As the title suggests I tried to be cheap and DIY my hair ; suffice to say it's a complete disaster and I'm lucky that I got an appointment at the salon to fix it
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Thanks for the kind words ; I think it doesn't come across as shocking on camera ; it's really hideous in personI don't mind it. I think it suits you. Just looks like highlights to me. Went into your room and seems other members like it too. Maybe not so bad after all.
It’s not that bad!! I’ve seen worse at home bleach disasters, myself included lol. One thing I’ve learned is that it’s never cheaper to bleach your hair by yourself.I tried to do a balaye but I have a mullet and my sectioning was terrible so I only bleached it once: hence theyellow stripes
All I see is you with highlights in your hair, and it looks good to mesuffice to say it's a complete disaster
I'm liking it!! I think it says East London Art Student and looks coolAs the title suggests I tried to be cheap and DIY my hair ; suffice to say it's a complete disaster and I'm lucky that I got an appointment at the salon to fix it
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What a fox!
Goddammit woman, you're flippin gorgeous whatever hairstyle. Phwoar!Okay! Thank you everyone for the lovely words of encouragement! The hairdresser was lost for words when he saw me : although you couldn't see it on the photo, I had large patches of piss yellow hair in between my black at the back of my head.
So I had it dyed a bluish black (but the black is so intense you don't see the blue / the blue was absorbed by the bleached hair idk) anyway its a slightly more intense black than my natural hair colour but I'm soooo relieved it looks okay now
Phew! An expensive lesson learnt to not fuck with my hair again and just leave it to the professionals. I really would like to go a very ash platinum blonde but it'll have to wait until this hair is grown out
The hairdresser complimented me on the mullet though - said he's never seen a woman Rock a mullet in person so yay
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I like your new hair much better. Good for you for realizing and owning your mistake! I've had a few stupid hair jobs done and still made fine money by lighting and angling tricks- i definitely learned from my mistakes though. (I always trust my gut instinct, I never trust myself to do it, and when I find a stellar stylist, I cough up the cash for her and do what she says. No good blonde will be fast for dark haired). My last blonde im growing out now cost me initially $2500 to get to over 2 years, about $1000 a year to maintain. My income nearly doubled becsuse it was done well and looked good. There is no short cut to a good blonde if you are black haired. I think your big owning attitude is the best seller of all though, and if you can take no shit you will still crush in cam world.
Congrats on getting back up!!!! Love the fighting attitude
Btw: I love pro blonde on dark haired ladies, my mom is a hair stylist, I grew up in this stuff. If you want to talk diff styles of blonde that go well with diff skin types send me a PM. I have olive colored skin so cool or mushroom tones go good with olive-brown Asian skins, I'm all about geekin out for this for Asian or POC!
BTW, what is your nationality and ethnicity? Its very relevant to hair!!
TBH I don't think it looks bad lol you're beautiful! But I DO feel you. Did this in college to save money but it ended up breaking off and turning orange. Now I let the pro's handle it!As the title suggests I tried to be cheap and DIY my hair ; suffice to say it's a complete disaster and I'm lucky that I got an appointment at the salon to fix it
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