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Got religion?

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Do you believe in "God"

  • I do not believe in a supernatural deity

    Votes: 69 61.1%
  • I believe in a supernatural deity

    Votes: 44 38.9%

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I'm open to the idea of a creator/cultural instigator but do not believe in a supernatural deity... And choosing option one was not a hard choice.

To clarify, I would not be surprised if God/gods around the world were aliens who took part in shaping our evolution and growth but by no means do I think they were any different than a group of western doctors and missionaries in ancient undeveloped communities
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Easier solution. If you want more options and less limiting, start your own thread with a poll that has more options. Very simple to do.

Can I get an Amen!
A practically the same thread to compete with justjoined's? There's butt hurt, and then there's just sad. :playful: It can be a discussion for another day, it seems. Thanks for the productive thought, though!
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A practically the same thread to compete with justjoined's? There's butt hurt, and then there's just sad. :playful: It can be a discussion for another day, it seems. Thanks for the productive thought, though!
It's not a competition, it's a forum
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It's not a competition, it's a forum
Yeah, but why repeat a thread with the same topic just because I didn't like some wording? Seems a waste of time. And if I posted that after complaining in here, I would be attempting to turn it into a competition. And that's just sad. :joyful:
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Yeah, but why repeat a thread with the same topic just because I didn't like some wording? Seems a waste of time. And if I posted that after complaining in here, I would be attempting to turn it into a competition. And that's just sad. :joyful:

Depends on how you word the new thread. If you go about it as the original thread got you curious and you wanted to explore the subject in depth, then that's not competition. It's more like not wanting to derail the original thread but still wanting to discuss a tangent of it. There's been a few new threads created from others over the years. It happens.
Depends on how you word the new thread. If you go about it as the original thread got you curious and you wanted to explore the subject in depth, then that's not competition. It's more like not wanting to derail the original thread but still wanting to discuss a tangent of it. There's been a few new threads created from others over the years. It happens.
I'm more embarrassed than anything at this point, but once again, thanks for being constructive. :)
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Depends on how you word the new thread. If you go about it as the original thread got you curious and you wanted to explore the subject in depth, then that's not competition. It's more like not wanting to derail the original thread but still wanting to discuss a tangent of it. There's been a few new threads created from others over the years. It happens.
I almost want to start it myself, but I'm not high on night meds right now. And, as I said, I suck at church words (and even worse at other religions words). I'm not even sure I got them right in my first post.
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Related article.

American devotion to religion is waning, according to new study

According to the study, 68% Americans aged 65 and over said they had no doubt God existed compared to 45% of young adults, aged 18-30.

Religion in the United States is declining and mirroring patterns found across the western world, according to new research from UCL and Duke University in the United States.

The study published in the American Journal of Sociology shows a drop in the number of Americans who claim religious affiliations, attend church regularly and believe in God. It also finds that these drops are driven by generational differences.

Professor David Voas (UCL Institute of Education) said: “These declines aren’t happening fast, but the signs are now unmistakable. It has become clear that American religiosity has been declining for decades, and the decline is driven by the same dynamic of generational change that has driven religious decline across the developed world.”

The study examined US data from the General Social Survey (GSS), which is conducted every two years, and compared it with similarly broad data from Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The results show that people have slowly become less religious over time.

According to the study, 68% Americans aged 65 and over said they had no doubt God existed compared to 45% of young adults, aged 18-30. 41% of people 70 and older said they attend church services at least once a month, compared to 18% of people 60 and below.

Professor Mark Chaves (Duke University), the study’s other author, said: “The US decline has been so gradual that until recently scientists haven’t had enough data to be sure the trend was real. The US has long been considered an exception to the modern claim that religion is declining, but if you look at the trajectory, and the generational dynamic that is producing the trajectory, we may not be an exception after all.”
I believe in deity but I don't use the word supernatural to describe a diety that is..all that is. So, the answer is no.. but I pray, i worship ..etc all the same as most religious people. For me, the Goddess is nature. So she can't be 'super' natural. She's 100% natural.

Maybe an alternative poll I could answer would be:

I believe in Deity
I do not believe in Diety
I'm not sure or I dont care.
I'm open minded, who knows, I couldn't say either way

I don't believe in organised religion though.

You know what annoys me a bit, when people say the universe must of had a creator.. "god created the universe" well, who created god? "no one.. he just is" well why can't the universe just be?..

