AmberCutie's Forum
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Got myself and the model I was talking to banned

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Aug 1, 2024

So I was in a pvt with said model and we are friends and we talk about a lot of things.
I was telling her that one of my young cousins asked me for inappropriate things.
We were talking why it happened and how my cousin got confused there were no sexual description or any sexual context to the conversation.
It was just a conversation about a girl that got a crush and got confused emotions because of her life situation.
Now the system probably automatically flagd the conversation but this is a false positive.
I don't actually care to much about my account but that model is my friend and this is her livelihood and I want to fix this.
The bigger problem is that from what I'm reading chaturbate won't ever overtrun this ban.
I really want to at least help her.
My user name on chaturbate: youneedlemons
I also want to add that the system automatically banned every account that she was ever verified in!
She did shows with other models and they got banned also!
this seems like a big overreach and damages so many people.
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Yes the did but it's an automated response.
Can you please ask that a human review the chat log and see that the was no violation of the terms.

By “young” cousin, I’m guessing you mean a minor? Or by saying young it could have been interpreted as talking about a minor. Even if there was no sexual context, talking about minors on a camsite is a huge no no and absolutely a violation of their TOS. Also, I’m pretty sure anything related to taboo/familial relationships is a big no no on CB as well.

Support won’t tell you anything about the model’s ban status, she’ll have to open up her own support ticket. It is really screwed up if they banned models who just had her id on file with them since she previously cammed with them. Hopefully those models in particular can get everything straightened out quickly and get unbanned.
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Something to remember is that private on CB is private from the public chat/viewers but NEVER private from CB staff. They monitor your chat, PMs, DMs, videos, privates, and ticket shows.

Good luck,
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By “young” cousin, I’m guessing you mean a minor? Or by saying young it could have been interpreted as talking about a minor. Even if there was no sexual context, talking about minors on a camsite is a huge no no and absolutely a violation of their TOS. Also, I’m pretty sure anything related to taboo/familial relationships is a big no no on CB as well.

Support won’t tell you anything about the model’s ban status, she’ll have to open up her own support ticket. It is really screwed up if they banned models who just had her id on file with them since she previously cammed with them. Hopefully those models in particular can get everything straightened out quickly and get unbanned.
This is what he wrote:
I was telling her that one of my young cousins asked me for inappropriate things.
We were talking why it happened and how my cousin got confused there were no sexual description or any sexual context to the conversation.
It was just a conversation about a girl that got a crush and got confused emotions because of her life situation.
I always wonder what kind of pervert imagination can turn everything to something dirty and see minors and child abuse everywhere?
Yes chaturbate is adult site, but i have had many intresting and nice conversation with guys about everything else than sexual subjects, there can be conversations about life, job, family, everything is not always about sex.
As for me i dont see anything dirty or strange in fact that someone might talk about young cousin confused emotions and life, people who cant see anything else than dirty meanings everywhere must have something dirty in their own head.
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By “young” cousin, I’m guessing you mean a minor? Or by saying young it could have been interpreted as talking about a minor. Even if there was no sexual context, talking about minors on a camsite is a huge no no and absolutely a violation of their TOS. Also, I’m pretty sure anything related to taboo/familial relationships is a big no no on CB as well.

Support won’t tell you anything about the model’s ban status, she’ll have to open up her own support ticket. It is really screwed up if they banned models who just had her id on file with them since she previously cammed with them. Hopefully those models in particular can get everything straightened out quickly and get unbanned.
You can do "step" everything but no blood relations. :)
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Loosely related - if you make Sissy content for C4S , a bot or staff member now goes in and changes it to "step" sissy. Kind of funny since sissy content isn't taboo anyways. But AI doesn't have context, and that's the direction we are moving here guys. It's not even always about morals etc. It's about a computer robot scanning your content for key words, it's been programmed to scan for. You could get a ban, that puts you out the game for 2-7 nights. Idk about you guys, but 2-7 nights is a lot of missed earnings for me.

