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how did your game life ever begin?

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Sep 28, 2010
i'm very curious about all the stories people have to tell about how and with what game their game life began..
i only played games like the sims and rollercoaster tycoon as a teenager.. and it was just for fun.. never spend a whole lot of time with it..

then when i met my ex-bf who was a super gamer/pc freak thats what got me all carried into it..
because of him i started having the intrest in computers i have now.. learn more everyday..
at that time i got totally hooked on racegames like need for speed and burnout (oow how i loved burn out.. could play it for hours and hours.)
when i left my bf i left both his ps2 and his pc.. so i didn't play for a long time.. :(
i never really thought about gaming that much till i started visiting this gorgeous girl on mfc by the name of ambercutie :p
and after hearing sooo much about WOW i got really intrested in what it was and why i never played it.. so i did.. and got totally addicted to it..
i wouldnt desribe myself as a die-hard gamer.. but i loove it best for spending my funtime :)

soo tell me your story :D
I started with Atari 2600.

Since all my friends went down the Nintendo route, I went a different way, Sega. I still played Nintendo, just at my friends' house. I had the Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, and Dreamcast. I also had every Playstation and XBox consoles.

I play First-person shooters, Real-Time Strategy, and multiplayer mostly on the PC. The stand out series are Battlefield, Call of Duty, and Half-Life mods. I have played three MMOs, Eve Online (played for 2 yrs, felt like a job), Champions Online, and Star Trek Online.

One of the best gaming moments was playing Resident Evil 1 & 2 with my brother. We took turns in playing and we played it non-stop over a weekend until we beat the games. Good times.

Ever since the Atari, gaming has been in my blood.
My mom was bitching to her twin about how awesome I am at Zuma and neither of them can top my high score. She said it's because I've been playing video games non-stop since I was two.
My first game I was playing "Hide Go Peek" on Atari LOL My first addiction game was Duck Hunt, Donkey Kong and PacMan on Nintendo, then Dr. Mario and Tetris. 2nd grade was into Oregon Trail on the comp. Then when Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Legend of Gaia...after a few years moved to more computer games of the Tycoon variety, then on to the horror games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill and recently God of War, Assassins Creed, Prince of Persia, DDR, and always had WWF/WWE wrestling games, NASCAR games, and of course who didn't have excite bike?!
I built a Pong game to play on the TV back in around 1975. Built an 8 bit 1K byte computer and programmed it to play conways LIFE. Ran a TinyMud for about 6 years in the 80's. Still have a working Sinclair Spectrum (8 bit 48K) which still loads games from cassette tape. Mid 80's started to play Zork I,II and III on the early PCs. Now I have little time to play on my Xbox or Wii or PCs. :cool:
A friend in 8th grade gave me a pirated version of Pool of Radiance for the commodore 64. Even though I had to save on a 5.25" floppy and wait 5 minutes for each screen to load...I was hooked :mrgreen:

I'd played a few games here and there but this was the first one I started playing as much as I had time for. Later I discovered the joys of Monkey Island, Wing Commander, Fallout..and on and on :p
Megaman 3 for the NES like 7 years after it came out. I was like 3 or 4 and it was my mom's NES. Been hooked ever since :)
My neighbor and best friend had a Nintendo and we used to play that a good bit. I eventually got my own and remember spending a lot of time with my dad in my room playing Tetris on my NES while listening to Queen's Greatest hits. I had another friend with the NES Satellite and we used to play Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off Road with four players. Good times. :) I progressed to the SNES and N64 when they were released. I also ended up with a PlayStation. I got my first tastes of PC games from school where we could play Number Munchers, Oregon Trail, and Outnumbered but it didn't really get me away from consoles. I had gotten really into this internet thing at one point around 5th or 6th grade and played many text-based browser strategy and role-playing games. One of my friends from one of those browser based games recommended I play Starcraft and I was hooked on that almost immediately. I found myself some time later at a little summer class thing that did kind of an intro to computer hardware and networking thing and we ended up being allowed to play video games after rebuilding and networking our computers. Much Brood War was played and from there I was recommended Diablo 2 and have been a Blizzard PC fan ever since. I'd shunned consoles because of the investment cost involved with them and relatively low usefulness for anything besides playing games until recently when I invested in a PS3. :)
I'd say when I was 4 I was playing Super Mario on my nintendo, and an assortment of games on my babysitter's atari. never looked back.
My dad picked up a TRS-80 and I typed in the gorillas.bas into the built-in interpreter and viola - hooked.
I think my grandma introduced me to Tetris and Super Mario Bros on NES when she babysat me. I was a tiny girl with an NES controller attached to her little hands constantly for years after that. We didn't have much money when I was young, so I was always late getting the newer consoles. When my aunt would get the upgrades, I'd spend hours playing all the Mario games with her.