Adding the extra step of a creator solves nothing.

You know what also annoys me, when religions think they have a monopoly on morals, like you can't be moral without religion...

It's the same as feminists think you can't believe in equality unless you're a feminist
You know what annoys me a bit, when people say the universe must of had a creator.. "god created the universe" well, who created god? "no one.. he just is" well why can't the universe just be?..

Adding the extra step of a creator solves nothing.

You know what also annoys me, when religions think they have a monopoly on morals, like you can't be moral without religion...
I agree on both points. And when people downright reject science it drives me batty.

There can be morality, and science(!), without a religious deity.
And it's sad when a person can't even have a normal conversation about normal problems (for example, if you say "I've been a little depressed lately") without someone blurting out things like "Well, you wouldn't be depressed if you had Jesus in your life." That is incredibly obnoxious.
I cannot count how many times I have heard this.

Been dealing with crippling depression since my late teens. I don't mean "feeling sad", I mean complete numbness, not bathing or changing clothes for days, staying shut up in a bedroom not wanting to do anything but lay there. Over and over I have been told it is a result of "sin", that I need to pray, or I need to go speak to the pastor. It is ignorant and harmful.

I realize my experiences do not represent all Christians, but it is certainly how the Fundamentalists I dealt with viewed things.
To clarify, I would not be surprised if God/gods around the world were aliens who took part in shaping our evolution and growth but by no means do I think they were any different than a group of western doctors and missionaries in ancient undeveloped communities
I have spent many a fun day speculating about this. Got a wore out copy of "Chariots of the Gods" laying around here somewhere.

I don't really buy into it too much, and you don't investigate it for long before you find yourself surrounded by complete nutbaggery, but it's still enjoyable to me.
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It does seem to help some. Attended a few AA NA meetings, and the "higher power" seems to do ok for them. Was a huge turnoff for me though.

This is something that has PISSED ME OFF for years. That courts can legally require that a person attend AA or NA and that, for success, these programs require "belief in a higher power." It's eerily close to legally required religion. Can you lie in the program and say you believe but you don't? Sure, but I'm not a liar so I don't like this option, either. Is there some interpretive wiggle room about what "higher power" means? Of course, but I still think it's ethically disgusting.

There can be morality, and science(!), without a religious deity.

Thank yoooooooou.
Easier solution. If you want more options and less limiting, start your own thread with a poll that has more options. Very simple to do.

Can I get an Amen!

My beliefs here are complicated. But I understood this question was implying "any god or higher power or multiple gods = yes" so I chose yes.

I was raised Christian for 10.5 years, Catholic for the next 10.5 years. Lapsed Catholic now, though I feel like all that happened was my understanding of the higher power situation grew up.

My understanding of things is "as long as no one's hurting anyone else, leave them be, try to respect them, and show everyone love". My understanding of how to evangelize when I was a Christian was to be the best person I could be, and if anyone asked, bring God into it, but not if they don't ask.

For those who are asking:

My understanding is that there are a bunch of higher beings that created everything and everyone, and they created lesser spiritual beings which we call angels, fairies, demons, and so on. The Gods that have interacted with humanity are not those highest beings, but rather somewhere between the highest and the lesser. Each of the highest beings is an Aspect, like Truth, Lies, Love, Hate, Knowledge. Some are good, some are evil, some are neutral. The Christian God is the servant of Love, Truth, and Forgiveness. Most people follow the paths of two or three of the highest, and the afterlife will reflect which ones they follow regardless of which names they are calling their gods, or if they don't believe in any gods.

Thus, I don't feel the need to evangelize. I don't feel the need to spread the word. I just feel the need to try to spread Love and Truth, because those are the paths I choose to follow.
I am beginning to believe I made an error when I made this poll. As I said in the beginning, I deliberately simplified it in an attempt to avoid a lot of stuff I wasn't really interested in getting into again.

Better, I think, would have been to simplify it even further. Something like...

Do you believe in at least one supernatural deity (a 'god', if you will)
  • yes
  • no
Lesson learned.
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I'm really weird on my beliefs. I don't believe that any one religion, or even atheism is fully correct. But I feel like there are aspects from a lot of religions that have some sort of basis or inspiration from somewhere. I believe that there is something higher(like a God), but I don't believe it has as much influence in our day to day lives as most religions like to say. Like an example is not helping starving children, because I don't think that is it's job. I believe there is an afterlife, and other spiritual world elements that exist. A lot of religions don't believe in aliens or unicorns and stuff exist, for me I think they could but you just don't know for sure. I feel like there's just way too much weird shit and coincidences in the world to not suspect something outside of our dimension(is that the right word?) is going on.

