some more info about images on MFC chat, I think a lot of regulars will know already, however I was surprised.
I was in a PM chat and did give a URL to a personal image on my own site, not a public URL, a PNG file
it was just ment for the host, to my surprise the URL was not show, but a tiny version of the image, as a gif, and with 2 clicks the full size was visuable, but still as a .gif image and served from a MFC server.
I retreived it from a other IP, while not logged on to MFC, and it was still visuable.
I can see the good points:
- if I would to give the model a link to a trojan
- or wanted to get the IP number of the model
then it failed, and MFC did protect the model
but now there is a file with personal info from me on a MFC image server, I don't like that idea. Hmm, next time I must think before doing things like this ...