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A few weeks back I actually debated whether I'd give FF XIII a try since it was the new hot RPG (or so I supposed) at that time. Based on the Zero Punctuation review I just watched, I am glad I didn't, and realized everything I expected to hate about it was right on point. ... ntasy-XIII

Maybe I will give the next one a shot since it's going to be an MMO, but we'll have to see when the time comes.

I think a few of my MFC peeps out there play (or at least tried) XIII, but I can't recall their feelings. Feel free to share feedback here. :)
I rented it the day it came out, wasn't able to beat it in that time, but I enjoyed what I played.

it was really slow in the beginning and the parts when you're forced to play as Snow/Hope or Sazh/Vanille get rather annoying, but once you get the whole party together it picks up a hell of a lot.

the new leveling system took me a while to get used to, but once I did I thought it was a good move; fairly similar to the licencing board from FF XI. and the upgradeable weapons/items is a neat addition

oh, and it's also visually stunning, even the non-cg portions of it.
I think it was a good game not great but money spent well if you inot RPG. This game remind me of mix FFVII and FFX. The battle system is like FFX-2. The only games I love so far was FFIII, FFVII, FFVIII, and FFX.
one should never let one review make the decision on whether a game is good or not. Play it yourself then form an opinion, you will find plenty of games that you love that most do not.

Final Fantasy XIII has been a great play through for me so far.
So far I've enjoyed it.

I have places where I use reviews to judge whether I'd buy a game or not and Yahtzee is good for certain genres. I would never ever trust his opinion toward an RPG though (especially once from Japan) because he's quite biased against them.
About 3 hours in so far. I like it. Very smooth fast play. The get up and go in the beginning is lacking though. You really need to have time to get into it. I'm not even all the way out of the intro yet. Which kind of sucks for 3 hours in, I'd like to be able to really start hammering out some levels and getting the feel of who the characters are in my mind. Looking at some reviews I can certainly say the biggest issue with the game is the lack of openness. I can't really explore or anything. I still like it so far though. It's certainly different than what I expected. I'm a fan of several FF games, but far from a fanboy. I like 1,3,4,6, and 12.
I've been a die hard fan of Final Fantasy since about 1994 just before FFIII(FFVI) had come out on the Snes (Yes I still have my Square US/NTSC Snes which is going a funny color of yellow) I was more into Zelda III and Secret of Mana at the time but I was amazed by the quality of storyline and graphics that FFIII offered, I followed the series since and waited eagerly for each new game to come out, following the series from SNES to PSX and PS2 eventually with old age, I decided to stop following because the original production team of Final Fantasy had gone to start there own video games company "Mistwalker" I have FFXIII and played about 10 minutes of it before I decided to put it away, the game to me felt very linear and everything was placed in front of you, I don't know if thats just me but for the die hard fans this game is amazing to look at yet not very good to play.
Something like 10 hours in. Just getting everything unlocked from tutorials. Disc 2 of the game. Two more games planned in this universe. the FF13 universe is awesome. The game just feels really linear.
burnside986 said:
and still waiting for the game to start.

Seriously? Seriously? I was hooked on this game twenty minutes in. How can you still be waiting for the game to start when the pace of the first ten hours is almost frenetic? Or do you mean, "I'm still waiting to find something I like about this game," and you just carefully phrased your sentiment to make it sound like more of a let-down than it really is?

I used to consider myself a Final Fangirl, but after the gossip surrounding this game's release, I'm afraid to be bear the title. Like, do all the self-proclaimed "true fans" have a collective case of ADD? Every time a new Final Fantasy comes out, they will pick it apart bit by bit, bitch and scream about the parts they "hate hate hate hate hate hate hate!!!1" and then when the next Final Fantasy comes out, they'll bitch that the new one wasn't exactly like the old one, because even though they HATED it, it's now nostalgic and Squenix is now just "disrespecting its fans by leaving behind what has come before." Like, what the fuck?

I mean, what about this game is too linear? It has no world map? Neither did FFX, and I've heard people call that the best Final Fantasy ever made. Okay, so there's no world map to "explore." There was never anything to explore in the world maps to begin with!! Final Fantasy was never the go-to franchise for branching plots, or even good side-quests. Even with a world map, every game always consisted solely of "Go here, now go here, now go here." They were all linear; the only difference now is there's no world map to get lost on (and you've all gotten lost at least once in one game at some point). Or do you miss the world map because it made it easier to grind? Do you really not remember how much you pissed and moaned about having to grind in the earlier games? And now Squenix gives you a game where you stay ahead of the leveling curve until the last quarter of the game, and even after that you never really fall behind, and now you're pissing and moaning because you don't need to grind anymore? And, I'm sorry, but why the hell would I want to grind through the first chapter, earning 10 CP a battle that won't take me anywhere after the next chapter? They knew the only reason you'd ever "need" to grind is if you want to go trophy-hunting, in which case you need to wait until the Crystarium's completely open anyway, and as soon as that happens you get a nice big pretty world to explore with a piles of monsters that give you the shit-ton of CP you'll need. So, where's the problem?

And since the beginning of time, fanboys and -girls around the world have been complaining about characterization. Most of the characters are either generic or trite, and even the ones with personalities have no development. And even the ones that develop don't develop believably (*cough-CloudSquall-cough*). FFXIII actually wrote three-dimensional characters who develop organically, have real emotions and believable dialogue, and for the first time in ever it seems they actually know how to use an ensemble cast properly, and I've never heard more people screaming, "GIVE US BACK OUR KEFKA!!!1"

You can't play arcade games, or card games, or blitzball in FFXIII, but really, did they ever pull any of these off well enough to bother trying again? This isn't "Final Fantasy for Dummies," like some people are claiming it to be, it's "Final Fantasy Distilled." Squenix finally realized that they're really only good at two things: story, and battle; so they cut everything else out of the game and focused on those two. The story (plot is arguable and has to account for personal taste, but the actual method of storytelling) is the abso-fucking-lutely best it's ever been, and even though the battle system is a bit out of sync with the earlier titles, it's fast-paced and fun, and actually incorporates a little more strategy than its detractors are giving it credit for. There's a legitimate complaint in that you can only summon the party leader's eidolon, but beyond that:

almost every complaint anyone has about Final Fantasy XIII boils down to blind nostalgia.
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