One of the things I was thinking the other day made me believe there is a "God" is the fact animals have sex so differently. Like most animals have sex is such strange and diverse ways. All they need to do is put the sperm with the egg but no. Some animals just do crazy shit while doing it. .-. And the shape of so many animals penises, like why does my cat have spikes on his damn penis? I feel like whatever God we have is very creative. Like VERY creative. I know that's a silly comparison but it's just such an unnecessary thing to be as diverse on so that kind of makes it more believable to me. But I feel there is much more to this then whats just before your eyes.

Edit: I know some of my comment seems irrelevant but I feel it supports the whole idea of believing the existence of things and it is supportive of my "spirituality" I guess you could call it. In case anyone thinks I'm rambling.
I'm really weird on my beliefs. I don't believe that any one religion, or even atheism is fully correct. But I feel like there are aspects from a lot of religions that have some sort of basis or inspiration from somewhere. I believe that there is something higher(like a God), but I don't believe it has as much influence in our day to day lives as most religions like to say. Like an example is not helping starving children, because I don't think that is it's job. I believe there is an afterlife, and other spiritual world elements that exist. A lot of religions don't believe in aliens or unicorns and stuff exist, for me I think they could but you just don't know for sure. I feel like there's just way too much weird shit and coincidences in the world to not suspect something outside of our dimension(is that the right word?) is going on.

One of the things I was thinking the other day made me believe there is a "God" is the fact animals have sex so differently. Like most animals have sex is such strange and diverse ways. All they need to do is put the sperm with the egg but no. Some animals just do crazy shit while doing it. .-. And the shape of so many animals penises, like why does my cat have spikes on his damn penis? I feel like whatever God we have is very creative. Like VERY creative. I know that's a silly comparison but it's just such an unnecessary thing to be as diverse on so that kind of makes it more believable to me. But I feel there is much more to this then whats just before your eyes.

Edit: I know some of my comment seems irrelevant but I feel it supports the whole idea of believing the existence of things and it is supportive of my "spirituality" I guess you could call it. In case anyone thinks I'm rambling.
Well I for one, don't believe atheism deserves to be lumped in with relgiions. (xcuse my typing, beer and Klonopin nad trazadone).

I tont believe there is anythign higher at all. Yess, I ahve seen the coincedences. I have noteicded the wiernd shit. But to read meaning into it is sillyl

Now animals. I know a gay donkey. This gay donkey will tyry to have sex with other male donkeys. Doesnst mean shit. It's just a jgay donkey.

But i do feel there is something going on withthings we odont fully grasp. your cat has a spiked penis. who knowsy why.

But I dont believe theere is a "god". Poopycock.

None of this is ment to knock your spirituality. Its yours, you be proud of it.
I am sad cuz I thought this was gona be about religion not god.

But, I did vote!!

I do not believe in a higher power

I am religious, come from a religious family, have a strong belief in my religion.
Well I for one, don't believe atheism deserves to be lumped in with relgiions. (xcuse my typing, beer and Klonopin nad trazadone).

I tont believe there is anythign higher at all. Yess, I ahve seen the coincedences. I have noteicded the wiernd shit. But to read meaning into it is sillyl

Now animals. I know a gay donkey. This gay donkey will tyry to have sex with other male donkeys. Doesnst mean shit. It's just a jgay donkey.

But i do feel there is something going on withthings we odont fully grasp. your cat has a spiked penis. who knowsy why.

But I dont believe theere is a "god". Poopycock.

None of this is ment to knock your spirituality. Its yours, you be proud of it.