I don't like that I can't chat abput more real life stuff and be socially closer with my followers on many of these sites too. But you have to consider context. The reality that it's their (the sites) responsibility to protect themselves from liability, and for people who are sick, twisted perverts, using our sites to facilitate crimes. And in this political climate, that's a good thing, even though it's annoying af. Because it helps our side prove that we are monitoring closely, and upholding very strict standards, ie doing our best. While conservatives argue that we are all a bunch of moralless pervs or whatever, that need to be shut down completely (when really thats them).
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This is what he wrote:

I always wonder what kind of pervert imagination can turn everything to something dirty and see minors and child abuse everywhere?
Yes chaturbate is adult site, but i have had many intresting and nice conversation with guys about everything else than sexual subjects, there can be conversations about life, job, family, everything is not always about sex.
As for me i dont see anything dirty or strange in fact that someone might talk about young cousin confused emotions and life, people who cant see anything else than dirty meanings everywhere must have something dirty in their own head.

While I do somewhat agree with that sentiment, adult sites have to do this to protect themselves legally and so they don’t face scrutiny from the general public.

Forgive me if you already know this, but the adult community as a whole faced extreme backlash because of Pornhub legitimately allowing CP on their site. Payment processors are stricter than ever now, and that played a huge part in these strict new content rules. So, minors being discussed at all on an adult site, whether in a sexual manner or not, is not passable because there’s not a whole lot of nuance when it comes to payment processors these days. Sites legit risk losing their ability to accept payments if they allow minors to be discussed on their platform.

Plus, in America right now there’s this huge campaign against the sex work industry by conservatives, and their main talking point is how it’s harmful to children. If one of these people who want to outlaw porn saw minors being discussed on an adult site and decided to make a Twitter (ahem, X) post about it or write an article and it gained traction, it would be further used to demonize our industry, and no site wants to be caught up in that.

So yeah, I don’t think that everyone who happens to bring up a situation about a minor is automatically a pedo or has ill intentions. But it could be construed as that by payment processors or people who want to hurt/dismantle our industry.

Also, there are pedophiles who will ease into stuff like that by starting off with seemingly innocuous talk about minors.

It’s just best for everyone to keep talks about minors off adult platforms altogether. If a model and member are friends and want to discuss family issues like this, it’s best done off site.
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While I do somewhat agree with that sentiment, adult sites have to do this to protect themselves legally and so they don’t face scrutiny from the general public.

Forgive me if you already know this, but the adult community as a whole faced extreme backlash because of Pornhub legitimately allowing CP on their site. Payment processors are stricter than ever now, and that played a huge part in these strict new content rules. So, minors being discussed at all on an adult site, whether in a sexual manner or not, is not passable because there’s not a whole lot of nuance when it comes to payment processors these days. Sites legit risk losing their ability to accept payments if they allow minors to be discussed on their platform.

Plus, in America right now there’s this huge campaign against the sex work industry by conservatives, and their main talking point is how it’s harmful to children. If one of these people who want to outlaw porn saw minors being discussed on an adult site and decided to make a Twitter (ahem, X) post about it or write an article and it gained traction, it would be further used to demonize our industry, and no site wants to be caught up in that.

So yeah, I don’t think that everyone who happens to bring up a situation about a minor is automatically a pedo or has ill intentions. But it could be construed as that by payment processors or people who want to hurt/dismantle our industry.

Also, there are pedophiles who will ease into stuff like that by starting off with seemingly innocuous talk about minors.

It’s just best for everyone to keep talks about minors off adult platforms altogether. If a model and member are friends and want to discuss family issues like this, it’s best done off site.
Haha jinx. We both kinda said the same thing, the exact same time.
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Something to remember is that private on CB is private from the public chat/viewers but NEVER private from CB staff. They monitor your chat, PMs, DMs, videos, privates, and ticket shows.

