I joined MFC last December and I truly do love it here. I've made a few good friends that continue on outside the network. I'm 51 years old and appreciate all that the models do. I guess my only wish is that some of the guys would just learn simple old fashioned manners and be nice to the girls. When I see guys saying rude things to the girls in chat and treating them like trash, I wish I had my own BAN button to kick them to the moon. And sadly, they make nice guys like me hard to talk to the girls at times because they come into chat like a drunk bull in a china cabinet. I'll see most of the models just smile like its no big deal but usually when I ask them about it, they're pissed off but, they deal with it because they need the money. It's too bad there's not a way to force guys to be nice sometimes but I guess with the new younger generation (and some of us older guys), manners just aren't what they used to be. But, personally I refuse to change and no matter what I will do my best to always be nice and polite because these girls work hard for what they do for us and thanks to having one awesome mom myself, I'll never stop saying the little things like "Thank you". It goes a long way sometimes to make a girls day a little bit better (sometimes better than we will ever know). And oh yes.. guys.... when you go out to eat, you always tip right? Well, I doubt the waitress serving you a steak isn't going to take off her clothes and play with her Magic Wand but you still tip her right? Then tip the models because last I checked, they are much more appealing than any steak dinner lol. Just my two cents, thanks for reading. If you see me around, come say hi to me, I love making new friends. Thanks for making my time here at MFC, truly great!