AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!


    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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My question has been ignored too.

It's not even ABOUT the photos. I think its a dumb decision to name a site almost identically to mygirlfund - which will be a major competititor. If you're investing 100k into this, i'd just like to know why you did that.

But I guess I don't get an answer :(
Very simple, finding a good domain is hard. was open so we took it. Our site colors, logos, technology are nothing like theirs. Some would assume that our serivces are the same but they are much diferent in the way they work. We plan on doing more group chat, allowing girls to have vip subscribers, sell tangible content, wall posts between guys and girls. These are things that separate us already.
I may be interested in this, but I'm still hesitant. What are the requirements to sign up, etc, and what is the guarantee that this isn't going to be a huge fail? Sorry to be harsh, but putting work into something and getting screwed is a concern to many, including myself.

Not everyone agrees with how MGF works, and I'm sure the fact that "girlfunder" and "mygirlfund" would show up on the same online searches did factor into your choice of domain name. No need to just say "it was open so we took it", frankly no one here will believe it. "" is likely an open domain too, but you wouldn't choose it unless it benefited you and gave you a good foothold for a blossoming site that needs start-up traffic, even traffic that is somewhat...hijacked. LOL

You could have a good idea here, it's just hard to put faith into it, I guess.
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The requirements are the same as most any other site. The law requires us to get proof of age in the form of an id or passport or something equivalent.

There is of course no guarantee but once you see the inside you can get an idea that what we have done is not cheap by any means. This should give you comfort that we have placed a lot of time and effort into what we currently have.

As far as the google results that really means very little as most of our traffic will come from advertisements and girls. The front end site has very little content so SEO is basically out the door.
Interesting all the discussion here of what you can see... I get a very minimal view of a potential site. One minuscule page for the 'preview' and similar for the other tabs. Of course there is the 'free sign up/member log in' as the first thing you see, but in all practicality, why would I sign up for anything when I cant view a decent representation of what I will be looking at after I sign up? If you cant catch the interest of the "camjohns" quickly and easily, no matter what the site is on the full start up, it wont go very far. :twocents-02cents:
Well, to let you in on it, my "regular job", is working as an internet marketing and advertising writer that specializes is Search Engine Optimization. That's how I make 2/3 of my money overall and I at least do know what I'm talking about in this particular subject.

You are correct in the sense that your front end site has little info, so little that it is pretty sad and doesn't give anything to make a model comfortable signing into it. It's very generic(beta or not) and reminds me of that recently had some major issues and vanished. And I'd say even that was more welcoming than your current setup, since I shortly worked a stint as a model there.

Have any of your beta models volunteered to write some (legit!) articles or testimonials? I saw that at least one of your ladies mentioned working for you and being paid. I'd advise you to start there to help get yourself off the ground and help girls trust you in the upcoming growth of your site, beyond just the invites you've sent for base workers.

Your front page is VERY important to help you grow and the more you add to it, the better, to make it more welcoming and more trustworthy "at a glance". You have to of course back that shit up, but initially it is important to at least get your point across to customers and potential models. Currently I can't see anything to really encourage sign-ups from either members or models.

Please take this as a helpful message, instead of coming back and me and being a bit...passive aggressive as you have been to another model here on this thread. I'm sorry that this is a bit of a critical group, but combined as a whole I'd say there is every reason to be a critical audience when you come here advertising yourself. This is YOUR model-base that you're presenting yourself to overall, we as a whole are your bread and butter, so you have good reason to prove yourself to us and we expect you to do so by answering questions and being fully open and honest.
Point well taken, our content guys are going to add additional information to the site this week.

Someone mentioned a better preview section in a previous posts as well. We are in beta at the moment and plan to do an official launch soon. We also welcome feedback on the system. I know a few girls have already given us ideas on things that would make the site better and we have already implemented those ideas.

We would like some girls to write good things about us but many of them are members of other sites and its really not worth the risk for them right now. Some sites like the ones we mentioned are very strict and controlling with their girls. It's almost like a prison in some cases.
Girlfunder said:
Point well taken, our content guys are going to add additional information to the site this week.

Someone mentioned a better preview section in a previous posts as well. We are in beta at the moment and plan to do an official launch soon. We also welcome feedback on the system. I know a few girls have already given us ideas on things that would make the site better and we have already implemented those ideas.

We would like some girls to write good things about us but many of them are members of other sites and its really not worth the risk for them right now. Some sites like the ones we mentioned are very strict and controlling with their girls. It's almost like a prison in some cases.

