AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

February halfway over? (May be some ranting within...)

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ACF Owner & Admin. (I don't work for CB.)
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Cam Model
Mar 1, 2010
AmberLand (Seattle, WA)
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Normally this is the midway point of any normal month. Who thought it was a good idea to make Feb only 28 days? It's totally throwing off my mojo, along with all the other curveballs the last few weeks have thrown at me. I've certainly had a handful of ups and downs recently. My apologies if it's annoying you. The real me creepin' into your Internets, again.

First of all, as many of you know, I'm adjusting to a new schedule due to Jawbs working wacky hours. I'm one of those girls who needs their 8+ hours of sleep to feel really rested. I've been going to bed after 2am most nights and sleeping until 9 or so during the week, but last weekend I was up until 7am Sunday morning and haven't quite caught myself up to where I need to be this week. Now, all this is only temporary, and I'll be back to normal hopefully within a few more weeks, but for now, it's making me quite irritable some days, and other days like yesterday I just cry for no reason. I subjected some of my MFC peeps to it last night. Yikes. :shock:

I took a "me" night last night. Finished all the little chores around the house that had gone unattended to for too long due to my funk, then got 2 huge blankets and pillows and laid on the couch and watched Romeo & Juliet on Netflix stream. No Tweeting, no forums, no MFC mail, no perving. Just "me." I got myself into bed around 11:45 and I think I was asleep by 1am. I slept great, and only woke up once to receive a "good night/hello" kiss from Jawbs when he creeped in in the wee hours of the morning. I'm feeling loads better today. Especially since I got back on the treadmill and had a nice hard walk for 30 mins. Endorphins, they are good.

Since I'm all anal (absolutely NO pun intended) about my token stats each day/week/month I took a look at them before I attempted to get on cam yesterday. While I did alright for the first 15 days of the month, I hate to realize there are only 6 workdays left for me this month and there's no way I can make the original goal I had set for myself. Real life plans, my sanity, and mother nature won't allow me to work all remaining 12 days that are actually left until February is over. This all in itself is stressing me out. The only thing keeping me calm about this (other than Jawbs telling me to "just relax, we'll be ok") is that I plan to whoop ass in March and make top 20 and hopefully save my camscore which isn't all shiny and glittery like it once was. I think the fact that it is taking me more hours daily to make what I used to make in less hours daily is ultimately to blame.

That leads me to discuss Valentines Day...

It has been called "The Christmas of CamWhores" and made out to be some spectacular day in the cam world. Girls are to be showered with gifts and tokens and praise. I'm not the only one who had members telling them months/weeks ahead of time that "oh just wait until Valentines day we will spoil you." Literally, these words were uttered to us. Now, I am not one to make expectations of certain days, nor pout for not being put on a pedestal and worshiped like a Princess... but when people TELL YOU that's what's going to happen, and then it ends up being even more lackluster than many other days?... that's when we feel let down. And I promise you, the moral of this story is not that we are pissy that Valentines Day wasn't very exciting, the point is that we don't like when people get our hopes up and we get all decked out and then they don't come through, or don't even show up, for that matter.

As I mentioned in a forum post, it took 7 hours to reach my goal that I used to be able to make in 5 on Valentines Day. Maybe had I been riding a sybian with hearts and cupids pasted all over,while riding in my sex swing, while swinging around my stripper pole, while deepthroating a realistic squirting dildo attached to a fuck machine and reciting the alphabet backwards in Spanish in free chat I could have made better tokens on Valentines Day. Seems the norm around the site these days, no? Anywho, I pretty much stated on cam yesterday that next year I will spend Valentines day with my hubby, or at least treating myself to a nice day, instead of being on MFC.

So as you can see from all my ranting and whining above, I'm feeling really honest and blunt today. If you join me on cam tonight, maybe you will see "Dark Amber" or "Token Whore Amber" and hopefully that will entertain you as much as it will entertain me. I should be on within the next couple of hours and on until 9 or 10pm. And feel free to mention Candle Glitter Poo to me if you actually made it this far into my long winded blog post. And I'm feeling more on the crabby-ranty side than my emo-gonna-cry-at-any-second side today so I'd expect harsh banhammer drops as opposed to tears on cam this evening. :angry9: Grab the popcorn and meet me there once you see my Tweet.
reciting the alphabet backwards, in spanish? i'm up for that.