Good luck,

I know I mentioned it's a private to give context that it was a personal conversation and not something in public.
By “young” cousin, I’m guessing you mean a minor? Or by saying young it could have been interpreted as talking about a minor. Even if there was no sexual context, talking about minors on a camsite is a huge no no and absolutely a violation of their TOS. Also, I’m pretty sure anything related to taboo/familial relationships is a big no no on CB as well.

Support won’t tell you anything about the model’s ban status, she’ll have to open up her own support ticket. It is really screwed up if they banned models who just had her id on file with them since she previously cammed with them. Hopefully those models in particular can get everything straightened out quickly and get unbanned.
While I do somewhat agree with that sentiment, adult sites have to do this to protect themselves legally and so they don’t face scrutiny from the general public.

Forgive me if you already know this, but the adult community as a whole faced extreme backlash because of Pornhub legitimately allowing CP on their site. Payment processors are stricter than ever now, and that played a huge part in these strict new content rules. So, minors being discussed at all on an adult site, whether in a sexual manner or not, is not passable because there’s not a whole lot of nuance when it comes to payment processors these days. Sites legit risk losing their ability to accept payments if they allow minors to be discussed on their platform.

Plus, in America right now there’s this huge campaign against the sex work industry by conservatives, and their main talking point is how it’s harmful to children. If one of these people who want to outlaw porn saw minors being discussed on an adult site and decided to make a Twitter (ahem, X) post about it or write an article and it gained traction, it would be further used to demonize our industry, and no site wants to be caught up in that.

So yeah, I don’t think that everyone who happens to bring up a situation about a minor is automatically a pedo or has ill intentions. But it could be construed as that by payment processors or people who want to hurt/dismantle our industry.

Also, there are pedophiles who will ease into stuff like that by starting off with seemingly innocuous talk about minors.

It’s just best for everyone to keep talks about minors off adult platforms altogether. If a model and member are friends and want to discuss family issues like this, it’s best done off site.

It's not a violation of the TOS period!
The TOS stats "discussion of child pornography or child exploitation" there was no discussion of any of that there was a discussion about my cousin being confused and why it happened the word sex was used one time the rest was an explanation about my cousin being bullied and having no friends.
No mental gymnastic can make our discussion be about "child pornography or child exploitation".
If i haven't said her age the system wouldn't even detect it.
And that is the core of the problem they use an automated system that auto ban without context and without a way to actually appeal side ban.
They do it like this because they are cheap and don't want to employ people to actually check things!

Not my first time dealing with lazy "software" company with the same issue hiding behind politics and TOS but in the end it's them not wanting to invest in actual infrastructure.

Also I would note that system is so lazy I can bypass it with no issues and I tested it to see how stupid it is.
So yeah they used a cheap soultion to seem like they were upholding some high standards but in reality it's just tons of false postives and does nothing to stop actual offendrs.
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CB is a site that will ban age verified broadcasters for “looking too young” …

Discussing minors is always a no no.

Yes - things are context dependent. No sites do not bother with that, especially CB they just handle everything w a really high level of risk mitigation.
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so you were talking about your minor cousin on a porn site?

Yes and i was discussing a lot on other thing about my private life with the model.
she practically knows everything about my life at this point.
Not afraid to say it or admit it because there was nothing wrong in the conversation and if CB wouldn't have blocked my from accessing my chat logs I would have even showed the transcript to prove it.
Also to you it's just a porn site to me I have super long conversation with models and actually met some of my best friends there not everyone uses it the same way.
Also do you think if I actually did something like that I would ask CB to involve an actual human to go over the chat logs?
CB is a site that will ban age verified broadcasters for “looking too young” …

Discussing minors is always a no no.

Yes - things are context dependent. No sites do not bother with that, especially CB they just handle everything w a really high level of risk mitigation.

