AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!


    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Deliciouskara said:
Do yo tip your waitress? your bartender?

They just bring you food. We do our best to bring you conversation, humor, sexiness....and believe it or not, that can be hard work. Five tokens is just 25 cents for us...but it's a gesture of kindness. A small but heartfelt "token" of appreciation.

I'm very new and quite frankly, barely making minimum (getting better every day though) but even so...even struggling I ALWAYS tip a server 20%, or I don't go out.

Why? because I feel for them. I value them. If they treated me with kindness the least I could do is return the favor. Now lets say I had a very good friend who worked as a waitress....would I walk in on her shift and try to shoot the shit??? Fuck no! Her tips would suffer because she's distracted and not able to serve them. Because I'm her friend, I would not do that to her.

It's the same here...every PM to "watch their cam"....or rope me into free dirty talk...or even to just say hi I like you like books? or whatever, inhibits my ability to do my public chat job which is to entertain...convince new members to return, and have an f'n good time.

If you like her room....send that 25 cents every can find that on the sidewalk or between the couch cushions. It's really no big deal, but says ALOT!

I really hope my new girl 25 cents helps put this in perspective for you.

Good luck,

Deliciouskara MFC
Great wording and good advice. :thumbleft:
Agreeing with Amber. That is the BEST way to describe it yet, perfectly said Kara.
SkyBlueUK said:
dunno if this is really relevant after where this thread has gone, but this just spewed out!!!

the WORST kind of freeloaders are people who use your room as some kind of personal chatroom or social networking site. guys should be in a room to see the girl, not the other guys. they shouldnt be having their own separate conversations in a room, that has nothing to do with the girl or anything she might be interested in. it drives me nuts. especially when they form a kind of gang! so boring. clogging up a models room and being totally irrelevant. ive even seen the comments "its just like being in a pub with your mates, but with a naked girl in the room". erm NO. swap facebooks or msn deets with each other and gtf off MFC. or use Grindr!!! its great when a room gets on, but its about them gettin on to contribe to a girls room and experience, not to hang out with the lads. they kill all potential chat from newbies or tippers too.

I agree with this there are a certain group of people that i have seen in several girls rooms that use it as there own meeting space. Total dominate the chat never tip too busy hitting each other with their "buddy" emotes and there inane bullshit while totally ignoring the model which to me is very disrespectful! I am at the point now of avoiding certain models rooms if they are in there as they totally kill any enjoyment for me. I don't mind having banter with other members thats all well and good but when cliques start to form it makes it hard for newbies and people that actually tip to enjoy the room. Ultimately i am there for the model not to form a bromance with other guys!!!

Most models seem to have wised up and warned them or even gone as far as banning them!! They mostly flock into the lesser known models with low cam scores and very little viewers who are just not to be nasty grateful for all the viewers they can get and put up with their shit in the hope they might actually tip, which will never happen they will just put people off the room. Any chance i can name and shame? lol
Dark Passenger said:
Any chance i can name and shame? lol

go for it, I'd like to see this in action. I haven't noticed this really, most of the "cliques" I've seen are the models regulars and the model is kind of part of the clique too, and the regs are generally welcoming to newcomers so long as they're not rude or retarded to the room
Anyone else find it a tad ironic that two very active threads in the same forum - this thread entitled "Freeloaders" discussing what bastards members are that chat to each other or talk too much, or have the nerve to be sociable without tipping constantly, and then another one decrying mute premiums as pricks for not talking?

Gonna play devil's advocate here and point out that sometimes it feels members are wrong no matter what they do, unless they act like a model's personal ATM.

Sorry if this puts anyone's nose out of joint, but some of the comments on both of these threads come off to me as if the models think they're the customers and the members are here to serve their needs.

Models are not the customers. Models are not obligated to be performing, or even interacting in public chat. Members are the customers, and members are not obligated to pay for something they didn't ask for, or simply for just hanging out.

