AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Help plz. Income dropped 95% and idk what to do.

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I don't have very much helpful to add to this thread but just a note to some of the members talking about regular retention - it is my understanding after talking to a few good friends that primarily cam on streammate that having a solid core group of regulars is far far less crucial to success on that site than it is on mfc. One person told me return/regs are 20% of her income. ON mfc regs are probably closer to 80-90% of my income most months.

Just remember that she's actively camming on streamate and it is a very different site than mfc so applying things that ring true for mfc may not ring true for there.
Ambers Troll said:
Emma camming changes fast, and is actually more competitive than this forum makes out because models do actually want to be helpful and supportive of other models. From what I can see of you and comments from members you are desirable and good at what you do on cam, I think you know that.
Think of where your niche is when camming, this seems to be where you have become vulnerable, it makes you easy to leave and harder to choose when you are unsure of your talents/ appeal.
Niche seems more key to success than almost anything else, after you know what you are doing. I would focus on past member spending, the change to your current situation should give you some idea what has gone wrong.
Ask these kind of questions...
Are new members able to spend on you?
Have you lost your big spenders/ supporters? If so, where did they go?
What have you changed in your shows/ have you changed them?
Are you still looking your best on cam?
Are you bored/ burnt out?
Has your outlook changed with regard to members?
Are you being boring/ sulking?
Are you asking for spending, begging, or demanding spending from members? There are many pretty women who let themselves be used by or simply offend their members with unfair demands.
What did past members go crazy for? (especially in term of what they have asked for)

There are some amazing models out there, you must find that little bit of awesome and show it off. You don't have to be completely original, just fit within a group who have a certain ability/ feeling/ passion, member taste and choosing the right time to be on will do the rest.

I will give you an example of niche. There is a model with naturally dilated eyes, obviously fairly unique, from age 19 to 27 this year, she has always ranked high on any site. Most members have no idea why they are so affected, and it is actually quite a subtle thing. Her niche offers some security from bad days, but never careless behaviour. For example if she were to demand tips rather than accept pvt/ group show time, she would fail... her members want one on one time with her (they settle with sharing).
So in one sense niche is a trap as you must choose to do that thing members want, but it is also success and a little more security. Best of luck in truly finding yours. I actually think with some exploration you may find it too.

I would've replied to this sooner, but I was not around my computer yesterday because I was not feeling well.
Thank you for your post though, I read through it and it was very helpful. :)
I'll answer a few of those questions:
I honestly can't tell you if new members can spend on me, I mean I don't expect everyone to be able to spend on me all the time.
Yes, I have lost quite a bit of my regulars and supporters. No, I can't tell you where they went. I think what happened was that I took too many days off, especially during the month of December. So chances are this is what happened: They didn't see me hardly at all anymore, and they most likely moved on and found somebody else. However, I know I get a lot of different people so that's not a big deal and I can't blame them. :)
My shows, I ask what they would like to see and if I'm comfortable with doing it I'll do it, but if I'm not then I don't do it. For instance, I'm not into roleplay and a lot of people want that but the fact of the matter is, I'm not good at it so I do without it. :) Other than that, they know what to expect from me and I know I try to be as enthusiastic as I possibly can even if it's something I don't entirely enjoy.
I always try to look my best on cam, plus my smile helps out a lot. :)
I wouldn't say I'm "burnt out", however I find a lot of the time I feel so down because I know things have been low for me lately but then I remember that I have to stay positive in order to pick things back up. :)
My outlook on my members hasn't really changed, it's pretty easy to learn some members personalities. And there are plenty of personalities haha... Hopefully I answered in a way that made sense. :)
If I'm ever told that I look like I'm bored, I perk right back up because I know they don't need/want to see that.
I never beg. I don't like to beg. It's just something that I'm not okay with it because then that makes me feel and look weak.
What did past members go crazy for? lol... 1 word: anal. Not even joking. Sorry if that's TMI, but it's totally true. However, anal is something I don't do all the time unless it's a block session because it's hard to do it in the amount of time some people like to take a cammodel for in private, which is only a few minutes and that's not worth it in my opinion.

