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Got religion?

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Do you believe in "God"

  • I do not believe in a supernatural deity

    Votes: 69 61.1%
  • I believe in a supernatural deity

    Votes: 44 38.9%

  • Total voters
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I did bad things, privileges revoked!
In the Dog House
Feb 23, 2015
Deliberately simplified the poll. Not really curious about the agnostic v. atheist stuff.
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Yeah, easy no for me. I follow the scientific method when I'm finding out what I "believe." Basically: is it provable, repeatable, and measurable? Then it is real and I believe it exists.

Yeah, easy no for me. I follow the scientific method when I'm finding out what I "believe." Basically: is it provable, repeatable, and measurable? Then it is real and I believe it exists.


Tell you what got me wondering about the religious makeup of ACF.

I am in group therapy for mental issues. One thing that has popped up several times over the last month is people commenting on how important their faith is for their recovery. Good for them.

Last night I shared a story of a psychotic break I had, hyperreligiosity complete with hallucinations, messages from God, etc. And I told them, I am an atheist. Also told them how believers around me encouraged my delusions, and tried to convince me my hallucinations were real, even after I had started on an antipsychotic and I realized they were not.

By the end of the group, it seemed every single person felt the need to mention "Oh, and I am a Christian.", as if my atheism needed to be met with more professions of faith.

Keep in mind, I understand how touchy this can be, and when I told them of my atheism, I made it clear, I hold no ones faith against them. I was just sharing my story.

Anyhoo, I will shut up now, and resume my slow trek towards a certain and fiery damnation.
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No. Ive been baptized (is that right?) as a child, more of a tradition of "celebrating a new life" then religion. And I took the first communion (I think? Yeah. Church word in English hasn't been my priority.. :D) ) more of "I don't have anything else to do with my spare time". I don't believe in any God and I would say we aren't much of a religious country. We do much of the stuff of the same reason I did. I really can't think of anyone I know that goes to church if it aren't for weddings or funerals. We are born into Christianity if the parents aren't saying anything else, and most don't.

But no. Not religious. I never say
Anything like "I pray for you", and sometimes I wish I was religious and could say that to comfort people (American fb friends. Mom would think I was nuts for saying such thing).

I do believe in science- with a paranormal touch. I just don't believe in a god.

And to feed an active psychosis with religion? That is just plain awful. I hope you had good people around you too.

(I had taken a sleeping pill before I started reading and it kicked in when I started to write. Sorry about the ramble. )
By the end of the group, it seemed every single person felt the need to mention "Oh, and I am a Christian.", as if my atheism needed to be met with more professions of faith.

If I'm not mistaken, it's part of a hard core Christian's duty to try and convert non-believers. My cousins were always harping on that to the point where I'd try to avoid them whenever possible until I finally told them point blank to stop in no uncertain terms.

I really want to see the movie 'Touched By Fire' with Katie Holmes who portrays a bipolar person, heard it really captures what people and families go through. My brother is bipolar.
If I'm not mistaken, it's part of a hard core Christian's duty to try and convert non-believers.
Well I was in the visiting area of a mental hospital when a schizophrenic girl was paid a visit by 2 members of her church. She was in a bad way. I listened as they pressured her for about a half hour or so, telling her psychiatry and medications weren't the answer, she just needed to get right with the Lord, etc. She was bawling and getting more and more agitated. Not sure if they led her back into the fold or not, but I know they got her a needle full of Haldol. They meant well, but that shit had me so mad.
Your poll is too binary and doesn't really fit into the complexity of this subject. Your other dichotomy of atheist vs agnostic and not being interested in that is also a bit too narrow.

I also think that a lot of people who think that they are ardent followers of science are actually followers of scientism, which is more about an overreach of the scientific method into areas where it doesn't fit. Don't take that as an attack on science but as an attack on its misapplication.

Any beliefs that i have are quite fluid as I learn more things and even change according to my mood. Also, I think that there's room for religion beyond belief, beyond literalism, beyond theism and I'm even a fan of the idea of atheism 2.0-- the universal need for community, art, expression and metaphor to create a strong society and strong people.

