Care to site a credible source for that claim? And again, there’s plenty of risk involved with accusing, even if you don’t want to believe that’s the case.
It's quoting her in an NPR interview (I can't find the NPR link and the link from the NBC article is somewhat broken). But it does quote her statement.
"In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered, and I was sure that it probably did. I had no idea that I would have to now go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over [MSNBC] and Twitter.” She does say more than this which is quoted so not to disrupt context.
No lie detector.
He's a lawyer and a judge. Lie detection test are fault and aren't able to be admissible in evidence his the US circuit courts so why would he or anyone count on a test that can't be used in a court of law. Saying someone passed a lie detector is audience play because you don't have to mention when they fail one and nothing about it is can be used an real evidence. it's just people using TV court logic to add more drama.
What if she's a sociopath? Sociopaths love being therapist because they can practice pretending to care. Half the Shane youtube thing is about explaining sociopaths. I can't think of anything more enjoyable if she was a sociopath than to convince an entire country to hate someone with just accusation and some tears.