I'm a MyGirlFund member as well, and they have no issues with models being camgirls, being members of, etc, so in that sense it would be very strange for them to have an issue with them being a member of a separate site such as yours(under a different name).

Their only concern is that you do NOT use the same username for their site and do NOT share any links whatsoever that connects you to any name or persona unrelated to their site while on their site. Live-chat, messaging, photos, videos, nothing can show that you exist under any other name or on any other site while using them. That's how they protect themselves and their money. So no one would be "risking" anything by being on your site, under an entirely different name and persona, and mentioning that you are legit and not BS. :)

It would be no different than someone stealing someones pictures and claiming them as a member, and that person being punished elsewhere for their content being used, for example. It would be quite silly, as long as it's presented in a way that doesn't cause blatant competition or connection.
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Girlfunder said:
A caching issue on a beta server at the very time of a site being published is NOT blatant use of anything. Lets just get real here. Not one girl in here except Layla was able to even see it as it lasted all of 10 minutes. If you want hate for no reason and post hate on this forum then do it.

If you don't understand what a caching issue is then you should probably google it. Its a very understandable issue when placing a new site online. Skepticism about a new site is perfectly natural but do it for the right reasons. Talk to the girls we already have. Take a moment to look at our site for YOURSELF and see we have no models on our front end pages.

I know you think we are all total idiots, but you could probably get your point across without being so condescending. No one is "hating" on you...people are giving opinions about something you put on the internet. This is business, not personal.
Judging by what Girlfunder has said himself about his site, I will NEVER be joining or visiting this site and I'll definitely be making sure my regulars now what's on the up and up. :thumbleft: Thanks for stating, in your own words, Mr. Girlfunder that I should NOT ever visit, join your site or let you anywhere near my content. Keep in mind that I've drawn all of these conclusions by reading your posts, not the posts of the other girls here. :dance:
Sia Green said:
MadisonLeigh said:
Well, I think the members of this forum gave you the opportunity to explain yourself and own up to your mistakes, but instead you bullshitted us, ignored questions, and became overly defensive. These aren't personal attacks, these are valid criticisms from people who could potentially help you. Yes, I understand what you said about having enough models for now, but my point is that it would behoove you to maintain a professional image if you would like to have more models working for you in the future. But hey, it's your site and you can run it however you want, just don't expect to avoid criticism. If you put it out there, people are going to have something to say about it.

Madison...will you marry me bb? That response was just so "FUCK YEA!"! Everything I wanted to say to Mr. Funder in a nice, neat, zingy little package. :dance:

@Shaun - Yes, models constantly have to be on the lookout for shady site owners who either have no intention of paying or just have put the cart before the horse with their sites so to speak. It seems like a lot of them see $$$ and don't think everything through before recruiting girls to work for them. There was a site called SupportMyWish that seemed friendly enough at first and went to great lengths to prove they were legit. They were around for about 2 months and just shut down one day with no heads up or even an "Im sorry". They now owe thousands to lots of models. The main problem with these start up sites, is that theres not much models can do to hold them liable in these situations. Technically models are sub contractors and we work at our own risk. For whatever reason I never hear of models taking sites to court, so I imagine it might be more trouble than its worth.

So, when savvy ladies see red flags like; using pictures of popular models without their permission, lots of spelling errors, cocky site owners, blatant copyright infringement ect. we generally avoid getting involved.

Funny you should mention SupportMyWish I joined there site to see what it was like and disliked it. It lacked all the interaction I get on MFC. I asked them to stop emailing me and cancel my account and they asked why. I told them they reminded me of the crooked Russian dating sites. Well this seemed to really piss them off big time and they told me they were not crooked in any way and would take me off their mailing list. By a funny coincidence someone gave my email address to a crooked Russian dating site around the same time.

I feel the need to raise a few things here... For future reference especially if you decide to keep going with this.

"Girlfunder provides a secure place for men and women to meet, flirt, and more." also, "fund a girl near you."

i would take 'meet' out of there. and most cam girls do they want anyone near them to be funding them. Not me anyways, and i know many others feel the same. (just sayin.) i wouldnt want to join a site that encouraged people to fund me because i was Near them.

Also, if you've sunk so many thou$ands into your site, why does the logo have a visible blip where it turns into a shoe... Why are there grammar mistakes in your "about us" section... ("Add friends, communicate share and fund a girl near you. I am sure you will reward you for it! " among others) Why don't you have previews of any of the work you've done to get people interested in your "technology"? Why don't you have any of your 'legit' models over here defending you?

