You're also looking at Soul Calibur, which has always had outrageously proportioned females.
Then again, it is also made by Japanese developers (Namco/Bandai). And Japan is one of the most sexually repressed non-muslim societies out there. Just look at more adult oriented anime...
But, even US developers do it, as well. I could record something with the latest Mortal Kombat to show you. Throw Johnny Cage's green fireball thing over the heads of any females, and their bewbs bounce for no reason. Unless the green fireball thing has its own gravity or something, that only affects boobees.
And, Zoomer is right, too. Hair, skin and clothing have never really moved perfectly, either. Skin is getting better, but hair and clothing still clip through bodies at an amazing rate, even in triple A titles. Fully pre-rendered cinematic sequences look better, but the skin/hair/clothing problems are pretty persistant in real time gameplay in many games.