AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

House / apartment sharing

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Jun 12, 2015
Hello girles,

Just out of interest, are there any girls from the UK/Europe (or anywhere in the world for that matter) that would be interested in house or apartment sharing?

We were looking for a place to rent and kept getting frustrated by the search engine bringing up "shared" accommodation... Which for obvious reasons we really didn't want. But then we thought, it would be worth finding out if there were any cammers who would be interested in either sub-letting their current place or even renting a new place somewhere else with us.

It would be awesome living with someone that is in the same industry, because it makes life so much easier, plus it may be fun and productive for camming together etc.

If you are on the fence, just shoot us a message, we won't be let down if you decide against it. After all, we are only putting our feelers out here

We are easy going, fun, very clean and awesome cooks ;-) we are really into luxury housing (within reason) - we can more than afford this on our own, but we have a lot of land in England that we want to build on, so we are trying to save money where possible. Soooo, if you are looking to rent somewhere really nice but don't wanna take on the full cost of rent on your own, message us! :-D

Please note, if we get any replies to this, I will show my full identity, so anyone that is interested, please don't be put off - I just don't want my cam name on here at the moment.

M x
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but we don't know anything about you. You signed up on here over 3 months ago, but you've only posted 7 times prior to this, and they were all about being paid by MFC. We don't even know your model name! So basically, you're asking readers to trust you and another person that A) you are a model, B) your other person is not skeevy and not gonna "out" whoever responds, and C) that you don't have some nefarious scheme to just meet other camgirls.

The only ways that you might be able to find some takers on this forum is to sign up as a model, add your Twitter/model profile/tumblr/etc, and post more so that we can all get to know you a little bit. Otherwise, the only suggestion I have for you is to use sites like Craigslist to find roommates. I wish you the best of luck, but because this is such a serious request (not only knowing a model's real information [ie: name & phone number], but also knowing her real life actual fucking address), there is going to need to be complete transparency on your part to gain that trust.
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but we don't know anything about you. You signed up on here over 3 months ago, but you've only posted 7 times prior to this, and they were all about being paid by MFC. We don't even know your model name! So basically, you're asking readers to trust you and another person that A) you are a model, B) your other person is not skeevy and not gonna "out" whoever responds, and C) that you don't have some nefarious scheme to just meet other camgirls.

The only ways that you might be able to find some takers on this forum is to sign up as a model, add your Twitter/model profile/tumblr/etc, and post more so that we can all get to know you a little bit. Otherwise, the only suggestion I have for you is to use sites like Craigslist to find roommates. I wish you the best of luck, but because this is such a serious request (not only knowing a model's real information [ie: name & phone number], but also knowing her real life actual fucking address), there is going to need to be complete transparency on your part to gain that trust.

Bit over dramatic I'm afraid to say... especially you Iris, who I have spoken to in private and given you my profile and details to. Your acting as if the process would be as follows, 1. camgirls will see my post and 2. send me a PM with all of their private information including home address. Obviously there will be a ton of convo made before any.. and i mean ANY personal info is given.

Secondly, I have pointed out in my post that I am aware I don't have my details on here (for SEO reasons) - but am more then happy to discuss my details on skype (yes with my video on... and no you dont need to put yours on until you see im legit) / PM.

Not to mention, BLATANTLY, nobody from here will meet me before we have skyped anyway, I give my fellow humans more faith then to meet strangers from the internet. So I certainly wouldn't come here trying to "out" camgirls - even if I was a dirty old man.

For those that are sceptical, here is a link to one of my profiles - I know this doesn't prove much, but I'm sure people with a good gut instinct will know I am legit -

BTW - my reasoning behind not putting my details on here, is I like to think of this forum as a place I can come to and discuss semi-private things with girls in the industry, without men, who have googled me, finding it and seeing things unrelated to my "on screen personality".
Bit over dramatic I'm afraid to say... especially you Iris, who I have spoken to in private and given you my profile and details to. Your acting as if the process would be as follows, 1. camgirls will see my post and 2. send me a PM with all of their private information including home address. Obviously there will be a ton of convo made before any.. and i mean ANY personal info is given.

