Angelbaby said:
I hope for this thread, there's finally going to be a clear answer because I'm sure countless of struggling models with LOW ROOM COUNTS are wondering the same thing:
when we start our room, how in the world do we get it started if we barely have a FOLLOWING? *if there is such a thread in the model's only section, please post because its obvious we can't find it or threads like this wouldn't be posted*
I don't think there IS a clear answer, or some secret magic thing that will immediately draw in tons of tipping premiums. Unfortunately it's trial and error, and I agree that it's hard and it sucks when you have awesome games planned but nobody to play them with, but there's no hidden trick that any successful model can give us that will solve this problem.
For me, getting the room going usually involves bouncing around, chatting a lot, trying to get people talking, and maybe offering some kind of game. If nobody's talking, sometimes I just minimize the screen and dance around. Usually that brings more people and then at least a few of them will chat. I try to think up different conversation topics beforehand so I don't get stuck. And some days, literally nobody will talk and it sucks (and then I log off because it makes me too mad, lol).
Another idea might be to get a friend who has a premium account or another model who has one to come in and help you keep the chatting going. At least that keeps it from getting too boring and if you're already having a fun conversation, others might be inclined to join in.
But I don't think it's fair to expect someone to just give a clear answer, because it's not the same for everyone and any tips that people do share (like playing games or interacting) are probably things that worked for them, so I think it's a bit rude to say "that didn't work, give me more". Girls are pretty nice to share all their success secrets as it is!