All of this would be okay.. if you hadn't already gone fishing for models. The girls you want on your side are Smart, and they want to see someone who can SPELL CHECK before going on twitter and offering a signup bonus. Don't go tweeting when you can't even show a decent preview of your site, barely any info, etc. The site's clearly not ready, and in this case, I think you may have shot yourself in the foot before you even got out of the gate by being unprepared.

Honestly, I could build the site you've made here in about two hours. So there is nothing to show that you even exist for anything beyond getting the personal info of some popular models. You could be a stalker for all we can tell here. :hello2:

If this is your game for real, "" is open, so is "" and Many other sites that don't sound exactly like 'mygirlfund'. right now you look like a dork trying to capitalise on someone else's website's hard work and reputation... Work SMART my friend! no one here is trying to attack you personally. we are just being honest and real and protecting ourselves, our content, our viewers, our friends, and our Time, as well as yours!

LaylaLux said:
So i sign on to twitter this morning to see this "new site" has tweeted a ton of girls including me saying they give u $250 to sign up .. threw up red flags right away .. i click on there site and see gisele pics .. im like hmmm .. they totally stole them i assume and i had to block them bc they wouldnt stop bugging me to sign up !

Just wanted to broadcast a general warning about this place to members and camgirls it looks like a huge scam to me!

I dont kno gisele personally but i tweeted her and let her know this place was using her pics and hopefully she can get them removed!

Your right to being suspicious about it read there privacy policy they collect credit/debit cards information god know how secure that is .... also a website that keeps bugging you to sign up is up to something what is hard to say but probably something fishy good catch by you
i found another suspicious thing there they are using "web beacons" which is another name for webbugs

what is a webbug ?
Small (verry small) images so small the human eye can't even see them they can be used to track your surfing behavior and then target customized (to your interests) advertising they can also be used to link personal identifiable information

Never seen a website that openly admits the use of privacy law violations this is funny :mrgreen:

for more information about webbugs see
CammiStar said:
I emailed support several days ago regarding the lack of an actual "Terms of Service" that I would have to check that I agreed to. I emailed and asked for a copy. No response. But they have had time to respond to this thread....

Seriously?! How unprofessional. You think with the $100k they sunk into the site they would have a TOS.
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wow,,, lots of reading, I was approached my one of my members (who is a long time friend and checks out sites new and old, gathers the info and passes it along to models) he told me about girlfunder and the bonus. I signed up and was immediately paid a bonus. Via paypal (about 2 months ago) I have been helping them test the video chat and whatnot since then. Admin is really nice and have taken all my suggestions into consideration.

All i would like to say is, if your interested sign up, if not dont., its as simple as that... if it fails,,, well then it fails. How will that hurt me?? Maybe time spent on the site, but im usually on another site as well or checking emails/updating profiles at the same time. It cant hurt to try it, that's what I say. If it blows up,, then i guess i will be happy with my secession to sign up. Its not a "SCAM" just another new site trying to make it big. I DO NOT agree with the twitter spam to try and recruit people though!

Just my thoughts.. little longer then i expected but my main point was to say that I believe i am a pretty established cam model and I DID GET PAID THE BONUS!
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lucky_starr said:
wow,,, lots of reading, I was approached my one of my members (who is a long time friend and checks out sites new and old, gathers the info and passes it along to models) he told me about girlfunder and the bonus. I signed up and was immediately paid a bonus. Via paypal (about 2 months ago)

Paypal? Good luck with that girlfunder!
I didn't see the email, but if you have questions please try again. We did switch email servers and we do have spam filters installed. I will look for the email now if you send it. We don't pay via paypal anymore. We use bank transfer, paxum, and payoneer for payouts. Also building on to answer questions.
Read up this thread about 3 posts Girlfunder, Jesus Christ, you are either very lazy or avoiding the issue,

Either way, after I've read all on here, seems pretty ill thought out, Seems like the "testing" was nowhere near thorough enough if people are STILL pointing out flaws, very unprofessional to approach people who then rebuff you due to the amateur mistakes being made
About Us is a web based adult community where girls can create profiles and sell there own personal content or share it with members of the site. All our Models are at least 18 and live in the United States, We provide more technology then any other Adult site on the net for our members to enjoy building relationships with our models. Live Chat, Group Chat, Single Images, Images Sets, Videos all built around a community based social platform. Add friends, communicate share and fund a girl near you. I am sure you will reward you for it!

