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Erotica Game

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Cam Model
V.I.P. AmberLander
Mar 6, 2010
The Internet
Here's a fun game that takes a bit more time than others. Anyone is welcome to play, regardless of their writing skills.

How to play: Write a short story (one paragraph minimum, but as long as you'd like) using the list of words picked out by the previous poster. Once you're done, pick out words of your own. The words don't have to be dirty, but the story is recommended to either be comical or sexual (or both!) For my posts, I'm going to split up the paragraphs of one story and see how long I can make it. Use as many or as few words as you like, within reason.

Here's a quick example;


Sitting on the couch late at night, Emily was playing video games as quietly as she could to keep from waking her husband who had an early shift that morning. Unfortunately, her character died and she unintentionally yelled "Fuck!" quite loudly. Pausing the game she froze stiff, listening for any sign that she had woken her husband. As she eased back into the silence, she returned to her game.

With time, she grew slightly bored of the game, but in no way was she tired. Relaxing her mind was freed to wander as it pleased; and of course, it wandered right into dirty thoughts. It wasn't long before she was killing her toon on purpose to masturbate with the vibration of the controller. (To be continued.)

Words for the next poster;
Hot Cocoa
(I'm guessing we each are writing our own story?)

He loved the way she had it ready for him as he walked in from the raging blizzard outside. He sipped the cup of purposely made hot cocoa as he padded softly through the house, aware that she would be asleep. He needn't have bothered- she was dead to the world that night. He set the cup on the night table, and fished around for the rope.

She woke up as he was pulling the knots taunt, her arms stretched to the point where her shoulder blades were invisible on her back-line, her legs folded slightly to allow her pussy to rise, her stomach on the bed. He took the knife, and traced a line down her spine with the blade just barely touching the skin, not cutting her at all. She breathed in sharply. He started tracing designs on her back, being very careful, watching her hips as she started to grind into the bed and beg. Downing the rest of the cocoa, he set the knife on the table and proceeded to fulfill her wishes.
Forgot the words, sorry x.x

Getting the controller to vibrate was no trouble at all; all she had to do was walk off the map or run up to some nearby creatures. The distraction of it was just enough to keep her from going over the edge, but she welcomed it as the longer she went, the more lively and sexed her mind and body became. In no time she had forgotten all of her troubles--like the broken printer or that she ate chocolate for lunch--no, none of that. It was just her dirty thoughts, pounding heart, her needy pussy, and of course, the game.

Nothing could distract her, not even the light of the flashlight coming down the stairs. Her husband had heard the noise and was investigating the cause, but when he saw her pale body laid out on their black leather sofa he could only watch her squirms of pleasure. Surely her curves and pleasure was to be admired just as much as the rest of her as her new-tab white skin glowed from the flashy video game. His pants grew tight, and without bothering to be quiet, he moved up behind her to run his tongue over the top of her right ear, letting her hear a moan of excitement.

(To be continued)

Next words;
He marveled at her calf, sticking out from under the throw blanket on the couch. It was perfectly shaped, just like the rest of her, everything in perfect proportion to everything else. The few blemishes there just served to give her a sense of character. A beautiful girl, all in all. And she didn't know he was there. He gently stroked her face, imprinting her with the image of himself, then walked up the stairs to chain himself to the bed. If only it had a headboard, handcuffs were so much fun.

She woke from her dream and pulled on the robe. Making her way up the stairs, she noticed her bedroom door craked at an odd angle. She never left it like that. Her heart started racing, and she opened the door. Laying on her egyptian cotton sheets was a man, dark and handsome, obviously restrained somehow. But how did he do that? She knew it wasn't her. She backed away, and went to her original destination- the bathroom. She checked her face in the mirror, splashed some water in her eyes. Finished the necessary tasks, and went back to the bed. The man appeared to be deep in slumber. She took the opportunity to stroke his body.

The touch of satin on his skin awoke him. She was touching him, and her robe tickled his leg, which twitched. She looked up, and saw his eyes open.
"You're awake." Her voice had a hint of wonder to it.
"So are you." He smiled
"What are you doing here?"
"Making you want me."

She looked at him, up and down, then swiftly untied him.

"Get dressed."

He was disappointed. It had never failed before. Time for plan B. He got dressed as she bid, then caught and held her, kissing her neck. He paused. The scent of her, it was not right.

"You aren't human."
"Neither are you."

They both stepped back, and looked each other up and down.

"At last," He said.
"No more searching," She said.

They kissed, and carried the physical conversation back to the bed, and the ropes.