Nowhere near a simple question!
I wish their was a "not sure/neither option" because my beliefs are really odd. I buy into a lot of paranormal crap, mainly because it's fun and I definitely believe we're not the sharpest crayon in the universal box, but religion wise I'm a modern satanist which has no god/afterlife/high power unless you want to count yourself as a higher power. Ideally I'd like a Childhood's End scenario. :hilarious::hilarious:

Well I was in the visiting area of a mental hospital when a schizophrenic girl was paid a visit by 2 members of her church. She was in a bad way. I listened as they pressured her for about a half hour or so, telling her psychiatry and medications weren't the answer, she just needed to get right with the Lord, etc. She was bawling and getting more and more agitated. Not sure if they led her back into the fold or not, but I know they got her a needle full of Haldol. They meant well, but that shit had me so mad.

Scientology is the same way. It's scary how easily people can be brainwashed. On the other hand, a lot of people can find amazing strength in faith. If it works for people, I'm all for it... more power to 'em, provided it doesn't harm others.
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Your poll is too binary and doesn't really fit into the complexity of this subject. Your other dichotomy of atheist vs agnostic and not being interested in that is also a bit too narrow.

I also think that a lot of people who think that they are ardent followers of science are actually followers of scientism, which is more about an overreach of the scientific method into areas where it doesn't fit. Don't take that as an attack on science but as an attack on its misapplication.

Any beliefs that i have are quite fluid as I learn more things and even change according to my mood. Also, I think that there's room for religion beyond belief, beyond literalism, beyond theism and I'm even a fan of the idea of atheism 2.0-- the universal need for community, art, expression and metaphor to create a strong society and strong people.

Nowhere near a simple question!
This was by design. I am well versed in the complexities of this issue, and wanted to avoid them.

This community seems to have a large number of people of above average intelligence. It is also about as sexually open as it gets. Having had my religious buttons pushed as of late, it led me to wonder what people here think.

I don't belittle you for your deep thoughts on this issue, but my poll was to find out the following...
1. Do you think the Big Man is up there watching us, or
2. Do you think the Big Man is a load of hokum

A simple question.
If I'm not mistaken, it's part of a hard core Christian's duty to try and convert non-believers. .

This is my family right here. My parents are very religious (Catholic) people, they do a lot of church activities outside of going to mass, and love talking about religion. I on the other hand, haven't been to church in almost 5 years and have no intentions of changing that. i started getting hounded about going for Easter on Ash Wednesday already. I describe them as the kind of people that give religious people a bad name. I'd describe myself as a non practicing Catholic, if that's a thing.
Yes, the religion you acquired from your parents or family is not just a theistic thing; there are cultural aspects too. So, yeah you can be a non-practicing anything.

I was baptized Lutheran, but I've never believed any of it or practiced any of it except when forced as a child, but I doubt I can escape some cultural aspects that I may not even be aware of.
Scientology is the same way. It's scary how easily people can be brainwashed. On the other hand, a lot of people can find amazing strength in faith. If it works for people, I'm all for it... more power to 'em, provided it doesn't harm others.
It does seem to help some. Attended a few AA NA meetings, and the "higher power" seems to do ok for them. Was a huge turnoff for me though.
I'm a Christian, and I have been one for a very long time.
I mean, there's no doubt that simple is good. But if you wanted a real look at what the people here think, you gotta give options that would allow them to accurately answer.

1. Monotheist
2. Polytheist
3. Atheist
4. Agnostic

I feel like that's pretty inclusive while still being simple? Am I missing anyone?
Sorry trying to subtly get across my annoyance at leaving out any nuance rated a face palm. Any religious discussion just seemed pointless to leave it at "atheism versus monotheism".
Your participation in the form of announcing you could not participate is what warranted the facepalm.
I mean, there's no doubt that simple is good. But if you wanted a real look at what the people here think, you gotta give options that would allow them to accurately answer.

1. Monotheist
2. Polytheist
3. Atheist
4. Agnostic

I feel like that's pretty inclusive while still being simple? Am I missing anyone?
No, see I have had these discussions to death. Was not the least bit interested in all of that. Pantheism, strong and weak atheism, is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy, blah blah blah.

I just wanted to simply know, do you believe a supernatural deity exists? Or do you not?

Polytheist? Multiple gods/goddesses? Then the answer would be yes, you do believe in a supernatural deity.

