AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Identify This Model

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V.I.P. AmberLander
Jul 16, 2011
Can someone tell me this model's name? I need to find her so I can tell her my deepest feelings of love I developed for her that one night I lurked in her room saying nothing as I took screen caps that cropped out her name. Any advice for the best way to let her know how I feel? Please only give me advice I want to hear by the way, none of that fantasy crushing stuff.


PlayboyMegan said:
Can someone please make an "Identify This Model" thread, that everyone with this question can post in? :pray:
I don't think she cams anymore. I swear I saw her on the street a while back but I was too nervous to approach... but because I'm a total creeper I felt completely fine with taking a cell snap of her. Perhaps if she had a can or something to drop nickels in... but with all those layers, who would have time to wait around for a flash?
Hey guys I saw this MFC girl on a tube site and now I really want to find her so I can watch her as a guest/basic and never pay a cent!
I really really like her, she's so pretty and in the video I saw that looked like it was shot with a potato aimed at a computer monitor, she was fully naked! I didn't have to sit through a nude countdown of slow tippers!
There've been a lot of these threads today, I think maybe there should be an individual thread, where these people can just go to. Then I can ignore the entire thing and not be tempted to be completely "ughhh bugger off!!" and if anyone makes a new thread we can go "post in here" and there will be no more of it!

It's the problem with "idiot" posts. Which are usually some question repeated over and over again. It's not necessarily that it's that "oh my god, you're so stupid" it's more "oh my god, please stop asking this stuff!" even though actually, the individual didn't know that so many others had asked this stuff before. (partly because they didn't do the research)

I mean I get irritated when 100's of people ask where I live, how old I am, how big my breasts are, do I have videos etc etc etc, when they could have taken about a minute to click on my profile and scan through. I don't have much info on my profile, it's pretty much "these are my videos" then "faq" then "room rules" Yet I get asked the same questions. Is it fair that I get annoyed at one guy asking that question because a gazillion others had asked that, and because the info is written so clearly if they bothered finding it?

It's easy to bunch people together.

I think maybe we should have a thread of "where can I find this model?" and a thread with all the links to previous "I'm falling for this camgirl" including the "how now to fall in love with cam models" (or something like that) thread. Does anyone have links to previous topics in that area?
PlayboyMegan said:
Looks familiar.
I was walking down the street once in LA, and I could have sworn I saw this girl in the reflection of a store window, but when I turned around, she was gone. :lol:

I once opened a door to a bathroom, was looking down at the time, walked in, bumped into someone and went "oh sorry!" very surprised, huh.... the wall was in fact a mirror, and I had bumped into myself/the mirror... should put that in the blonde moments thread!
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