I've been banged so well on this thread, thanks

maybe I didn't use the good words... But I feel, being tagged so much, that I have to add some words... taking care of the corner). so)
(dod, don't answer too fast.. dod, don't answer too fast., dod...)
All turns first around 'overreacting'. I never said that 'ban is overreacting'.
I only tried to make her feel that she'll have more occasions to get shocked, and also minimize the importance of the 'pic' thing (this I shouldn't maybe ? but read more...) Overreacting (getting mad in room, as I figured the scene) to each would just not be bearable. You can (and *have to* imo) get ride of anybody who make you uncomfy of course, even if you just don't like his pseudo

(I banned an op named 'fck_my_son' ^^ he seemed to be nice else, but no thanks.)
As model, I tried. Really. For months. But it could not help so much to survive months between 2 jobs.
At first a big handicap (sex and age ^^) and not enough talent to balance, made the thing not financially interesting and more obvious, if necessary, the fact that it's a profession. And on this point :
I hardly think that you don't have to remember this to any member frequenting this forum
do it in your room, ok, that may teach things to users attracted by adverts from porn site, but not here.
But I tried far enough the job to be able to help answering to some friends' models questions, technical or else, and share feelings with them in rooms.
I think that I feel well something that many model forget quickly and I wanted to express it here. You do not sell *goods* in a room. You
don't have to consider that you're commerce is a grocery. You're selling time,
room mood is your product. Not boobs, asses, pussies separated in pieces and sold by kg or secs, gosh !
Many users (the ones to ban as well) forget it too (attracted by adverts from porn sites...) and try to act like on an open market haggling prices to buy porn. But you do not sell porn! Don't listen to them, boobs are not your product, focus on your work and ignore the rest as far you can.
That's what I tried to express, sorry if my words were not sharp enough.
@ameliababyxo , comparison with a shop is weird and completely underrating your work.
Consider rather your room as a club/bar/lounge, ambiance coffee or else. See well that a whiskey or a coffee ordered does accompanies the time passed there (and justifies plainly the price toward a grocery's coffee), then you'll relativise the 'screenshot point'. Seen any bartender getting mad seeing a coffee spoon disappearing (center of my 1st answer) ? A boob pic nowadays is free everywhere on net, a boobs flash in a cool room chilling with a nice person has no price compared.
If he was not ready to share nicely as well, ban was justified plainly (I wrote Something like that too no ?)
Protect your contents (the pics and video you're selling), protect your show by removing pirate copy from sites, OK. But in your show, protect the show and your tippers' mood because they are your real 'goods'.
oh yes, I did, oooof.
Sorry, really if you understood here "let them go and don't care the dumbs". I don't understand how you could.
Don't tell a cammodel she is being greedy trying to earn a living again too.
If anything it might make someone uncomfortable to my reaction to someone's bad behavior, but I shouldn't have to hide my emotions incase it does.
I did not tell it at all (about greedy thing) just I meant focus on your real value and not on non-valuable material things (screen) or details.
More : if you thing that you sell *goods* while streaming you'll be gravely wrong imo and will not be able to maintain your room's real value passing time to justify your prices or arguing with beggars - you can see it in some rooms, rares, who argue and discuss each act with beggars putting a market mood in here.
Prices are always justified and haggling or only justifying them with beggars
would display you as being 'greedy' even if I know well that it's wrong. You'll see well enough if prices are adapted through the success of the menu or by visiting other rooms, and don't have to discuss it at all in room.
(this point, OK, I wrote too fast and clumsily and could hurt sensibilities, but I hope that I'm more clear here)
And a last : about 'hiding your emotions'.
Asked like this, I agree fully the reaction.
oh yes, I tried there, but not enough.... If your keep enough distance with dumbs, you won't have too much bad reactions or emotions (to hide or not as you feel it).
So, all my apologies if I've been not sharp enough or too direct in some words and blessed some sensibilities.
I just hope that the poster
@Ch4ttyCoupl3 got materials to continue to cam quietly)
(I read back once... twice... and ok, I post it like this now
