When I first got on MFC about 6 months ago I usually saw 3 pages of models on. Now it's usually 5. Granted, unless it's a time when a lot of models get on (7pm PST is when I see it) you get to models with a score of less than 1000 before you reach the end of the first page. Hell, it's 3 in the morning right now and the front page is hosting models with scores of about 350.
Even though there are a lot of new models I don't feel like the quantity of quality models has gone up any. I introduced two women to camming. At the start they were super excited and raring to go, and now neither of them get on - within the space of I think 3 months and 1 month, respectively. Neither of them survived past the new model status.
From what I'm seeing, most of the new models sign up, their score drops before the new model status even wears off, and they either give up or just work as a lower scored model. It is definitely not uncommon to see a new status model with a score in the 500s. After a day of perving I saw only two new models with scores above 1000.
As it has been said before it takes balls and moxie to make a living camming. Even though there is a new influx of models, I really don't feel like it's going to spawn a lot of new top models that attract a lot of tips.