I spent a good amount of time playing both Hunie games last night. Here are my thoughts:
1) HunieCam: I thought it was very funny regardless of how accurate it is (or isn't). You have to be actively looking for a reason to be offended in order for your feewings to get hurt playing it. Now, the mechanics of the game *are* offensive. I played all the way through and couldn't get a trophy here is why: clicking buildings works if the items they spawn are in the order of the units, tens, or hundreds. So, it is okay to click for cigarettes, but with money, once you start making over 1000 a day, it is impossible. I leave my finger clicking the building permanently and I am still incurring on debt at the end of the day or failing to buy promos and upgrade my studio simply because there are 3200 dollars stuck on the fucking building with no way to get them. Models make money faster than you can click, and you spend money faster than you can click as well unless you hold back. But if you hold back you can't make 10,000 followers. 4/10 because the mechanics are so fucked.
2) HuniePop: super fun, superior game compared to huniecam simply because it works. But it gets repetitive. I fucked 2 girls already and have no reason to keep trying since it is in essence a dumbed down Bejeweled game. 6/10 because it beats watching reruns of The Voice in Hulu.