It's not risk mitigation it's profit consideration because like i said in my post above the system is flawed and can be bypassed very easily it was done in the cheapest way possible to say "look we did something"
This approach is bad and is not protecting anyone or doing any good beside to the site pocket.

I would like to also note that I completely understand all the reasons be it political,money and law why CB do it this way and I'm not disputing any of those reason or saying there shouldn't be a system to uphold this.
I'm saying that the current system is flawed.

Also all I actually looking for right now is helping getting the ban lifted so she can get back to work because it's hurting her more then me.
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It's not a violation of the TOS period!


Discussing minors is prohibited. Not only that, you were talking about how your cousin, who is a minor, has feelings for you and asked you for “inappropriate things”.

That’s not a normal thing to talk about on a porn site. While you may not have had ill intentions, I would side eye any member who thought it was okay to discuss that with me and would think he was trying to instigate a weird age play roleplay situation. Just sayin’. Just because you chat about your life on there doesn’t make it less of a porn site, intended for adults, and minors should not be discussed on there.
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View attachment 100918

Discussing minors is prohibited. Not only that, you were talking about how your cousin, who is a minor, has feelings for you and asked you for “inappropriate things”.

That’s not a normal thing to talk about on a porn site. While you may not have had ill intentions, I would side eye any member who thought it was okay to discuss that with me and would think he was trying to instigate a weird age play roleplay situation. Just sayin’. Just because you chat about your life on there doesn’t make it less of a porn site, intended for adults, and minors should not be discussed on there.
That is not in the TOS that is another document can you please link it because I truly can't find it.

Also I would like to note that of course I would never talk about it with a random model or in public chat said model and I know each other for a long time and share a lot of things.
Second thing I didn't say it was not a porn site it clearly is and that is an undisputed fact.
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That is not in the TOS that is another document can you please link it because I truly can't find it.

Also I would like to note that of course I would never talk about it with a random model or in public chat said model and I know each other for a long time and share a lot of things.
Second thing I didn't say it was not a porn site it clearly is and that is an undisputed fact.
Whether you use it as porn site or not, it is a porn site. Part of your ongoing excuses for this is "Oh I socialize there, I have long term friends, I talk about my life blah, blah, blah".
What she's saying is; it doesn't matter how you chose to use the site; it is a porn site, and you should never lose sight of that 🙈
So not a valid excuse or justification, for your error, or for any adult using a porn site.

I wasn't going to say anything else in this thread, because you (and your little compadres) are clearly so fired up and righteous.
But FFS it's totally ridiculous, and weird.
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That is not in the TOS that is another document can you please link it because I truly can't find it.

Also I would like to note that of course I would never talk about it with a random model or in public chat said model and I know each other for a long time and share a lot of things.
Second thing I didn't say it was not a porn site it clearly is and that is an undisputed fact.
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Whether you use it as porn site or not, it is a porn site. Part of your ongoing excuses for this is "Oh I socialize there, I have long term friends, I talk about my life blah, blah, blah".
What she's saying is; it doesn't matter how you chose to use the site; it is a porn site, and you should never lose sight of that
So not a valid excuse or justification, for your error, or for any adult using a porn site.

I wasn't going to say anything else in this thread, because you (and your little compadres) are clearly so fired up and righteous.
But FFS it's totally ridiculous, and weird.
Notice that I said it is a porn site and that it is undisputed fact.
Also never tried to justify or excuses anything I didn't even ask for my account back I asked for hers because it was my error not hers.

Also I'm here alone no compadres.
I'm fired up because I caused someone I care about to lose their income.
And I truly don't think I'm righteous and if it appears that way then I apologize for it.

All I said is that the system they use for this is flawed.

That is buried so deep in the site thank you for the link.
I'm proven wrong that is indeed part of the TOS.
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Just because you have personal conversations on a pornsite doesnt erase the adult nature of the site.

Anywho hopefully you can take away from this that discussion of minors are a big no no on camsites.