No offense, but if a model is doing a public show for a countdown and the countdown is reached, and a member didn't tip, or beg, or be rude - the model already got her tokens for the show. Why is she then expecting more? Perhaps if she has a problem with not every person in the room tipping for a public show, they should stop doing public shows? Or change the topic to a higher tip countdown?

Simply existing in a chatroom doesn't obligate me to pay for or purchase anything, say anything or conversely be asocial.

If models take their clothes off, dance, masturbate or even stick a freakin' fridge up their ass and I neither tipped for it nor made any indication I cared one way or the other if she did it, frankly :violin:

I realize I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for posting this but, it's just how I feel.

You're in public chat - mfc's equivalent of a public place - calling someone a freeloader for simply being there is akin to a tradesman painting the side of your house then handing you an invoice for something you never asked for.
Jup, those are all very fair points. MFC is set up in such a way that members are not obligated to pay for anything. However, as Kara pointed out, not showing some appreciation for the show the model is putting on isn't good either. Just tipping a little is better than not tipping at all.
I really think its all a matter of how well two people know each other, in their respective roles in the relationship of course.
I agree with Jupiter. I also really hate when a model does a public show (without a countdown) then throws a fit when no one tips. o_O You basically offered a public show, didn't mention tips in anyway and no you're pissed no one threw some tokens at ya? It's like a fucked up reverse psychology that doesn't work at all. :lol:
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Mikeythegeek said:
Jup, those are all very fair points. MFC is set up in such a way that members are not obligated to pay for anything. However, as Kara pointed out, not showing some appreciation for the show the model is putting on isn't good either. Just tipping a little is better than not tipping at all.

Yeah absolutely, and in a perfect world I'd tip each and every model 1000 tokens a day, but like most guys (I suspect) if I'm not tipping, it's because I hand out tokens as fast as I can afford to buy em, not sitting on them hoarding them hoping to get something for free. Hell I buy tokens every payday, and I'm pretty much porned out by this point - I basically hang out on mfc to shoot the shit and watch trainwrecks, and my tokens go out to models I like without any desire for them to "perform" in return.

I'd love to be able to buy tokens every night and make some girl's day, and I feel for the models - especially the ones who struggle to make 500 tokens in an 8 hour shift - but any member with half a brain needs to set responsible financial limits for themselves.
Frankie said:
I agree with Jupiter. I also really hate when a model does a public show (without a countdown) then throws a fit when no one tips. o_O You basically offered a public show, didn't mention tips in anyway and no you're pissed no one threw some tokens at ya? It's like a fucked up reverse psychology that doesn't work at all. :lol:

When I reach my count down amount, I do my show, or get naked (whatever the countdown called for) and generally give them about 15 - 20 minutes of fun showtime w/o expecting anything. If they want it to keep going after that, I do expect tips. Im not staying naked in public for 4 hours because I made $50 ;) I also dont set count downs at ridiculous amounts, 5k for naked is a little ridic in my opinion. I keep countdowns low and hope that inspires them to tip a little to keep me naked or the show going.
wow, I am learning so much about etiquette when it comes to the models just from this forum. I literally just became a premium on MFC not 12 hours ago and didnt realize how much of a big deal not tipping was. The sad thing is I already spent the initial 200 I bought in about 2 hours and now I'm not sure how I'm going to approach this site, considering that money was a stretch to spend in the first place. Do you guys know of models other than the few listed that are cool with guys who don't tip all the time, but like to add to whatever conversations are going on in the room at the time when they dont have tokens?
Re: Off Topic

Jupiter551 said:
rodeo_rick said:
Oh, I forgot to say that I find the term "camwhore" offensive and demeaning. :roll:

"camwhore" has been reclaimed, like "queer" :mrgreen:

maybe for some girls. i think it's offensive. just because i chill out naked on cam sometimes doesn't make me a whore. immediate ban to anyone that brings up that term or anything similar in my room. no thanks.
Jupiter551 said:
Anyone else find it a tad ironic that two very active threads in the same forum - this thread entitled "Freeloaders" discussing what bastards members are that chat to each other or talk too much, or have the nerve to be sociable without tipping constantly, and then another one decrying mute premiums as pricks for not talking?