The controller pushed harder against her mound. His moan and the vibrations together made her heart beat faster, and after what seamed like forever, she came. As her body gripped she could feel the juices of her pussy run over her anus. By the time she had recovered from her orgasm, she felt her husband's hand grab a fistful of her hair.

He was pushing his mouth on hers before she was able to open her eyes again.

Smiling at him, the screen flashed "Game over" as he pushed his hand down the first layer of her clothing; pushing his finger against the wet spot that covered her opening. His next kiss was hard enough so that she could feel his teeth behind his lips, and the pressure on his finger was no different. No, the purple panties gave in and slid up her the smallest bit. The movement pulled her thong taunt and teased her slit from the back all the way to her clit.

She knew the game was no where near over.

Next words:
It was a dream come true. They had finally tied the knot, and were in the hotel at the ski resort for their honeymoon. They actually spent the day skiing, much to her surprise. She would've thought he would be ravenous for her body. After all, the Catholic Church required at least six months of celibacy before marraige. They had suceeded through the use of separate rooms, but no more. The white dress had been worn (it fit beautifully), the vows had been spoken (Oh those lovely words!), and the rice had been thrown (getting into everything). The levels of horniness within her made her flesh tingle in the cold November air.

When they got back to the room, he had said he wanted to spend one night just holding her.

"I've missed your scent as I fall asleep."
She blushed, and retorted "You could've asked for a shirt or something."
He tickeled her mercilessly. "So that's why you wanted it, you naughty girl."

She squealed and begged him to stop, so he held her close. As soon as she was deep in sleep, he got out the rope. Japanese silk love-rope to be precise. He smiled at her, and went to work, knowing well the ways of tying and knots. She didn't wake, and when she was all tied up, he slipped back in, holding her as he fell asleep too.

He woke to her struggling in an attempt to wake up through the rope. He slipped a ball gag over her mouth and whispered in her ear, "Lie still, my love. Be a good girl."

She stopped. He took a feather tickler, and started playing with her body, making her shiver and whine around the gag. Then he kissed and sucked on her breasts before putting a pillow next to her hips and flipping her on her stomach. He took a massager, and the vibrations welled through her clit before he slid it deep in her asshole. She was grinding into the pillow.


She stopped, allowing him to line his dick up with her pussy. Using her legs as handles, he pulled her on to her dick.

"Are you mine?"

She nodded.


She nodded again.

"Only mine, no one else's?"

She nodded a last time, and he fucked her hard, deep, and fast.

The ropes untied, the mess cleaned up, and the gag put away, he held her close, and whispered in her ear.

"I love you."
"I love you too."


The ride home from her house had invigorated her, made her feel alive she was thinking as she removed her leather jacket. She needed to rest as it would'nt be be long until the day began anew, already there were signs of blue in the sky. Visions of the previous night bought a tear of joy to her eye, how could she bear to wait until tonight when once again they would meet to explore their forbidden fantasies.

This seems like fun, lets keep it going.

LadyLuna said:
She stopped. He took a feather tickler, and started playing with her body, making her shiver and whine around the gag. Then he kissed and sucked on her breasts before putting a pillow next to her hips and flipping her on her stomach. He took a massager, and the vibrations welled through her clit before he slid it deep in her asshole. She was grinding into the pillow.


She stopped, allowing him to line his dick up with her pussy. Using her legs as handles, he pulled her on to her dick.

"Are you mine?"

She nodded.


She nodded again.

"Only mine, no one else's?"

She nodded a last time, and he fucked her hard, deep, and fast.
ty, LadyLuna
ok, you guys inspired me. Here goes..

The third punch landed hardest. Clean on the chin like her father had taught her. Just one of the skills she had used tonight. There was a flutter of resistance before she felt conciousness escape him. This was the moment she had been waiting for and she relished in it. Standing over his unconcious body with her fists at her side. She felt absolute power. Absolute dominance. There were other ways to establish a relationship, but no other let you physically feel someone's defenses melt under your touch. Something truley precious was transfered in that moment and there was a certain feeling of debt to someone who would give you such a thing. A debt she had been foolish enough to pay before, but she would be careful this time. She would be his mistress. The next few days would be critical for her and her new toy.