When I mentioned Atheists it's because Atheists do not believe in a higher deity. It was relevant to the rest because I don't believe they're right, but I believe they have some good points. As with religions. I wasn't really lumping them together, they're just part of the same situation. To believe or not to believe. But I wasn't really referring to gay sex, but the ways animals have sex. Like praying mantises eat the head of the male, some animals have sex by more rapey like methods, some animals literally just squirt their semen on eggs that were laid, and then I guess an octopus throws it's dick at another octopus and regrows one. It's not just some simple dick in vagina sort of thing. Gay sex isn't relevant because it's still just sex, just not reproductive sex. Unless there's some crazy animal out there that can do that too. Idk if that exists. xD I get my ideas are probably a little weird... But I shared them because I thought the purpose of the post was for knowledge, not... I guess... debatey?
But I wasn't really referring to gay sex, but the ways animals have sex. Like praying mantises eat the head of the male, some animals have sex by more rapey like methods, some animals literally just squirt their semen on eggs that were laid, and then I guess an octopus throws it's dick at another octopus and regrows one. It's not just some simple dick in vagina sort of thing. Gay sex isn't relevant because it's still just sex, just not reproductive sex. Unless there's some crazy animal out there that can do that too. Idk if that exists. xD I get my ideas are probably a little weird... But I shared them because I thought the purpose of the post was for knowledge, not... I guess... debatey?
No no, you aare good. But this donkey I know of, literally has gay sex just to be having gay sex. Even when females are available, this donkey opts for same sex ciopulation.
Your ideas are not weird. Thanks for adding do the discussion. And if you were a male donkey, and i was a male donkey, I would happily have gay sex with you regardlless of your religious inclinations.

Thanks for sharing..
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No no, you aare good. But this donkey I know of, literally has gay sex just to be having gay sex. Even when females are available, this donkey opts for same sex ciopulation.
Your ideas are not weird. Thanks for adding do the discussion. And if you were a male donkey, and i was a male donkey, I would happily have gay sex with you regardlless of your religious inclinations.

Thanks for sharing..

I never thought animals other than humans could be strictly gay before, but I guess that donkey proves they can. Lol.
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My beliefs here are complicated. But I understood this question was implying "any god or higher power or multiple gods = yes" so I chose yes.

I was raised Christian for 10.5 years, Catholic for the next 10.5 years. Lapsed Catholic now, though I feel like all that happened was my understanding of the higher power situation grew up.

My understanding of things is "as long as no one's hurting anyone else, leave them be, try to respect them, and show everyone love". My understanding of how to evangelize when I was a Christian was to be the best person I could be, and if anyone asked, bring God into it, but not if they don't ask.

For those who are asking:

My understanding is that there are a bunch of higher beings that created everything and everyone, and they created lesser spiritual beings which we call angels, fairies, demons, and so on. The Gods that have interacted with humanity are not those highest beings, but rather somewhere between the highest and the lesser. Each of the highest beings is an Aspect, like Truth, Lies, Love, Hate, Knowledge. Some are good, some are evil, some are neutral. The Christian God is the servant of Love, Truth, and Forgiveness. Most people follow the paths of two or three of the highest, and the afterlife will reflect which ones they follow regardless of which names they are calling their gods, or if they don't believe in any gods.

Thus, I don't feel the need to evangelize. I don't feel the need to spread the word. I just feel the need to try to spread Love and Truth, because those are the paths I choose to follow.

Out of curiosity, what evidence are you basing all of this on? And how can Christian God be the servant of love if he's killed babies on multiple occasions (as a plague, and during the flood) according to the Bible?
Out of curiosity, what evidence are you basing all of this on? And how can Christian God be the servant of love if he's killed babies on multiple occasions (as a plague, and during the flood) according to the Bible?

Okay. I'm flipping back over into my religious upbringing here.

The short answer to that is, he didn't kill any one. They killed themselves in the flood.

Now for the long reasoning behind that short answer.

God didn't order Noah to just up and build an ark one day and then surprise flood the world the next so he could kill off everyone. Well before the flood, 120 years, God let man know there was going to be a separation of his presence from the evil man had become and he was not happy with the current situation.

Genesis 6:3-6
3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

But God didn't just order Noah to build an ark, he also called on him to preach to all the unrighteous.
2 Peter 2:5
5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;

And he allowed time for Noah to try to convince people to turn from their wicked ways.
1 Peter 3:20
Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

So God let people know judgement was coming long before, had Noah preach to everyone to turn away from sin and join him on the ark, and gave them all time to come to the righteous decision while the ark was being built. In the end no one outside Noah's family came when the flood began. It wasn't God who killed them all, it was themselves. The people would be at fault even for the children, since it was they who refused to bring them to the ark.

[/end religious upringing]
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