Gonna play devil's advocate here and point out that sometimes it feels members are wrong no matter what they do, unless they act like a model's personal ATM.

Sorry if this puts anyone's nose out of joint, but some of the comments on both of these threads come off to me as if the models think they're the customers and the members are here to serve their needs.

Models are not the customers. Models are not obligated to be performing, or even interacting in public chat. Members are the customers, and members are not obligated to pay for something they didn't ask for, or simply for just hanging out.

No offense, but if a model is doing a public show for a countdown and the countdown is reached, and a member didn't tip, or beg, or be rude - the model already got her tokens for the show. Why is she then expecting more? Perhaps if she has a problem with not every person in the room tipping for a public show, they should stop doing public shows? Or change the topic to a higher tip countdown?

Simply existing in a chatroom doesn't obligate me to pay for or purchase anything, say anything or conversely be asocial.

If models take their clothes off, dance, masturbate or even stick a freakin' fridge up their ass and I neither tipped for it nor made any indication I cared one way or the other if she did it, frankly :violin:

I realize I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for posting this but, it's just how I feel.

You're in public chat - mfc's equivalent of a public place - calling someone a freeloader for simply being there is akin to a tradesman painting the side of your house then handing you an invoice for something you never asked for.

i don't disagree with any of your points but i think this is why MFC is going down the crapper. there is no incentive for anyone to pay for anything anymore. the "free" aspect is killing the site IMO. i had a very well spending premium PM today and tell me he's going back to a different site because he's tired of footing the bill for public shows for hundreds of members who just use the site as a freebie site now and really i can't blame him. there's nothing more irritating than having hundreds of members in your room and only one or two people tipping for the show. then 1) i'm supposed to perform in front of 300+ people when only, say, 2 people paid 2) the member(s) feel pissed off because everyone is freeloading off of their tokens for the show. it's just all around shitty for both parties.
slimshaney125 said:
Do you guys know of models other than the few listed that are cool with guys who don't tip all the time, but like to add to whatever conversations are going on in the room at the time when they dont have tokens?

I think most models qualify under this criteria. Particularly during "chatty" portions of our shows we're not (for the most part) zeroing in on every individual premium name to assess how many tokens they possess and weigh them against their conversational skills lol. I have a rag-tag band of chatty cathys whose RL scenarios prevent them but contributing consistently but they display a great deal of class. They clap for the dudes who do tip, they contribute to the conversation in positive ways, they assist other members (they'll tackle the "where u from bb" questions on my behalf, etc...) and they don't derail the convo or distract from the "mission". They're there for the party, they help me - and they never request anything in return. Are they brokeass? Yes, are they "freeloading"? No. There are lots of ways to "contribute" to a models room.

When I'm doing public shows I'm keenly aware that there's a few hundred people in the room and not everyone is making the bell ring, but that's the nature of the public show - if you engage in that sort of performance it's to be expected. The only circumstance under which I get irritated is if the "freeloader" winds up directly on my radar. If you're quietly, silently freeloading from the sidelines I'll never know you were even there let alone stress it. If you have zero tokens and decide to hit my chat up with retarded emotes and inappropriate choreography requests I'll just make you go away.

Now that you've blown your token wad and are iffy on investing more I'd highly recommend you hide your token count and rewards score. Some models just have no tolerance for a new premium with no tokens, certainly not all of us, but your smexy girl surfing will probably go smoother if you keep that info confidential.
Thank you Lemon for that response and I'll be sure to definitely take your advice to heart when it comes to using MFC.
Yeah, pretty much what Lemon said. Most models know that everyone has their own budgets - hell, there've been times where I could tip 5k a week, and then now, I limit myself to one 90$ package a month. Models don't want you to tip everything, they want you to tip what you want; only, they want you to value them too, so if you buy a reasonable amount of tokens (200,) a week, or month, you'll be ok.

