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Indie Games

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Aug 21, 2011
London, UK
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There was a small thread that spoke briefly about some indie games a while back that has since been locked

Any way time has moved on and new games come out, so I was wondering what everyone was playing from indie devs.

I'm currently in love with a game called Factorio you have to extract the raw resources to build things and the key to this is how you transport them on belts or later robots.

An honorable mention also goes out to RimWorld, no you filthy minded person it's not about that, it's a space colony simulator.
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Really? I completed it in few days :) It wasn't very hard for me at all.
I like the game and fully recommend anyone play it to see what it's about, I wouldn't say it was difficult but it became a bit repetitive in what you had to do. I probably also had another game on Steam I wanted to play, so dropped it and never got back to it, that happens from time to time.

Factorio which ironically it the epitome of repetitiveness, I've played over 120 hours but I think the puzzle solving elements of 'how to I fix this' keep it challenging.
Hotline Miami 1 and 2 are absolutely fantastic with just the right amount of teeth-gritting challenge. Oh, and they have the best soundtracks I've heard in a long time, I even listen to the music while camming sometimes(and I totally squeee when a user recognizes it).
I've replayed the first one over and over trying to beat my times and scores, still working on beating the second(imho, it's WAY harder than the first). Cool graphics, fast gameplay, and an interesting story. A+ in my book.
I mostly play indie stuff nowadays because it's almost always short (sometimes a few hours, usually less than an hour or two) which fits within my free time well. Also, I like seeing experimental games/approaches, and you're a lot more likely to find that in an or kickstarted game than in a AAA title.

The one I always recommend to everyone is Space Funeral. It's simply the shit. Anything made by thecatamites is awesome, but this is definitely the game I've replayed the most. Seems like it's just brutal without a message, but the ending makes the whole thing make sense - something that doesn't happen too often in 0-budget indie games.

Another cool game with old-school gameplay mixed with new techniques is Dropsy, a point-and-click adventure/puzzle game where you play as a clown that only wants to help people and hug them. It's a longer game and as such costs money, but I thought it was definitely worth it.

Another point-and-click game that has just as strong of a soundtrack & interesting of a world as the above 2 but without being so "edgy" (or to put it another way, a more straightforward and sincere game) is The Whispered World. This one is also a bit longer than other indie games but is definitely worth it, especially for the crazy ending.

And probably most importantly: Goat Simulator.
I feel like a Macross veritech fighter pilot while playing Galak-Z (17-BIT) and it's insanely fun! It's also very challenging because when you die you start all over with no ship upgrades and the level designs are different each time you play because they're procedurally generated. The latter makes the game very frustrating at times but also very satisfying and rewarding when you finally beat a level. I'd highly recommend purchasing the game if they discounted the price a bit (currently $20 :wtf:)
I'm enjoying the shit out of Undertale. The writing is clever and endearing and the whole experience is a nostalgia bomb for old NES-era RPGs. It reminds me a lot of Earthbound, actually.
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