First of all, I don't care about money or possessions or
cars at all. The guy I was with the longest was and is struggling. But he works hard. Money itself is not attractive. Making an effort to make money and be able to take care of yourself
is, and it earns my respect. You have to be going
somewhere in life.
I have a thing for guys in suits but that's not because of money, either. They just look good and put-together and like they're in control of things.
I'm into very confident guys, probably because I'm not confident at all.
When someone's able to entertain a whole group of people by being interesting and saying interesting things, that totally gets me.
He has to be funny and share my sense of humor and listen to me when I'm talking instead of just waiting for his turn to speak. All other character traits that I like usually only turn up later in a friendship/relationship and this thread is about first impressions.
As far as looks go...
I'm into classically handsome guys unfortunately. There's nothing I can do about it. I love a strong jawline, straight nose and good skin. I don't really care that much about hair, but I don't like hair that's too long or light/medium blond. I looove green and grey eyes. He should have a twinkle in his eyes when he's laughing.
Also three-day stubble that looks like he didn't put much thought into it.
Being athletic/muscular has become a necessity for me...

I just think it's sexy. Not only because of how it looks but also because it symbolizes strength and endurance. A good body indicates that he's able to toss me around in bed for hours. That's hot. I also love seeing muscles work under a guy's skin in non-sexual situations, like when he stretches or does the dishes or something. I'm weird like that.
I used to have a completely different taste as a teenager for several years, I used to be into super skinny alternative thoughtful shy poetry-writing guys. :mrgreen: I've never been attracted to chubby/overweight guys in any way, no matter how cool or nice they are. I've tried, in order to make myself feel less shallow and especially because I'm not on the skinny side either, but it's not working.