A model will always value people who chat, because they make it fun for her. This improves her day and her cam show. It's just, the ones who can't tip, have to balance adding to it and keeping their own needs down.

My pet peeve is only people who say they can't ever tip. It's ok if you just got laid off work, or if you're forced to take time off because you broke your leg, hell I'd probably not change a thing between us because obviously I mean, shit dude. But my peeve is people who can't ever tip because they're in school, or don't have a job. They should spend their time finishing school or fixing the job problem in their lives. QQ'ing about the economy is no help either.
AlexLady said:
Yeah, pretty much what Lemon said. Most models know that everyone has their own budgets - hell, there've been times where I could tip 5k a week, and then now, I limit myself to one 90$ package a month. Models don't want you to tip everything, they want you to tip what you want; only, they want you to value them too, so if you buy a reasonable amount of tokens (200,) a week, or month, you'll be ok.

A model will always value people who chat, because they make it fun for her. This improves her day and her cam show. It's just, the ones who can't tip, have to balance adding to it and keeping their own needs down.

My pet peeve is only people who say they can't ever tip. It's ok if you just got laid off work, or if you're forced to take time off because you broke your leg, hell I'd probably not change a thing between us because obviously I mean, shit dude. But my peeve is people who can't ever tip because they're in school, or don't have a job. They should spend their time finishing school or fixing the job problem in their lives. QQ'ing about the economy is no help either.

Exactly. Not everyone can spend 100's or 1000's of tokens a week, and we understand that. You guys have a life and responsibilities. We don't want you to stop eating or not put gas in the car because you bought tokens for us either. Take care of yourselves first. Everyone has their levels of what they can spend, just dont go crazy with it. Chat with us in our rooms, keep the conversation going, dont beg and you will be fine.
Jupiter551 said:
Anyone else find it a tad ironic that two very active threads in the same forum - this thread entitled "Freeloaders" discussing what bastards members are that chat to each other or talk too much, or have the nerve to be sociable without tipping constantly, and then another one decrying mute premiums as pricks for not talking?

Gonna play devil's advocate here and point out that sometimes it feels members are wrong no matter what they do, unless they act like a model's personal ATM.

Sorry if this puts anyone's nose out of joint, but some of the comments on both of these threads come off to me as if the models think they're the customers and the members are here to serve their needs.

Models are not the customers. Models are not obligated to be performing, or even interacting in public chat. Members are the customers, and members are not obligated to pay for something they didn't ask for, or simply for just hanging out.

No offense, but if a model is doing a public show for a countdown and the countdown is reached, and a member didn't tip, or beg, or be rude - the model already got her tokens for the show. Why is she then expecting more? Perhaps if she has a problem with not every person in the room tipping for a public show, they should stop doing public shows? Or change the topic to a higher tip countdown?

Simply existing in a chatroom doesn't obligate me to pay for or purchase anything, say anything or conversely be asocial.

If models take their clothes off, dance, masturbate or even stick a freakin' fridge up their ass and I neither tipped for it nor made any indication I cared one way or the other if she did it, frankly :violin:

I realize I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for posting this but, it's just how I feel.

You're in public chat - mfc's equivalent of a public place - calling someone a freeloader for simply being there is akin to a tradesman painting the side of your house then handing you an invoice for something you never asked for.
The bottom line is, if you want to be LIKED (as a member) by the models, there is a fine balancing act you need to do. If you don't care how the models feel about you, do whatever da fuck ya wants ta!
The bottom line is, if you want to be LIKED (as a member) by the models, there is a fine balancing act you need to do. If you don't care how the models feel about you, do whatever da fuck ya wants ta!