She heard something stir downstairs. "Hurry the fuck up and be done with it!" her sister screamed up the stairway. She held her toungue and waited for the interuption to pass. "These things happen in their own time" she said quielty. Half to herself and half to the now unconcious man lying folded against her bedroom wall. She bound him in zipties and dragged him into the back of her walk-in closet. She smiled, wondering how he would look in one of the summer dresses in storage behind him. Some of her maternity outfits might fit him well enough. Perhaps she would eventually let him select one. She turned off the light and closed the door behind her. It was time to get some rest. She had to be in church in a few hours.

pantsx3 said:

It may take a month, but I WILL find something erotic to write involving those three concepts. I WILL! :p

PS If anyone figures something out first, feel free to post. I'll just have to post mine elsewhere. ^.^
oops, i didn't mean to break the game :-D. I had a bit of a quentin tarantino inspiration moment and didn't really have any great words other than the obvious ones. Here's an alternate list of words if anyone is interested in easy mode (purposely avoiding 'closet' and 'fist'):


Of course if you like the challenge i dont want to stop you from using the original list.
As I rang the maternity ward to speak to my sister I remembered a debt that had to be paid today. Being the middle of summer I knew I would melt when I went ouside so was careful to apply sunscreen. When I was running down the stairway I stumbled and hurt my ankle.

Sorry guys and gals, couldn't resist.

Jack picked up his newspaper and couldn't believe his eyes... The White Sox had just been found guilty of throwing the "1919 World Series". Quickly he headed towards the door, thinking maybe he could get the money back before helen knew he had lost it. He didn't need a repeat of the last time he had lost that much money...

The tradesman looked up in surpirse as the man of the house seemed to have gone running out of the house for no apparent reason.
The lady of the house, she had coyly introduced herself as Helen, smiled... "Oh Jack has been like that ever since his silly baseball team lost their games. He doesn't think I know how much money he lost on the series. He won't be back for a while."

The tradesman face quickly slid sideways in to a silly grin. Well ma'am I think I have just the tool you are looking for to make those lonely long days at home just whisk right by." With that he lifted up the top tray of his display case containing silver forks, knives, and spoons. Prominintly displayed in the hidden cubby was a cleverly designed piece of modern engineering. "While the dog is man's best freind... This ma'am is guaranteed to be YOUR best freind... what is it you ask.. they call it a Dildo..."

The girl sat at her desk, a Twinkee poking out the side of her mouth as she typed furiously. She chewed while she typed, persistent in her desire to get out of the computer lab before lunch ended. One paragraph left, and she'd be finished with the essay! Soon, she knew she'd able to close up and go to lunch. Her digits clicked against the keys, each more pointed and loud than the last until, finally, there was complete silence in the computer lab. Her slender hands gripped the edge of the desk as she pushed away, colliding momentarily with the cold tin of her classic lunchbox. The absolute silence was broken by the clang of metal, and the sound of food escaping its metallic cage.

A soft groan of irritation escaped the thin, dark haired girl. Her plentiful black hair swayed gently as she rose from her desk. Olive eyes scanned the floor for all of her lost food. An apple leaned against her chair, a sandwich was now beneath her right sneaker, and an unwrapped carrot lay on the unhygienic, well-used floor of the computer lab. Hmm.. To use the 10 second rule, or to not use the 10 second rule? Doesn't matter- I'll rinse it off.. Such mundane thoughts were interrupted by a sharp whistle from somewhere in the computer room. Our heroine stood to attention, gripping a carrot defensively in her right hand.

"What? I was just admiring the view." The voice came from behind her, and the girl's glittering eyes showed signs of shock and recognition in the unlit computer lab. She had bent over, assuming there was no one in the room to see.. She had gone commando today.

Had the computer lab been more well lit, perhaps she would have seen the man. Perhaps if she had brought a friend to work with her, this entire situation would not have happened. Or perhaps it would have still happened.. Either way, it doesn't matter. Neither of those situations did happen. As it was, the computer room was very dark, and -excepting the nameless, faceless man- completely lonely.

The man in the dark did not intend to let the girl stay 'lonely' for long, however.. It took only seconds for his body to be pressed against hers, holding a single finger to her lips. He spoke in a clear, sensual voice, "I am going to make this completely clear. I've done this before, and you have no chance of escape." A calloused, strong hand gripped her thigh as if in warning. The hand roamed up her thigh, slowly moving up towards a soft curve of hip, then back to explore her round ass, squeezing each cheek roughly, almost as if he was claiming them. (Continued (?) )

Jason: "Dude! Did you see the chick with the lightsaber? She was so hot."
Derrick "This Sci-fi convention is the best trip ever."
Alex: "Guys where's Jimmy?"
Jason "...and that chick in the princess Leia costume... perfect hourglass figure."
Alex: "No really guys shut up... Jimmy's our ride home where is he?"
Derrick: "Man stop spazzing he's over there coming from the hotel..."
Alex: "Jimmy where have you been? You look a mess. Why were you in the hotel?"
Jimmy : "Didn't you see the chick with the lightsaber?"

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