Currently we are in Beta and plan to launch our full site in Jan, 2012. You can sign up for free and get a idea of what to expect in the next few months. And we look forward to getting feedback from our models and members to helps us make our site the most rewarding experience possible.
  • web-based
    "their" and "own"? As opposed to their content that belongs to someone else?
    a period
    Put a comma between those words.
    I'm not so sure that I will reward me for it.
    "Currently, we are" or better yet "We are now"
    You can't spell out "January" in your prospectus? WTF?
    an idea
    Isn't January next month?
    make visiting our site

Just saying. :roll:
sorry, let me clear this up,,,, the (very generous) sign up bonus was paid via paypal before the direct deposit was in place on the site...which now is available. It so weird to me how much this is being talked about. If I wanted nothing to do with, or did not care about something I surely would not be wasting my time badmouthing it. why do you care right? I was just stating the facts, not "i heard" or "i thought"
Jessi said:
lucky_starr said:
wow,,, lots of reading, I was approached my one of my members (who is a long time friend and checks out sites new and old, gathers the info and passes it along to models) he told me about girlfunder and the bonus. I signed up and was immediately paid a bonus. Via paypal (about 2 months ago)

Paypal? Good luck with that girlfunder!
lucky_starr said:
sorry, let me clear this up,,,, the (very generous) sign up bonus was paid via paypal before the direct deposit was in place on the site...which now is available. It so weird to me how much this is being talked about. If I wanted nothing to do with, or did not care about something I surely would not be wasting my time badmouthing it. why do you care right? I was just stating the facts, not "i heard" or "i thought"
Jessi said:
lucky_starr said:
wow,,, lots of reading, I was approached my one of my members (who is a long time friend and checks out sites new and old, gathers the info and passes it along to models) he told me about girlfunder and the bonus. I signed up and was immediately paid a bonus. Via paypal (about 2 months ago)

Paypal? Good luck with that girlfunder!
I think some girls got annoyed with the @ messages on Twitter soliciting them, researched the site and realized it was kinda shady. This thread has been pretty interesting to me. I'm curious to see how the site does.
Having read through this entire thread I'm just going to make this observation, my opinion only, so don't be offended by it.

It seems as though a lot of you are taking out your annoyance with SMW on Girlfunder.

Also, hosting somewhere like GoDaddy is very common. My previous website owner put over $30k into my site and hosted through GoDaddy.
In fact my new website is going to be hosted there and my admin uses them with his accounts with Adam & Eve (sex toys/lingere company) and other well known businesses/sites.

I just think everyone should calm down and wait until this site has fully launched and worked out its kinks and not resort to insulting the guy coming on here to try to explain the kinks thus far for stuff like spelling and grammar errors. We all know that when one is defending something or trying to get a point across sometimes fingers don't hit the right keys, etc.

The admin at Girlfunder has been VERY transparent with me, even showing me his Wells Fargo account with the transaction to my bank account pending approval through WF.

To say that the site will be taken down for being similar to MGF is like saying I can't have a solo girl site because another girl has a solo girl site. They can't have the monopoly on this business.

Hopefully everyone is calm enough not to attack me over this post. I won't pull that on you guys so I'm counting on being able to express my opinion here without that kind of reaction.

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Hello again,
We do not host at godaddy, we just bought the domain through them. We have our own dedicated machines through a major hosting provider. Very easy to see just tracert the domain name and it wont end up at godaddy :)

We have paid everyone but Emma as of now. She was the only one so far who wanted a bank transfer. We use wells fargo direct pay to pay our girls and it takes up to 7 business days to add a new payee. Once added we can then pay them within 24 hours from then on.

Yes we are still working on several things on our site such as TOS, Contact us, and more. We are new and it does take time to get these things where we want them. We have already started a to help answer faqs.

We hope this will allow you to make an informed decision about us. Thank you to all the girls that have used our system and decided to post here. We have not asked any of them to post. We have also limited our posts on here because of what we feel is a lynch mob mentality. I'm surprised the admins let this topic continue as its really an attack by layla and not an informative topic.
Girlfunder said:
I'm surprised the admins let this topic continue as its really an attack by layla and not an informative topic.

So that you can continue to post constructively and positively in order to do this:
EmmaInk said:
Just let your actions prove yourself and everyone will come around :)
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