Baa-zackly! :clap:
LoveLov said:
opssyy.... NO! :naughty:
Do NOT... let me repeat this DO NOT!!! Come to my room if you're broke... I dont need u there..
my profile is underneath, u can see it and avoid it.. :angry4:
thank you !
That's really charming. I'll take your advice to heart. :roll:

I've entered a Freeloading period in my life due to financial needs so I'm basically not exploring new rooms right now. I'm sticking to models who know me and I've tipped before. The only exception is I did stop by and say hello to a certain model who I actually know better as her premium account the other night. :) So far all of the models I've told have been understanding and since I'm not the type of guy to request things without tipping for them and I try to just flow with the conversation, they all seem to want me to continue visiting their chat whenever.

I guess my point is even when you cannot tip, MOST models really do understand and are understanding about it. It's not just something they say because they think it's what they should say. Just remember that when it comes to her job, you're not a current customer so you have only slightly more right than someone who has never tipped to make suggestions. If they matter 0% you matter 2% for the purposes of shows and requests. :)
just to clarify this.. my reply was mostly for smilshaney who asked if anyone knows any models he can visit and wont yell at him for not tipping..
but this being said... my reply stays valid for all premiums on MFC...and yay! im not scared to say it and I dont have to play nice just cause I might loose your 5 bucks..

sure... u can freeload in my room.. but be ready to get yelled at.. if u can put up with it.. just as I put us with u(whoever) freeloading.. then it evens out..
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god damn , Mikey...
do we all have to act like a bunch of stupid goats? LOL u scare one.. and they all run away... :lol:
for everyone who doesnt like what I say.. there is at least 1 person who does... life proves it...
and,............... not to mention most models in this forum say pretty much the same damn thing I say.. its just sugar coated....
AmberCutie said:
The bottom line is, if you want to be LIKED (as a member) by the models, there is a fine balancing act you need to do. If you don't care how the models feel about you, do whatever da fuck ya wants ta!

Yeah absolutely, as many models have said and I agree - tip when you can, don't beg when you can't, don't be rude, try to add positively to the room, and 99% of models are cool with that.

Particularly agree with LovelyLemon's statement - being broke for a period of time (as opposed to "will never tip ever") is not freeloading per se.
GiaMisaki said:
i don't disagree with any of your points but i think this is why MFC is going down the crapper. there is no incentive for anyone to pay for anything anymore. the "free" aspect is killing the site IMO. i had a very well spending premium PM today and tell me he's going back to a different site because he's tired of footing the bill for public shows for hundreds of members who just use the site as a freebie site now and really i can't blame him. there's nothing more irritating than having hundreds of members in your room and only one or two people tipping for the show. then 1) i'm supposed to perform in front of 300+ people when only, say, 2 people paid 2) the member(s) feel pissed off because everyone is freeloading off of their tokens for the show. it's just all around shitty for both parties.

I agree with this and can think of a proposed solution, that I doubt will be implemented. An invitation-only chat maybe called "Showroom" or somesuch where a model can choose to go to perform a show after a countdown has been reached, only taking those who tipped and maybe a certain few valued regulars who may not have tipped today, but have and will again, or whatever.
Basically like group but invitation only and not charging per minute.
Mikeythegeek said:
LoveLov said:
opssyy.... NO! :naughty:
Do NOT... let me repeat this DO NOT!!! Come to my room if you're broke... I dont need u there..
my profile is underneath, u can see it and avoid it.. :angry4:
thank you !

With an attitude like that, I doubt anyone who visits the forums will be visiting you anytime soon, USNicoleAngel.

No kidding! As I spend less time in online with models, I know who to avoid...
pyrite1965 said:
Mikeythegeek said:
LoveLov said:
opssyy.... NO! :naughty:
Do NOT... let me repeat this DO NOT!!! Come to my room if you're broke... I dont need u there..
my profile is underneath, u can see it and avoid it.. :angry4:
thank you !

With an attitude like that, I doubt anyone who visits the forums will be visiting you anytime soon, USNicoleAngel.

No kidding! As I spend less time in online with models, I know who to avoid...
Yeah i'll never visit her either, I don't like women who remind me strongly of Paris Hilton.
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