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Gears of War 2

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Mar 3, 2010
I played Horde online for the first time in probably a year today because they're doing a 31x experience deal for Halloween. It has changed dramatically since the last time I played, so much that I died in wave 1 three times before I fully realized what had changed.

The biggest difference I noticed was that every enemy with a gun had a lancer, which I first noticed when I got chainsawed by a grenadier. I have zero clue as to why they would switch it over to that. The other difference was that the standard enemy loadout that I was used to is gone, it used to be wretches and drones on wave 1 but now there are sires, I won't get into the rest of the changes, but it was odd.

I still like the game, especially Horde, but not sure if I'll mess with it much after the weekend's over.
Apparently it's part of the Halloween special, it said it right on the start up notice that I never read.
I'm looking forward to that too, looks awesome, but it got delayed to sometime in the Fall of 2011.
I love Army of Two. The first one was fun, you get money and can buy huge guns. It's based on the Unreal Engine and plays similar to Gears. Except you and your partner stick together. So when you go down it's not game over (except for that 5 mins when Dom is actually somewhere the plot isn't in the way of saving you). Works best in co-op. The second one was pretty awesome. It gives you moral choices throughout that don't really effect the story, just can give you different rewards. If you do all the good moral things a doctor that you meet gives you access to a few weapons you can't get otherwise, however before that you can kill a security guard to get some weapons from his weapon locker. You can also figure out which baddie is ranked the highest and grab him as a hostage. This time you have tons of weapons, but they're also customizable. One night in Ambers room I was asking about what camo spec I should use for my gun. She randomly said "zebra stripe" and so my SAW got Zebra Stripe camo (incidentally that makes you MORE noticeable). My friend loves his Grenade Launcher upgraded to hold more ammo, painted with card suits and with an under-slung shotgun. Plus the way they handle Aggro in both games is neat. Plus you can probably get both of the games pretty cheap these days.
I thought about picking them up the other day when I saw the first one for around $10 on Amazon, might have to do that.
morment said:
I thought about picking them up the other day when I saw the first one for around $10 on Amazon, might have to do that.

If you have a buddy to co-op with, it's a no brainer.
I checked it again and it's only $5 + shipping from one of the marketplace sellers, so I'm gonna grab it.
I have quite a few games coming in the next few weeks so it'll probably be a while before I can get to it.
That was a excellent review. I would also add that later in the game when you're back on earth, and the Queen is yapping your ear off as you fight against it by chance in one of the blocks can be destroyed, there is a toaster, which If you use lead Marcus to cry after a few seconds.
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