Then I was introduced to the PC. Solitaire, and other PC games... it's all downhill from there.

I didn't try an MMO until I met Jawbs. Asheron's call and EQ got a few hours of play from me. I was more into Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot type PS games then. But once he showed me WoW it was all over. :mrgreen:
I got started off with Mario and Sonic,

then that progressed to Zelda on SNES and Nintendo 64,

then I discovered the Final Fantasy series and I have been hooked ever since. :thumbup:

I'm a big RPG nerd :)
Felicity said:
I got started off with Mario and Sonic,

then that progressed to Zelda on SNES and Nintendo 64,

then I discovered the Final Fantasy series and I have been hooked ever since. :thumbup:

I'm a big RPG nerd :)
so in love with you right now beautiful stranger :h: :)

and Eva, YES!
aah such great stories! thought this topic would start that!
i grew up in a boardingschool without a tv.. we just had a radio that would only be on 2 hours a day after teatime.. that prolly why i didnt start gaming till after i was 12 (moved back to my parents by then)
anyway.. i really enjoyed reading your stories.. and dont even know half the games you all played.. but google is my best friend.. so curious to look it all up...
QBERT! LOL I rented that game so many times I might as well have bought it....

I started with mario brothers & donkey kong SNES and played for years with my sister. Later we got gameboys and were both addicted to pokemon :geek: haha we were always competing to see who was at higher levels!

Then came PS, I was addicted to fighting games and grand theft auto (though just to cause mayhem and kill prostitutes :lol: )

My sister kept all our systems when I went to college, but I acquired another SNES. I easily get addicted to arcade games like pacman and tetris. I bought a Wii when they came out and it's pretty fun but doesn't have the best games.

I'm almost afraid to start playing WOW even though I really want to....I know I'm going to be addicted so I have to start when I have the time to devout to it :lol:
CannaMiss said:
I'm almost afraid to start playing WOW even though I really want to....I know I'm going to be addicted so I have to start when I have the time to devout to it :lol:
Lulz, maybe you should roll a priest or a paladin. :D
AmberCutie said:
CannaMiss said:
I'm almost afraid to start playing WOW even though I really want to....I know I'm going to be addicted so I have to start when I have the time to devout to it :lol:
Lulz, maybe you should roll a priest or a paladin. :D

:lol: should have finished my coffee before writing that!
Well, I never actually had my own console until Xbox, but I played the OG Nintendo whenever I could. I realized video games were the shit, but having to improvise I used computers at my middle school as a kid. My friends and I used telnet to play text-based RPGs over a 56k connection. Teachers saw a screen full of text, so we got away with it most of the time, but almost got suspended and accused of hacking when we got our entire class hooked. :lol: :roll:
Eventually I started working at 14 and could afford some real games, with such favorites as: Age of Empires, Diablo II, Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Ahhh man, the memories these stories bring back...

Back when I was a kid, I had a bunch of friends with various machines, like an Amstrad PC, Commodore 64, so forth. Used to play games like Sopwith Camel, Alley Cat, Civilization (even if we barely understood anything, heh), The Great Gianna Sisters, Buggy Boy, and the list goes on and on. Also got a NES for myself at some point, and was the baddest mofo ever when I beat Super Mario Bros without using the hidden shortcuts. >:3

Later on I got an Amiga 500, and my big sister's friend donated me this plastic grocery bag full of random games. None had any manuals or anything left and half of them didn't even work, but that didn't stop me from playing the fuck out of games like Barbarian, International Karate +, Super Cars 2, Xenon 2 and goodness knows what.

