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Free web hosting

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Oct 6, 2010
In order to get the level of service that I wanted I signed up for a web hosting plan that is very feature rich.

For the non-technical, it a way bad assed account. Everything you will ever need and way more.

For the technically inclined it is the GoDaddy Ultimate 4GH plan (Linux). Unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited SQL X 1GB, premium DNS, Static IP address, Site scanner, yada, yada, yada.

Here is a link to the GoDaddy site so you can see the plan ... =gdbb53140

So here's the deal. If you need a place or want a free place to host your website, I will host it for free. It is free now and I will NEVER charge for the hosting, forever. In addition anything I get as part of the plan and don't need will also be free for you. There are a ton of free apps too.

If you are interested just send me an e-mail.

I ask, but do not require, that if you are going to buy a domain, please buy it though me at GoDaddy. It will not cost you any more but I will get a little.

If you already have a domain, you do not need to transfer it to GoDaddy for me to host it.

I am doing this because:

1. It will not cost me anything and might help traffic to my website. I haven't quite figured that out yet but whatever I do will not affect, impede or impinge on your site nor will I take anything from your site or link to your site without your express, uncoerced permission.
2. I am paying for it anyway, no skin off my back.
3. I am having a blast with this blog and have already seen good traffic to my site.
4. All of the Models are being very nice to me.
5. Since I am in many models rooms all of the time and it would be very expensive for me to tip as much as I would like, maybe this will help.
6. MFC is great and I have met many really cool and real people.
Hi there,

It is really good offer. But... if I were you, I would check the GoDaddy TOS for the server resource usage and also hit the server to see how far it can go. GoDaddy is famous for having shared servers overloaded and when a site uses too much resources they suspend the account for some hours or even a day. And I know how sad it is to see your site down, even for few minutes, and what pain in the ass it can be to explain the situation to the host so they can lift the suspension and be sure that it won't happen again.

Also, for something like what you are offering, multiple girls using your server, it would be better a reseller plan (I don't know if GoDaddy has it) or a VPS.

Oh, and your GoDaddy's link is broken.

All really good input, thanks for taking the time to post.

Before I made this offer I read the GoDaddy TOS. Then spent quite a bit of time on the phone with them, explaining exactly what I was thinking of doing. GoDaddy has a number of different levels of service, the one I have is their Ultimate and has unlimited bandwidth and unlimited server space.

A reseller plan would not really be the same thing as the basis of the idea is to offer this for free to the Models.

If the Model does not already own a Domain, I have a link on my Blog Page to GoDaddy where she can get one. If she already owns a Domain it is not necessary to transfer it to GoDaddy.

I already have in place a server migration plan. When I need more power I can migrate to a VPS or Dedicated Server.

Perhaps GoDaddy fixed the link, I just hit it and it works fine. It goes to the GoDaddy home page.

Again, thanks for taking the time to post. I really appreciate how helpful everyone on Amber's Forums is.
I didn't ether but I already had stuff there so I called and talked to them 3 different times to see if I would get a consistant answer.

Each time they told me the same thing, as long as it is not extreme stuff, bestiality, incest, snuff, rape, skat it was ok, anything that is officially allowed on MFC is ok.
SteveOak said:
I didn't ether but I already had stuff there so I called and talked to them 3 different times to see if I would get a consistant answer.

Each time they told me the same thing, as long as it is not extreme stuff, bestiality, incest, snuff, rape, skat it was ok, anything that is officially allowed on MFC is ok.

Ahhh. I must have read the TOS wrong or something. Thanks for clearing that up.
SteveOak said:
Before I made this offer I read the GoDaddy TOS. Then spent quite a bit of time on the phone with them, explaining exactly what I was thinking of doing. GoDaddy has a number of different levels of service, the one I have is their Ultimate and has unlimited bandwidth and unlimited server space.

A reseller plan would not really be the same thing as the basis of the idea is to offer this for free to the Models.

If the Model does not already own a Domain, I have a link on my Blog Page to GoDaddy where she can get one. If she already owns a Domain it is not necessary to transfer it to GoDaddy.

I already have in place a server migration plan. When I need more power I can migrate to a VPS or Dedicated Server.

Perhaps GoDaddy fixed the link, I just hit it and it works fine. It goes to the GoDaddy home page.

Yes, the plan is unlimited for bandwidth and disk space. This wouldn't be the problem. I was talking about CPU/Memory, that are limited but I couldn't find where GoDaddy says what the limits are. Too many requests and you can reach the limit.

The reseller plan wouldn't be to really sell sub-accounts to girls. This would be just to easily create/manage accounts for each girl. Like a VPS or dedicated server, but with a better price. And if you move to a VPS/dedi, you will need to set a quota for each account. Considering you have bandwidth and disk space limits on these plans, you won't want a girl trying to upload a 3 GB uncompressed video like I saw the other day.

The broken link I mentioned was that one on your first post here. It is broken because of the links breaking with "preview" or "edit".

Prepare to be fucked over in the end, GoDaddy is a terrible web hosting provider.

There is NO such thing as unlimited bandwidth/storage space....EVER. Unless you own your own dedicated server purchased through them and still even that isn't technically unlimited because you'll get to a point where one server just can't handle the traffic load.

You cannot get a "bad assed account" (as you put it) for only $14.99 a month.

GoDaddy WILL fuck up your account one way or another and when it comes time for technical support to save your site you'll be left alone.

They spend hundreds of millions of dollars advertising a horrible service because people don't know any better. On Twitter yesterday I saw somebody say that their site had gone down because GoDaddy changed a database name without giving any prior warning and when opening a ticket they didn't receive any response.

I also have a friend that used to host with GoDaddy. I've known her for about 3 years now and ever since I first heard she was using GD I told her to switch away to somebody better. She was reluctant and just blew me off most of the time, usually saying she's never had any problems. And then it happened......all of a sudden her site started going down multiple times per day without any explanation. Technical support couldn't figure out what the issue was so she had me go into her account to look.

It turns out that for whatever reason they decided to switch the server she was on from PHP 5 to PHP 4. Now normally this wouldn't be a huge issue but her site pulls in $70k+ a month. Her site was placed very high in Google for a popular diet and when the site started going down multiple times per day Google slammed her ranking because the site was down all the time. This caused her to lose around $90k over the next 2 months and still to this day she has not been able to recover the site back to where it was, she is only making about half of what she used to make and that has been going on for about 1.5 years now.

You've been warned.
I obviously have no clue if and how many girls have responded to you about this... but if you were left wondering why there weren't more models jumping all over this, is because most models would be weary of you having access to all of our content. Even *if* there is some sort of backwards security setting, I still wouldn't believe you. It's just the way things are lol. Of course nothing against you personally, but just about all of us at some point have been offered to have a website made for us, or hosted, or... many other things. But we all know we would just simply be giving away a free membership, and more than likely even more than just a membership. Our personal details that would need to be on file in case there was ever an issue with our age in question, and an ever easier access door for our content to be posted other places, with or without the intention of the poster making money off of it.

In the cam world we don't/can't trust people who are overly nice lol :-D
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