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Favorite authors to recommend?

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May 15, 2015
I read mostly urban fantasy, crime and horror novels. These are some of my favorites in those genres.

Urban Fantasy

Jim Butcher
Chuck Wendig
Mark Del Franco
Charlie Huston


Michael Connelly
James Ellroy
Dennis Lehane
James Lee Burke
Robert B. Parker (R.I.P)
Ken Bruen
John Connolly
James Crumley


Bentley Little
Stephen King (obviously)
Peter Straub
William Peter Blatty
Joe Hill (Stephen King's son)
Joe R. Lansdale
Jack Ketchum
Richard Matheson
Robert McCammon
Richard Laymon

Really starting to explore the urban fantasy genre now, so I'd love to get some recommendations for that. Looking for less paranormal romance and Neil Gaiman surrealism and more gritty crime/fantasy mix like Wendig.
You miiiiiiight like Haruki Murakami. Or Edward Abbey's The Monkey Wrench Gang. Not sure how you would feel about diving into the beatniks, but Bukowski, Burroughs, and HST all wrote short stories set in grimy urban places (nothing fantastical, really, so they may miss your mark entirely). And this will sound out of left field, but if you haven't read 1984 since you were a kid and had to for school, it's worth reading again.
Going to ring in with Chuck Palahniuk. Fiction, but most of his stuff doesn't read like fiction as he seriously researches his shit. Dark, sick sense of humor and a really great perspective(s) depending on the novel. I have others but that's top
I love Jim Butcher's books. If you like The Dresden Files you'll probably enjoy the Alex Verus series by Benedict Jacka it has the same kind of vibe to me and even alludes to Dresden early in the first one.
I think it is. Some of my favorites: Edward Bunker, Chuck Palahniuk, Hunter S. Thompson, Adam Douglas, Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore, Frank Miller, Garth Ennis, Robert Kirkman, Nelson Rodrigues, Patricia Coelho, Jo Soares, Mayra Dias Gomes, Lourenco Mutarelli, Danilo Beyruth, George R.R. Martin, Katsuhiro Otomo.
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Scott Lynch (the lies of locke lamora) is really good if you're just opening the realm of fantasy. Nothing over the top. Addictive af.
Also Patrick Rothfuss (name of the wind). I know you didn't ask for specific titles, but those are the books I have read by those authors.
Someone said Kurt Vonnegut, I obviously have to back that up.
@xDollPartsx Said Chuck Pahlaniuk and I definitely agree. If there's a word to describe his books it's definitely "gritty"
Game of thrones, if you have the time to spare, is AWESOME. Gritty. Fantasy. Lots of politics involved if you like that kinda stuff.
I really like Ernest Cline's Ready Player One. It's fantasy but modern world. Ah-ma-zing read. (don't bother with the second book. it's garbage)
Erin Mortgenson (the night circus) is fantasy with a bit of a mysterious twist, it has a romance plot line too though I don't know if you're into that OP. I think that's her only book at that moment.
Other authors: Brandon Sanderson, Ray Bradbury, Lev Grossman

I really need to read Jim Butcher, he pops up in all my recommended books but his book covers are ew. (I know. I'm the worst.)
But if you're really into urban fantasy you should check out Mist Born by Brandon Sanderson
Speaking of Russians, I love Lermontov's poetry:

It's boring and sad, and there's no one around
In times of my spirit's travail...
Desires!...What use is our vain and eternal desire?..
While years pass on by - all the best years!

To love...but love whom?.. a short love is vexing,
And permanent love's just a myth.
Perhaps look within? - The past's left no trace:
All trivial, joys and distress...

What good are the passions? For sooner or later
Their sweet sickness ends when reason speaks up;
And life, if surveyed with cold-blooded regard,-
Is stupid and empty - a joke...

How's that? :)
Gillian Flynn is really great. Her books have strong yet deeply flawed female protagonists that are relate-able to a degree. Very dark and mysterious stories with endings that I never end up expecting. I absolutely loved Sharp Objects and I hope she continues to write great stories.
Too bad the movie adaptation of Gone Girl was just 'meh'...
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