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Ex-partners pictures, what do you do?

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Sep 24, 2012
So, it is somewhat common/seems quite popular now to exchange pictures with a partner including naked ones. And I have recently found an oldish memory stick with files from an exgirlfriend and through searching it today i'm sure you can guess that i found some.

It has gotten me thinking though, what do you do with an ex-partners pictures and/or videos? Do you delete them as soon as you break up, keep them until you meet someone else or do you just keep them anyway? Does it depend how long you dated for or how hot they were?

I normally delete anything from an ex once we've split up and i know we're not going to get back together but i will say it has been fun to find these (and the conversation files) and remember back to things i hadn't thought about for a while. It helps that most of the relationship was good of course, who wants to be reminded of a crazy ex.

So what's everyone elses opinion/thoughts/views? And before anyone asks, no you can't see them lol.
MY ex took some naked pics of me, so before I broke up with him I went through his camera and deleted them, and also made sure he hadn't saved them to his computer. I've no idea if he had them safe somewhere else or not, but my hope is that he would delete them as soon as he came across them. If not, it'd be really really bad form to keep them even after you started a new relationship. I wouldn't want to be the pics that his new gf somehow came across and got upset over.

You should be able to keep clothed/nonsexual pictures of each other if you wanna remember the good times. To keep sexual pictures, though? That makes me think of the guy who is so desperate to prove he isn't a virgin that he has to show a picture of him with a woman. Or the douche who keeps pics of all his sexual conquests on his wall. Don't be those guys.
Generally speaking, the nice thing to do would be to delete them after a break up. Although, I can understand keeping them in a private section of your computer so long as they aren't shared elsewhere. It really depends on the break up and the person though.

BJ and I both have a couple of naughty pictures/videos of exes on our computers from before we got together but we still have because the break up wasn't particularly nasty and because that kind of thing doesn't bother us now. If the person you form a new relationship with after the ex isn't happy about that sort of thing, I'd get rid of it though. No questions asked, they'd be gone.
RoxieRed said:
I've no idea if he had them safe somewhere else or not, but my hope is that he would delete them as soon as he came across them.
blackxrose said:
Generally speaking, the nice thing to do would be to delete them after a break up. Although, I can understand keeping them in a private section of your computer so long as they aren't shared elsewhere.
This is why i had them on a usb memory stick, so that they couldn't be found by anyone or shared. I'd forgoten about it when we started to realise the relationship while good, just wasn't right for either of us. And while a nice surprise to have found, I did delete the pictures.
wellll... here's where i prove that im an asshole. i hold onto anything and everything an ex that might be useful if they ever go batshit crazy on me later. a few naked pics as a weapon against insanity might be handy someday. and all of that is said with the fact that im still friends with every ex i've had since the late 90s, the older ones moved on just as much as i did. but ya never can tell when someone is going to boil a rabbit in yer kitchen or somethin.
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southsamurai said:
wellll... here's where i prove that im an asshole. i hold onto anything and everything an ex that might be useful if they ever go batshit crazy on me later. a few naked pics as a weapon against insanity might be handy someday. and all of that is said with the fact that im still friends with every ex i've had since the late 90s, the older ones moved on just as much as i did. but ya never can tell when someone is going to boil a rabbit in yer kitchen or somethin.
The truly crazy ones won't care if you do have naked pictures of them. Just a thought. :whistle: I live with someone who dealt with that situation, naked pictures of them just helped fuel the crazy. It would be easier just to get a restraining order or a squirt gun full of hot sauce and bleach.
I deleted all of the videos & photos that I made with my ex but there's not much I can do for the ones that are on tube sites like this one...

He asked me, after we broke up, to stop selling & to take down everything that we made together. Well, I stopped selling our videos but there's not much that I can do for the ones that are scattered across the Internet. Which is a huge reason why people need to fully consider the consequences to making adult videos. There's always a chance that they'll get online & when they do... it's hard to stop them from spreading (this is a factor for those that are not in the adult industry, ex's wanting to get revenge can do some nasty shit). Obviously, I do not mind that my videos are out there (actually I love it) but I can't say the same for him. I asked him repeatedly if he knew what he was doing prior to filming videos for sale... he said yes, but after we broke up... I think he regretted it. :?

And I think if you're broken up with the person, it might be best to delete the sex videos but you know... that's totally up to you.
blackxrose said:
southsamurai said:
wellll... here's where i prove that im an asshole. i hold onto anything and everything an ex that might be useful if they ever go batshit crazy on me later. a few naked pics as a weapon against insanity might be handy someday. and all of that is said with the fact that im still friends with every ex i've had since the late 90s, the older ones moved on just as much as i did. but ya never can tell when someone is going to boil a rabbit in yer kitchen or somethin.
The truly crazy ones won't care if you do have naked pictures of them. Just a thought. :whistle: I live with someone who dealt with that situation, naked pictures of them just helped fuel the crazy. It would be easier just to get a restraining order or a squirt gun full of hot sauce and bleach.

lmao! too true!of course i live in the south where using a real gun on an ex isn't 100 percent illegal lol. heck as long as they have a weapon on their person at all you can shoot em in the yard and get away with it inside yer own home? they can just offer violence and as long as there's a witness yer not gunna see jail time.

despite being willing to blackmail someone into leaving me alone ive only needed to do it once, and that was back when i had still got rid of everything at the end of a relationship, which is why i'm more likely to keep things for a long time now.
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As long as the photos aren't shared with others without permission, I honestly think that it's fine to keep them, even if they are sexual. *shrugs*
I have never been given sexy photos by my partners. In contrast, both my partners have received sexy photos from me. I would actually be surprised if they *didn't* keep those photos.