My best friend at the time also had a newer PC, and I still remember how it blew our minds when he got a soundcard for it and we could play Doom with the actual sounds instead of the PC Beeper. Though I think I'd still instantly recognize the PC speaker death sound of a Doom zombie if I heard it.

While I still played games with my friends on their SNESs and Playstations, I've been a PC man for years now - Ever since I finally got a proper PC of my own at some point. Can't remember the year but that 200 MHz Pentium was quite the beast at the time. :ugeek: Man, I have such fond memories of the LAN parties we used to have...

Nowadays? I still consider gaming as my #1 hobby and I play LOTS. My usual genres are RPGs (western ones, like Baldur's Gate and Fallout, I dislike JRPGS like Final Fantasy), Single player FPSs and strategy, especially the turn-based kind, and especially especially those that are often called tactical squad-level combat games, like UFO and Jagged Alliance.
I'm not big on online gaming, but I've dabbled in Eve Onlline which I love but can't afford anymore, and Lord of the Rings Online which I should really get back to now that it's free to play.
Geez, I'm gonna feel old saying this, but first video game system ever: GameBoy Pocket. It was my 6th birthday, they let me unwrap it, but wouldn't let me play with it til the rest of the kids there went home. I then played Super Mario Land until I fell asleep. First console: Fast forward to that Christmas & I got Sega Genesis. Even got the Sega channel with it for like a day. I used to be awesome at either of those and I've tried to play the emulators & I suuuccckkk now. T_T
AmberCutie said:
I think my grandma introduced me to Tetris and Super Mario Bros on NES when she babysat me. I was a tiny girl with an NES controller attached to her little hands constantly for years after that. We didn't have much money when I was young, so I was always late getting the newer consoles. When my aunt would get the upgrades, I'd spend hours playing all the Mario games with her.

Kinda the same for me, except it was Atari 2600. Was always jealous of my friends with Colecovision though. Didn't really game a whole lot until college though.

Never been a big fan of FPS games, but I remember networking our fraternity house with null modems to play Doom. Eventually we networked the whole house with Cat5 that was "donated" by an Alumnus' employer. Played Civ and SimCity type of games for a while. One night I was bored and picked up Star Wars Galaxies and have been hooked on MMO's since. Since then, I have played EQ2, WoW, Age of Conan and now Rift. Waiting for Star Wars The Old Republic now, hopefully I can get a beta invite soon.
We got our first Atari , the old wood grained front , when I was maybe 4. My earliest gaming memory was playing around with Combat's tanks, just moving them around trying to shoot my dad.
Oh I remember my first console so well, my sweet Genesis and the crack-tacular world of James Pond Robo-cod. And all the holidays spent at friends playing nes/snes. Then the murder phase of Doom, Duke Nukem, and Mortal Kombat lol, when I found an Atari 2600 at a thrift store with a box of games it was like magic treasure best 10$ I have ever spent... Oh yeah then the RPG MMO thing, what a waste of 4 years XD but I was a WoW geek for 1 year, (had some technical difficulties, technically my roomie and guy I shared my account with was gliding and got my shit banned, fun times) and 3ish years in the Final Fantasy XI universe, I really need to get back on now that I can get all the expansions assuming my little DRK Mithra is still alive. Ahh yes the mature phase I am at now wonderfully obsessed with the universe of Fallout, mmm Fallout, wheres my new DLC dagnabit?!... I mustn't forget the love for FPS too waiting eagerly for Battlefield 3. Oh but I have always had urges for odd/screwy consoles like Virtualboy and Jaguar. Anywho I am totally rambling now, My Bad! ^_^;
I :h: VideoGamez
1990 , I was a mere 5 years old, my dad bought me the NES gaming system ...with a cartridge 3 in 1 game , Super Mario, Duck Hunt (with gun controller) and Track and Field (with running pad controller)

Really liked Duck Hunt, Id always try to shoot the dog when he laughed at me for missing or running out of bullets

Was a chubby kid so Track and Field was meh lol...

and I never finished Super Mario up to this day, I always got stuck at the final castle of bowser where you had to run a certain pattern to get to him lol...
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