What you were saying about "niche", no lie I had to look that word up so I could understand what you meant. :lol:
I'm really good at "one on one" and most people do want one on one time with me. So definitely privates and exclusives are my strong sides. Gold Shows aren't my strong suit. I've only had like 3 maybe successful Gold Shows, and most of the other ones I've done, I did it when the goal wasn't even met in the hopes that some would come back for one-on-one.
Now though, I'm trying to do something a little different which is commit. I have not been being as serious as how I used to be about my career. I've gotten lazy, and I've been treating it like a hobby which isn't good if I wanna be successful. So what I'm doing now is putting in as many hours as I possibly can and just not giving up and staying positive. I guess I have gotten a little burnt out. :) But I'm fixing it.

Anyways, thank you for everything that you said :) It really helped.
Azhrarn said:
Ambers Troll said:
Have you lost your big spenders/ supporters? If so, where did they go?
From what I've seen during the short time I've been around, the key to success as far as camming goes is to build up a group of regulars. I've seen cam girls who have built up an amazing following in just two or three months, and I've seen others who literally don't have any regulars after being online for three times as long. And it has very little to do with looks. Some of the most successful cam girls are just average looking girls with great work ethics who understand how to build and maintain relationships with their regulars. And some of the most unsuccessful cam girls are literally drop dead gorgeous, but they have no work ethic, and they couldn't maintain a relationship to save their life.

You're absolutely right :) You can be "drop dead gorgeous" with a terrible attitude. I'm pretty sure most paying members/regulars, can see right through cammodels to how they're feeling.
It's sad to admit, but some models just don't understand that and you may have even seen some models who think like this: they think "I'm hot so give me your money and that's all that matters" but it's really not all that matters. Yes, the paying part is great. But, the big part of all of it and this is really important: is the relationship you have with your regulars.
Which leads a lot of cammodels who think exactly like that, to fail. I know that I've been doing this for only a year, but I have learned a lot. :)
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Ambers Troll:

I guess I ran out of room on my post, was gonna add something to it but I couldn't.
What I was gonna add was this:

I don't know if this counts as a niche: but I have been told that I seem more mature, and wiser than most people my age and I'm only 20. And a lot of people find that intriguing apparently. :)
Anyways, was just curious if that is a niche.
Hey, I took a quick glance at your MFC profile. Just my :twocents-02cents: , but if you changed your avatar to the one you have on here of your face, you might get some new viewers. I only mention this because when I'm looking for models to visit, personally, I choose one who has a face picture instead of far-away body pic. Maybe I'm weird, but I think a big smile draws me in more than just another ass/boobs/stomach that blend with all the rest.
emma_skye12 said:
Ambers Troll:

I guess I ran out of room on my post, was gonna add something to it but I couldn't.
What I was gonna add was this:

I don't know if this counts as a niche: but I have been told that I seem more mature, and wiser than most people my age and I'm only 20. And a lot of people find that intriguing apparently. :)
Anyways, was just curious if that is a niche.
You definitely seem more thoughtful and attentive than your years would suggest.... it is rare enough to be part of a niche for sure.
Miss_Lollipop's reply on how steamate is different to MFC is relevant to how you fit into a site too. Keep working on new ideas for shows, different looks and styles, wait for something to catch good attention, something you can do again the next time it suits you.

You might be struggling right now, but your head seems to be in the right place to find a solution.

Oh! wanted to add this: Don't think of asking for spending from members as begging. Playful teasing about members using you, not respecting you by freeloading and so on is part of being a model. Check models only/ ask around, surely there must be something on this.
Models teach their members to spend in a variety of ways, as a member I have always enjoyed who has seduced me to spend and in what way. You want your members to make the right choice in selecting you, we can't always see this so we delay when we should make our move.
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Just going to give a little update. Streamate for me has been very steady in the past. So steady that it has almost seemed rigged in a way. Without fail i would make my $ per hour average. I checked my entire years worth of camming history and the average every single week has been the same. It grew slightly over the time i spend on there. Last night i had my income shoot back up to where it was supposed to be. I still don't know why this happened or what is causing it. But like clockwork it was on the dollar where it should be. I'm going to cam today and hope and pray it'll stay back up there. I'll let everyone know the results. I won't give the exact numbers, but if you see the same exact averages without fail over a years time and then it drops to something very very low and stays there for a period of time it makes you wonder if it is rigged or something? idk. But the low number average stayed the same week by week on the cent. Last night i was on the first page where i normally am and I made exactly what i was used to making. =)

I want to thank everyone who replied and offered their advise and input! :)
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