I took a "me" night last night. Finished all the little chores around the house that had gone unattended to for too long due to my funk, then got 2 huge blankets and pillows and laid on the couch and watched Romeo & Juliet on Netflix stream. No Tweeting, no forums, no MFC mail, no perving. Just "me."

do this ^^^^ more, it is good for you.
and remember, the peeps that care will still care if you decide to take a few days personal time
AmberCutie said:
Maybe had I been riding a sybian with hearts and cupids pasted all over,while riding in my sex swing, while swinging around my stripper pole, while deepthroating a realistic squirting dildo attached to a fuck machine and reciting the alphabet backwards in Spanish in free chat ...

Don't tease me... ;)
AmberCutie said:
Maybe had I been riding a sybian with hearts and cupids pasted all over,while riding in my sex swing, while swinging around my stripper pole, while deepthroating a realistic squirting dildo attached to a fuck machine and reciting the alphabet backwards in Spanish in free chat I could have made better tokens on Valentines Day.

AW SNAP, oh no u di'en't!
I swear to god woman if you steal that shtick from me there's gonna be hell to pay, that's MY intellectual property, you have no right to pirate it and I will prosecute you to the fullest extent of Canadian "You hoser that was MY idea eh" law.

AS IF you could even figure out how to stack those BDSM Midgets properly, I've seen how you stack your miscellaneous fire breathing contortionist midget back-up dancers girrrrrrrrl and you have NO GAME, you can't even keep your donkey-show mules in check and the plates spinning on your head. It's like you're not even trying. I snap my diva fingers and chicken head in your general direction.

*I christian side hug you bb, you'll get it sorted out* If you want I can fly down and we can get liquored up and hold eachother :) I candle glitter poo with you my luv, whatever the hell that means, it sounds pretty.
LovelyLemon said:
AmberCutie said:
Maybe had I been riding a sybian with hearts and cupids pasted all over,while riding in my sex swing, while swinging around my stripper pole, while deepthroating a realistic squirting dildo attached to a fuck machine and reciting the alphabet backwards in Spanish in free chat I could have made better tokens on Valentines Day.

AW SNAP, oh no u di'en't!
I swear to god woman if you steal that shtick from me there's gonna be hell to pay, that's MY intellectual property, you have no right to pirate it and I will prosecute you to the fullest extent of Canadian "You hoser that was MY idea eh" law.

AS IF you could even figure out how to stack those BDSM Midgets properly, I've seen how you stack your miscellaneous fire breathing contortionist midget back-up dancers girrrrrrrrl and you have NO GAME, you can't even keep your donkey-show mules in check and the plates spinning on your head. It's like you're not even trying. I snap my diva fingers and chicken head in your general direction.

*I christian side hug you bb, you'll get it sorted out* If you want I can fly down and we can get liquored up and hold eachother :) I candle glitter poo with you my luv, whatever the hell that means, it sounds pretty.

I. Love. You.
I must say, honesty in general is good, but drinking mounds of candle glitter poo along with potato apple jacks doesn't really help with the digestive system.

On a serious note, I do feel what you're saying but I can't really put it into my own words right now. I do, however, hope that things work out in your personal life as well as your professional one.

Last night's cam session definitely took the sting off all those feelings I ranted about yesterday. I'm going into tonight with positive thoughts, but will probably still be harsh with the ban hammer and backlash comments if anyone acts'a fool. :mrgreen:

PS: My throat hurts a bit today from the late night karaoke. lol.
Hello Amber! i thought your a story or shall I say rant was great! I was on MFC but with my fav model GingerXoXo! and all of us had a great time! I am sorry that you had guys or shall i say poser's that said they would be there for you on V-day and then no showed on you, that just sucks and I hope you took there their names...cause you know they will be back saying "remember me" but then you can slam them for stiffing you! I think you are just Gorgeous! I have looked into your room before and said Hi...but when I am there you have always had huge amount of viewers let alone you regulars! So I am sure it was difficult for you to see me! Which is fine! maybe we can now become friends here or FB! you have an outstanding day and an even better week!

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