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Has CB lost its sense of humour?

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Jul 1, 2024
How and why can CB just ban people for jokes between two consenting adults, where both parties know something is a joke, and nothing said is in actual violation of published Code of Conduct. Of course there there need to be rules of acceptable conduct, and of course applicable rules need to be respected... but where is the line between that and genuine consensual conversation being misinterpreted and treated as abuse at the whim of a moderator ?
What about what a comedian says on stage? People come to see the show. They know what is said is not literal, it is an act. Everything needs to be interpreted within context,
Comedians have absolutely been banned from performing at clubs for jokes they have told on stage and even had their careers ended because of it.
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Comedians have absolutely been banned from performing at clubs for jokes they have told on stage and even had their careers ended because of it.
Yet again.. . 1. This was a private 1-1 message. 2. It was NOT offensive, unlawful or in anyway wrong when taken in context.

A mother is surreptitiously overheard saying to her friend "I am going to fuck my husband to death tonight". Should she be prosecuted for intent to murder ?
A man says "i love children, but I can never eat two". Should he be prosecuted for infanticide and cannibalism?
A man says "Spiders are my favorite animals, once I have trodden on them". Is this animal cruelty?
A man says "I'm so poor I'm gonna rob bank". Should be be charged with conspiracy to robbery?
.... where does it end ?
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M point is that ALL communication needs to be interpreted within context and the possibility of irony, sarcasm and humor considered. Albert Mehrabian, a researcher of body language, broke down the components of a face-to-face conversation. He found that communication is 55% nonverbal, 38% vocal, and 7% words only. The literal words are only part of the meaning, and it is the meaning and intent which matters.
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Comedians have absolutely been banned from performing at clubs for jokes they have told on stage and even had their careers ended because of it.

Michael Richards’ 2006 racist rant on stage at a comedy club comes to mind. Oof, that was painful to watch.
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Imagine you are talking to your beautiful best friend, who knows you love and admire them... And you say "my god you're ugly and I hate you".. They of course know your true meaning is "you are beautiful and I love you!"... Is it an insult? Perhaps, to the eavesdropper who fails totally to understand context - but the words were not directed to the eavesdropper, but to your friend - and that is the only person who should judge it.
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Yet again.. . 1. This was a private 1-1 message. 2. It was NOT offensive, unlawful or in anyway wrong when taken in context.

A mother is surreptitiously overheard saying to her friend "I am going to fuck my husband to death tonight". Should she be prosecuted for intent to murder ?
A man says "i love children, but I can never eat two". Should he be prosecuted for infanticide and cannibalism?
A man says "Spiders are my favorite animals, once I have trodden on them". Is this animal cruelty?
A man says "I'm so poor I'm gonna rob bank". Should be be charged with conspiracy to robbery?
.... where does it end ?
1) The comedian thing was your own point, I was just pointing out that it's a stupid point to make.
2) It was not a private message as it was done on a platform that you dont own and logs all conversations.
3) The interpretation by a 3rd party deems your message to be problematic then it could also be deemed as problematic when / if transcripts are requested.

Imagine you are talking to your beautiful best friend, who knows you love and admire them... And you say "my god you're ugly and I hate you".. They of course know your true meaning is "you are beautiful and I love you!"... Is it an insult? Perhaps, to the eavesdropper who fails totally to understand context - but the words were not directed to the eavesdropper, but to your friend - and that is the only person who should judge it.
Selective context is great right?

Lets fix this a little bit to closer reflect what happened.
Imagine you are talking to your beautiful best friend, who knows you love and admire them... And you say "my god you're ugly and I hate you" in a place that has rules against speaking insults to anyone at anytime.
You missed the part where regardless of the context between you and the other person it clearly violated the TOS of the site, otherwise your account would not have been banned.

You broke the rules, you got caught, stop acting like a child and take accountability for your own actions.
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Michael Richards’ 2006 racist rant on stage at a comedy club comes to mind. Oof, that was painful to watch.
I do not know it, bit what I am referring to is nowhere near a racist rant. This was a private ironical joke,, made to "tease" someone who had a particular known love. E.g. Someone says they love hamsters, and you say "me too, especially barbequed"... Maybe bad taste (no pun intended , I never ate hamster), but accepted in good humor as a joke indicating teasing love and acceptance of their love.
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It did not.. I checked. Moreover, communication requires the ability to distinguish between literality, rhetoric, irony, sarcasm. Without this, millions would be arrested for criminal intent each day.
Regardless of intentions, some "trigger" words were obviously mentioned resulting in your suspensions.
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1) The comedian thing was your own point, I was just pointing out that it's a stupid point to make.
2) It was not a private message as it was done on a platform that you dont own and logs all conversations.
3) The interpretation by a 3rd party deems your message to be problematic then it could also be deemed as problematic when / if transcripts are requested.