I wasn't really going for an all-inclusive survey of the finer points of what everybody here believes. Only "Do you believe He (or She, or They) are real, or do you not?
I mean, there's no doubt that simple is good. But if you wanted a real look at what the people here think, you gotta give options that would allow them to accurately answer.

1. Monotheist
2. Polytheist
3. Atheist
4. Agnostic

I feel like that's pretty inclusive while still being simple? Am I missing anyone?
Yeah, the definitions are generally misunderstood.
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Nope. I still say things like "oh my god", thank god", and "hope to god" and random phrases like that because it was everywhere growing up and I just adopted it, regardless of if the word "god" meant anything to me or not. "God dammit" is a very popular thing to fly out of my mouth, and once in a while it irritates whomever I'm with.
It's just a fictional character in a book to me.
Your participation in the form of announcing you could not participate is what warranted the facepalm.
That has always driven me crazy when it happens, in any thread on the forum.
Well I was in the visiting area of a mental hospital when a schizophrenic girl was paid a visit by 2 members of her church. She was in a bad way. I listened as they pressured her for about a half hour or so, telling her psychiatry and medications weren't the answer, she just needed to get right with the Lord, etc. She was bawling and getting more and more agitated. Not sure if they led her back into the fold or not, but I know they got her a needle full of Haldol. They meant well, but that shit had me so mad.

That's horrible, and that would've made me mad too. I hate it when a person who calls themselves "a child of God" resorts to such bullying tactics to get people to see the light. Those people should've been kicked out for telling a schizophrenic person to stop taking her meds, and for getting her that agitated. That is HORRIBLE advice.

And it's sad when a person can't even have a normal conversation about normal problems (for example, if you say "I've been a little depressed lately") without someone blurting out things like "Well, you wouldn't be depressed if you had Jesus in your life." That is incredibly obnoxious.
trying to subtly get across my annoyance

It wasn't subtle.

I agree that not having "don't know/agnostic" as an option makes having a poll like this more difficult because it either excludes certain people or causes us to make a snap decision (like which way are we leaning a bit more toward on the spectrum). But this really isn't a thread that warrants everyone's participation, nor does it really require feedback at all. It's not like we're gonna have a religious debate here. So either roll your eyes and close the thread or just select an option. It's no big deal to the rest of us either way. I think the negativity and overall superior tone of your post are what warranted the facepalm. Not your opinion itself.
dont think theres a guy in the sky that knows when I'm sleeping and know when I'm masturbating. (like a santa/jesus)
Had a lot of catholic schooling but for non religious reasons.

maybe not believe in god, but

Might believe in ghosts and stuff or the possibility other worldly dimension type afterlife maybe?
Any religious discussion just seemed pointless to leave it at "atheism versus monotheism".

No, see I have had these discussions to death. Was not the least bit interested in all of that. Pantheism, strong and weak atheism, is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy, blah blah blah.

I too am upset this poll did not include the Ligurian tree cults from the ancient Celts. Trees man, it's where it's at!
Your participation in the form of announcing you could not participate is what warranted the facepalm.

No, see I have had these discussions to death. Was not the least bit interested in all of that. Pantheism, strong and weak atheism, is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy, blah blah blah.

I just wanted to simply know, do you believe a supernatural deity exists? Or do you not?

Polytheist? Multiple gods/goddesses? Then the answer would be yes, you do believe in a supernatural deity.

I wasn't really going for an all-inclusive survey of the finer points of what everybody here believes. Only "Do you believe He (or She, or They) are real, or do you not?

Nope. I still say things like "oh my god", thank god", and "hope to god" and random phrases like that because it was everywhere growing up and I just adopted it, regardless of if the word "god" meant anything to me or not. "God dammit" is a very popular thing to fly out of my mouth, and once in a while it irritates whomever I'm with.
It's just a fictional character in a book to me.

That has always driven me crazy when it happens, in any thread on the forum.
Sorry. I enjoy these discussions. Just didn't understand why a "Maybe" option makes things too difficult. A black and white discussion seemed limiting. I'll see my way out I guess.
Sorry. I enjoy these discussions. Just didn't understand why a "Maybe" option makes things too difficult. A black and white discussion seemed limiting. I'll see my way out I guess.

Easier solution. If you want more options and less limiting, start your own thread with a poll that has more options. Very simple to do.

Can I get an Amen!
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