AmberCutie's Forum
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Help with profile

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May 1, 2015
Hey everyone I'm new to mfc and I'm looking for someone to customize my profile I can offer 40$ please help Id like a pretty profile and don't know how to make one myself sorry if this topic isn't allowed but I don't know where else to look.
I don't know if Fay_Galore (email Fay_Galore at: ) or Poker_babe still do it, but they used to, try sending them a PM?

Here is a thread from Fay_Galore advertising/showing her work: ... 5&p=487029
Here is a great thread for profile help, including default designs you can use: ... 6&p=486193
Here is some default profiles you can use, if you don't mind adding that annoying copyright note:
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I can get you in touch with the guy that did my profile, he only charges $35 for something similar to mine or if you want something totally customized they he gives you a quote :)
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As I have been working through setting up my profile I've found the site is very helpful with any coding aspects I didn't know! If any models (new or old) are trying to set up their own profile I thought I would add this resource to the pile. GIMP has also been my savior though I know it was already suggested :)
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