Selective context is great right?

Lets fix this a little bit to closer reflect what happened.

You missed the part where regardless of the context between you and the other person it clearly violated the TOS of the site, otherwise your account would not have been banned.

You broke the rules, you got caught, stop acting like a child and take accountability for your own actions.
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The only interpretation that matters is that of the people who own the site, they deemed what you said to be in violation of the TOS therefore your account has been banned.
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The only interpretation that matters is that of the people who own the site, they deemed what you said to be in violation of the TOS therefore your account has been banned.
And that is my point. No common sense, No interpretation. No humor, Welcome to fascism
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I do not know it, bit what I am referring to is nowhere near a racist rant.

I wasn’t implying that your comment was. I was responding to KingMarti.
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A mother is surreptitiously overheard saying to her friend "I am going to fuck my husband to death tonight". Should she be prosecuted for intent to murder ?
A man says "i love children, but I can never eat two". Should he be prosecuted for infanticide and cannibalism?
A man says "Spiders are my favorite animals, once I have trodden on them". Is this animal cruelty?
A man says "I'm so poor I'm gonna rob bank". Should be be charged with conspiracy to robbery?
.... where does it end ?

freedom of speech

Welcome to fascism

Freedom of speech is a term normally thrown around a lot, but I don’t think people fully understand what it actually refers to.

The first amendment (freedom of speech, press, religion, to peaceably protest and to petition the government with our grievances), is basically to protect the American people from being prosecuted if they vocalize their opinions or disdain, usually for our government. At the time it was written, and even still today, there’s certain countries where you can be prosecuted for having negative stuff to say about their government or politicians (or rather, dictators). Or for expressing opinions or creating art deemed as “obscene”.

It doesn’t apply to the private sector.

Private businesses have their own rules of conduct and can ban people from their business if they see them as a liability or really at their discretion.

More than likely, your joke got caught by the site’s AI and you got an automatic ban. If it wasn’t really that bad, CB may unban you when an actual support person looks at your support ticket. Who knows? If not, then move on to a different site and just be a little more careful with what you joke about, whether in public chat or in private messages.

However, I would hardly call a private business in the sex industry “fascist”. Which is another word people like to freely throw around these days.
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I’m unsure what you hoped to get out of this thread, OP.

You asked if CB has lost its sense of humor, based on how they responded to one specific thing you said. We’re not allowed to know what that thing is. But we’re supposed to give our opinion based on unrelated hypotheticals, and not the specific thing that inspired your post?

You say the ability to understand sarcasm is crucial to communicating well. Would you also agree that knowing the key details of a situation is important to having a well-informed opinion about it?
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Thank God someone said it. How does a thread where a random guy is being vague af and completely off point about everything to do w his problem, help him , or any other person who visits the forum out? Whack. This thread is whack.

I bet he said something super bad, and we really don’t want to know, nor give this weirdo any more attention.
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Imagine if they did have a sense of humor and you could just overturn any ban by calling it a joke.

Fake IDs, scamming and abuse - nah, only joking!
Underage, for real or play- Jokezz!
violence on cam -- jokes!
All the -philias and way immoral fantasy play - Totes Hilarrrrr!

Ghosts Joking GIF by CBS

We would all be out of job in no time as all the sites would get shut down faster than you can call out "I was only joking doh, dont you people have any sense of humor?"
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How and why can CB just ban people for jokes between two consenting adults, where both parties know something is a joke, and nothing said is in actual violation of published Code of Conduct. Of course there there need to be rules of acceptable conduct, and of course applicable rules need to be respected... but where is the line between that and genuine consensual conversation being misinterpreted and treated as abuse at the whim of a moderator ?
Please provide your username or ticket number so I may pass it along to our Support team
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Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 12.11.10 PM.png
E.g. Someone says they love hamsters, and you say "me too, especially barbequed"... Maybe bad taste (no pun intended , I never ate hamster)
Now I really am curious what the comment/joke was, and if it was not taken as well as intended.
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