Secondly, I have pointed out in my post that I am aware I don't have my details on here (for SEO reasons) - but am more then happy to discuss my details on skype (yes with my video on... and no you dont need to put yours on until you see im legit) / PM.

Not to mention, BLATANTLY, nobody from here will meet me before we have skyped anyway, I give my fellow humans more faith then to meet strangers from the internet. So I certainly wouldn't come here trying to "out" camgirls - even if I was a dirty old man.

For those that are sceptical, here is a link to one of my profiles - I know this doesn't prove much, but I'm sure people with a good gut instinct will know I am legit -

BTW - my reasoning behind not putting my details on here, is I like to think of this forum as a place I can come to and discuss semi-private things with girls in the industry, without men, who have googled me, finding it and seeing things unrelated to my "on screen personality".

Sweetheart, I completely forgot that you had even messaged me. I had to go through TWO PAGES of messages in my inbox to even find the one that you sent me. I'm sorry if you think I was implying that you are a shitty or skeevy person. I didn't mean that. I just meant that the other people on here don't know anything about you (nor did I, cause I had completely forgotten our exchange!). But simply cause you had sent me your model name didn't give me the right to tell others! I hope you see where I'm coming from! And this thread didn't even apply to me at all, since I'm in the US. I was just trying to help you so that you could potentially post this in Models Only after you're verified and they know you better to get more results.

Edit: as for this being a secret safe place without men... this is the public section of the forum. Where numerous men and members are, not just models. You do not have to have your model name even as your username on here, nor link to it in any way that shows to the rest of us viewers. The only person you'll have to validate yourself to is Amber. But I did want to touch on that, that there are a lot of men who will also see these "semi-private things" unless you become a verified model.
This sounds like the kind of post that would be best made in Models Only, where SEO is not a factor.
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Sweetheart, I completely forgot that you had even messaged me. I had to go through TWO PAGES of messages in my inbox to even find the one that you sent me. I'm sorry if you think I was implying that you are a shitty or skeevy person. I didn't mean that. I just meant that the other people on here don't know anything about you (nor did I, cause I had completely forgotten our exchange!). But simply cause you had sent me your model name didn't give me the right to tell others! I hope you see where I'm coming from! And this thread didn't even apply to me at all, since I'm in the US. I was just trying to help you so that you could potentially post this in Models Only after you're verified and they know you better to get more results.

Edit: as for this being a secret safe place without men... this is the public section of the forum. Where numerous men and members are, not just models. You do not have to have your model name even as your username on here, nor link to it in any way that shows to the rest of us viewers. The only person you'll have to validate yourself to is Amber. But I did want to touch on that, that there are a lot of men who will also see these "semi-private things" unless you become a verified model.

Hey Iris,

No harm done, even I am strict when I feel like a guy is just trying to pull a fast one. :)

I was actually unaware this forum had an actual secret place where only models can access and also I wasn't aware that verifying yourself didn't require your camgirl username to be your forum username. With that advice in mind, I think I will get myself verified and I may even repost this under the models only section.

Like I said, I am just putting my feelers out. There will be a lot of models out there in a similar situation, not being able to work from home because of living with family, so it would be beneficial for me and her.

PS, don't rule yourself out because you are in the USA.. We don't even want to live in England - would love to move to the USA ;-)


M x
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I do not think you are required to use the same username here as you use camming, I think you just have to let Amber know who you are @theviewer1985. If you want to be verified I mean.
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I do not think you are required to use the same username here as you use camming, I think you just have to let Amber know who you are @theviewer1985. If you want to be verified I mean.

One step ahead of you young sir :) I have mailed Amber on MFC, once verified, I will repost this thread in models only :)

Mod, feel free to lock this thread

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