I understand that CB wants to make more money for stuff like this, however, don't you all agree that it should be based on the time a model has spent online for the day or week and EARN it through the already existing hard work they do?
I mean for an example:
The Model must work 4/6/8 consecutive hrs and will then be put in one of the pools to be promoted FREE for 5 minutes.
Or it could be a weekly timer instead: 20 hrs in the space of 7 days / Or monthly at LEAST.
At the moment it's probably people not earning that are being tempted and wasting their little tokens that they have thinking "wow i will be on the main page for 5 mins" and thinking that will get them plenty of new people and tips, when in reality they have simply just [most likely] wasted 100 tokens. So, personally, I think a way for models to earn for free as well as maybe the option to purchase, would be great. Or it could be work XX hours get a 20% discount from it. Work XX hours get 50% off it.
I think it's a good idea but needs a lot more work
jeeez, fixed errors and made the post a bit better to read.
I understand that CB wants to make more money for stuff like this, however, don't you all agree that it should be based on the time a model has spent online for the day or week and EARN it through the already existing hard work they do?
I mean for an example:
The Model must work 4/6/8 consecutive hrs and will then be put in one of the pools to be promoted FREE for 5 minutes.
Or it could be a weekly timer instead: 20 hrs in the space of 7 days / Or monthly at LEAST.
At the moment it's probably people not earning that are being tempted and wasting their little tokens that they have thinking "wow i will be on the main page for 5 mins" and thinking that will get them plenty of new people and tips, when in reality they have simply just [most likely] wasted 100 tokens. So, personally, I think a way for models to earn for free as well as maybe the option to purchase, would be great. Or it could be work XX hours get a 20% discount from it. Work XX hours get 50% off it.
I think it's a good idea but needs a lot more work
jeeez, fixed errors and made the post a bit better to read.
Careful what you wish for, the 8k or so models you see online at a time is but a tiny sliver of the massive number of broadcasters, I can't even imagine what would happen if CB sent out an email with the subject, "FREE 1ST PAGE PROMOTION IF YOU BROADCAST 20 HOURS A WEEK"if the servers don't crash (they probably will) the level of competition would be ridiculous.
Wouldn't CB had to have somehow change their placement algorithm in order for this feature to work without upsetting the placement of models who will not need to use this feature(those who are already on the main page...etc?)??
I don’t think view bots are even realLol seems like instead of fighting all the cheaters buying fake member viewers from Russian farms and polluting the homepage now CB has decided they want a piece of the cake and are going to start selling the homepage to the highest bidder aka the stupidest models and studios making it even harder now for legit camgirls to rise on the homepage. I can’t say I am excited to comeback to this when my break is over. Chaturbate should realize compromising your site’s quality isn’t worth the usd $500 per hour per spot they plan on earning from this operation. Also what a JOKE the contest is now paying the top girl $10 PER HOUR of top quality entertainment while you SELL the 9th spot for about $500 an hour. They should give at least half the profit to the poor souls who will be busting their ass entertaining their viewers and carrying all the dead weight of the cheaters and the bidders on that homepage. Maybe it’s time top performers explore other options.
An excellent question, I actually looked into this recently and here is how it works.
Instead of the front featured page having 90 slots like every other page it has 91 slots, the 9th slot is not real, pretend its an advertisement shoved into the 90 slots of the first page designed to look like a real slot. This is why you can't see the promoted person in the first few rows of cbhours.com because in reality they are still in their original position.
Correct, they would have had to add additional code to prevent the model from displaying twice if she was already on the first page. i don't think they would have taken the time but its possible.that model could - theoretically - appear on Page 1 twice in two different spots (paid spot plus her actual rank spot).
2) I think the Promoted Slot needs to stand out more. A simple way would be to add a few pixels border on it which is blue or orange. This could affect the UI, by changing the size, so maybe a better alternative would be the change the "window bg" colour (for where it says the room title, location, etc) to blue orange,
The risk is if it stands out too much, it may look like an ad, and many people have trained their eyes to look past anything that looks like an ad.
That means that if something crazy happened and a model was paying for a promoted spot while also having a good enough rank to appear on Page 1 without promotion, that model could - theoretically - appear on Page 1 twice in two different spots (paid spot plus her actual rank spot).
believe it is based primarily on demand, more demand higher cost.Does anyone know what the pricing is determined by exactly?
Is it the demand of being in the pool by models, or is it how many viewers are currently on the website - or people with tokens?
Or is it a combination of both/all?
Is there any way for us to find this out?
believe it is based primarily on demand, more demand higher cost.
What I am noticing from all of these rooms, is that they all have few viewers. And still, after they have bought the promotion.
I truly think they the idea is great for models but needs improvement. I think one of those can be to give the models 15 minutes on the promoted spot instead of just 5mins, it clearly isn't enough.