Models: no matter how innocent the conversation may seem, need to shut that conversation down or risk your account being banned if a member mentions an underage person.
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Just because you have personal conversations on a pornsite doesnt erase the adult nature of the site.

Anywho hopefully you can take away from this that discussion of minors are a big no no on camsites.

Models: no matter how innocent the conversation may seem, need to shut that conversation down or risk your account being banned if a member mentions an underage person.

I will say again like I said In my last 2 posts I'm not saying it's not a porn site and never did.

What I take from this after reading other topics here and in other places about different bans is that having any personal conversation on the site can risk a ban if even one word is against the TOS so it's not worth the risk of lose income.

That is really a shame because the best thing about this site vs normal porn is the ability to connect with the other side.
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What I take from this after reading other topics here and in other places about different bans is that having any personal conversation on the site can risk a ban if even one word is against the TOS so it's not worth the risk of lose income.
no need to act like a victim of the circumstances you created. you can have all the personal conversations you want on a camsite, but keep minors out of it.
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no need to act like a victim of the circumstances you created. you can have all the personal conversations you want on a camsite, but keep minors out of it.

Never acted like a victim I clearly stated multiple times I don't care about my account and the only thing I care about is the model account because it was clearly my fault.

And also if the system is fully automated like this anything out of context against the TOS can trigger a ban and that can be used against models.

Like I said that system has to many false positive and when a ban hits it bans every account your id is verified in!
That means if you even once collaborated with someone that someone is now also banned.

To aggressive and can be manipulated to trigger unwarranted bans and they don't have a system in place to appeal bans or deal with lose of income.

So yeah I stay behind what I said not worth the risk to lose your income better to keep things less personnel.

And I would like to add please stop taking what I say as a way to defend law offenses or anything related to minors on adult sites!

I only dispute the system that enforces bans and they way it works and my claim is that it needs to be improved.
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Youneedlemons said:
trigger unwarranted bans
your ban on a pornsite was warranted because you violated their TOS by talking about a family member who is underage being attracted to you.

Can you please not take what I said out of context!

what I said was:
And also if the system is fully automated like this anything out of context against the TOS can trigger a ban and that can be used against models.

Like I said that system has to many false positive and when a ban hits it bans every account your id is verified in!
That means if you even once collaborated with someone that someone is now also banned.

To aggressive and can be manipulated to trigger unwarranted bans and they don't have a system in place to appeal bans or deal with lose of income.

I was not referring to my own ban as you can see from the full text which you completely ignored because you wanted to make a point.
I was clearly referring to other bans and how the system can be manipulated against others.

And I would like to add please stop taking what I say as a way to defend law offenses or anything related to minors on adult sites!

I only dispute the system that enforces bans and they way it works and my claim is that it needs to be improved.
Also you decided to completely ignore this because you made your mind about who I'm and what I'm saying to fit your view.

I repeatedly stated that I don't care about my own account and only wish to restore the model account do to this being my own mistake.
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geeze louise.. what is up with dudes who engage in questionable behavior towards minors and context?

I repeatedly stated that I don't care about my own account and only wish to restore the model account do to this being my own mistake.

only the models can message support to see about getting their accounts restored. quite frankly they are equally at fault as much as you because they tolerated and more than likely engaged in conversation about a minor. chaturbate is within it's rights because they broke TOS.

they deserved their ban.
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geeze louise.. what is up with dudes who engage in questionable behavior towards minors and context?
You seem like a really perverted mind, do you often think about child pornography and minors? have you ever talked with some specialist about that? those thoughts can be dangerous when you cant hold them inside you and they might turn to real actions.
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You seem like a really perverted mind, do you often think about child pornography and minors? have you ever talked with some specialist about that? those thoughts can be dangerous when you cant hold them inside you and they might turn to real actions.
You're the one who's clearly Pedo baiting. You are disgusting. You are putting your child at risk, like an idiot, of the hugest dimensions! Bitch you got your head up your ass.
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