Harassment is an illegal crime that has a legal definition, MFC is not a law enforcement agency, nor is MFC our employer. We are independent contractors, and MFC owes jack shit to us other than the money we make, as per the contract that each and every model has signed & has on record. MFC can ban for perceived harassment, or really for whatever they want, but to me that is a slippery slope & leads to "you banned x model for this reason, what about this other model that did the same thing?"
Again, if you read the replies above, I was responding to Jerry's post stating "the real world has bullies and assholes in every line of work". My point being that in other workplaces, there are policies and rules to prevent harassment at work. So his point that this is somehow about PC types and the inference that there is a different "real world" in which we'll have to face bullies without recourse (or whatever he was inferring) is not a strong one.
And again, I do know how MFC works and what an independent contractor is