I would be very mad if they ever leaked them to anyone who's not a significant other. And I don't mean giving the significant other the files, I mean I'm okay with the ex pulling the file up on his own computer to show a significant other.

The non-sexy photos that I have I will keep till the end of time. Cause, I actually care about these people, and that doesn't change. Even people who betrayed me, I still care about them.
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I still have some sexy non-nude videos an ex made for me on an external hard drive. Of course I've kept them! They're incredibly hot to look at every once in a while because they were made specially for me. I haven't really been in a serious relationship since we broke up, though, so I'm not sure what I'd do with them in that case. I'd never dream of letting anybody else see them, because I still respect my ex. Besides, I'm incredibly selfish, they're my videos. :p
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I would imagine it's different for men and for women. For men well, they're hot videos! Men can wank over ex's whilst I would imagine less women wank over ex's. For one reason or another you broke up, either that person hurt you or you were no longer attracted to them. There can be other situations, but generally that's how it goes. In those situations, well, i'd chosen not to be with the person, so I wouldn't want to look at pictures of them naked/with me either!

I NEVER let guys film me now. When I was younger, as in 15, I let guys film me. There was a practically famous video of me which was done like a full on porno, it was my idea, I think at the time I wanted to be a porn star. Anyway, the guy showed everyone the video, I was mortified! In fact, if I had that video (And I hadn't been totally underage in the video, even though I didn't look it) I think it'd sell crazily well! When I turned 16, I was few up with it, fed up with videos being out there and threatened every guy who had still got a video that if they didn't delete it I'd go to the police. Obviously they all freaked out and got rid of them. Now I do not have such a convenient way to undo my mistakes.

If it were me, unless it were with a fuck buddy or something casual I would not like the idea of someone continuing to look at/wank over sexual photos/videos of me. There's something a bit creepy about it for me.
Non sexual photos I think it's ridiculous not to keep though! I hate it when people delete all photos of someone on their facebook etc. Really coupley ones is kind of understandable, but essentially that person is a part of your past, a part of you, whatever break up, those memories deserve to be kept. Sexual memories? Well you have the memories, but gaining current sexual thrills/pleasures over an ex of the past is a little strange to me. Especially if you're using visuals. Essentially you should stop looking at an ex in a sexual way once you break up. We are human so obviously you can't always follow that, but for mental health reasons, it would be wise.

Really in this situation if you're single and feel your ex wouldn't be happy you watching/wanking over those kinds of videos/still seeing her/him naked, I would delete them. Sexual videos are something that you share in a relationship for either sexual thrills or so when you're apart during your relationship you have the memories, not so that when you break up you have free wank material.
I'm a shutterbug at heart, but when it comes to more...inappropriate...things, I also understand the benefits of technology.

Video and other images from ex-partners are still mine and mine alone. That may seem perverted to some, but I'm a greedy little pervert who encrypts my valuables. I disclose this when I shoot video or photos.

Those on-the-fence about creating such things, yet does not want them to get out into the open, I encourage you to do two things; 1) Name-drop, 2) Make it as "humiliating" for the other person should you fear them releasing it.

Also known as mutually assured destruction (MAD).

Most people will not edit video/images. They unleash them in a fit of vindictive rage without thinking of the consequences. At least with MAD, they too can bask in the sun.
I usually take them down to Walmart, get them developed, stick them in an envelope and mail them off to her parent's.
16_bit said:

It has gotten me thinking though, what do you do with an ex-partners pictures and/or videos? Do you delete them as soon as you break up, keep them until you meet someone else or do you just keep them anyway? Does it depend how long you dated for or how hot they were?

And before anyone asks, no you can't see them lol.

I've made some videos with an ex........we split, but the relation was so intense, and sex so hot.......I can't delete our videos together, they are so......masterpieces.........:p

AedanRayne said:
I deleted all of the videos & photos that I made with my ex but there's not much I can do for the ones that are on tube sites like this one...

He asked me, after we broke up, to stop selling & to take down everything that we made together. Well, I stopped selling our videos but there's not much that I can do for the ones that are scattered across the Internet. Which is a huge reason why people need to fully consider the consequences to making adult videos. There's always a chance that they'll get online & when they do... it's hard to stop them from spreading (this is a factor for those that are not in the adult industry, ex's wanting to get revenge can do some nasty shit). Obviously, I do not mind that my videos are out there (actually I love it) but I can't say the same for him. I asked him repeatedly if he knew what he was doing prior to filming videos for sale... he said yes, but after we broke up... I think he regretted it. :?

Hi, Aedan!

Have you tried to speak with those from Xvideos? I guess if you contact them, you can take them down if they were uploaded without your permission....

As about getting into Porn...and the "consequences"...What consequences? That you become famous, you have/had fun and made money??? As about your ex, you shouldn't feel guilty, he was an adult when he took his decisions!

By the way hot your video on Xvideos, you are an ARTIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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