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Drunk Camming

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emptiedglass said:
Some people might also look at it as buying a drink for a friend or a beautiful woman they just met.
I appreciate that sentiment as well.
I do not drink much at all, but a few models seemed to have derived amusement from watching me drink on cam. I think it is the faces I make after taking my shots.
I drink pretty often on cam. When I'm sober and camming I feel awkward but a little buzz keeps me feeling interesting, sultry and fun. One night I was getting tipped like crazy to do tequila shots. I had never drank it before. I drank 2 thirds of the bottle and was slobbering drunk, couldnt remember parts of the night and when it came time for the cum show I tripped the cord to my webcam, computer and lights. I was too drunk to fumble with turning everything back on. People were tweeting about how funny it was. It was really scary and embarrassing. I dont like getting past a nice buzz.
mynameisbob84 said:
I never really got the whole "tip for shots" thing. I mean, I get it from the model's perspective. Getting paid to drink alcohol = good work if you can get it. But I never really got the appeal from the member's side. I'm guessing it's not a sexual thing. I would hope it's not a "let's get the model wasted so she does or reveals something she otherwise wouldn't" thing. Is it a social thing? Like buying a pretty girl in a club a drink? (albeit whilst having no plans to woo them while they drink it... hopefully). Or is it purely a "well, I'm tipping x amount anyway, if the model wants some of that tippage to go towards her shot, I guess I can do that" kinda thing?

I tip towards shots/drinks quite often. It's never with the intent of getting the model wasted so she could get naked faster and violate herself with vegetables or accidentally reveal identifying information. I go on MFC to mainly hang out. My pants have been on 100% of the time. I treat it similarly to hanging out with my friends, I buy rounds of drinks. Or like at a strip club when you buy drinks for the dancers but don't really want a lap dance (or privates in the case of camming). Sometimes its just for the entertainment and amusement like when Rorriexo (who never drinks) took her first shot of vodka and spat/sprayed it all over the place like a failed cinnamon challenge video and I tipped her to try again.
emptiedglass said:
Some people might also look at it as buying a drink for a friend or a beautiful woman they just met.

mdnPARTY said:
I tip towards shots/drinks quite often. It's never with the intent of getting the model wasted so she could get naked faster and violate herself with vegetables or accidentally reveal identifying information. I go on MFC to mainly hang out. My pants have been on 100% of the time. I treat it similarly to hanging out with my friends, I buy rounds of drinks. Or like at a strip club when you buy drinks for the dancers but don't really want a lap dance (or privates in the case of camming). Sometimes its just for the entertainment and amusement like when Rorriexo (who never drinks) took her first shot of vodka and spat/sprayed it all over the place like a failed cinnamon challenge video and I tipped her to try again.

That's actually really cool, and sweet. I am so gonna do shots/hits on cam now.
I did absinthe "shots" on my birthday, which was the drunkest I've ever been on camera. I am normally a non-drinker, but a friend actually made me some of the stuff as a gift and I thought it would be a fun way to drink it!

Last night I went to a bar with friends and had one (large) drink, and came home and went on cam tipsy. It made me super silly and got me my highest room count in months! Weird.

Now if only I could FAKE whatever I was acting like last night all the time :lol:
Oh yeah. Me drunk? Usually. Well... you have at least about a 50/50 shot of me drinking while Im on cam. If the night is going well, I usually end up getting drunker. Sometimes Ill do shot countdowns after Im naked. Sometimes if I really feel like drinking - Ill do x tokens for a shot and count it towards a show countdown. I probably get reaaaaally drunk once every week or two.

Plus I only drink shitty cheap crap... and I hate it. So when it comes time for me to do a shot I always make a big deal about how much I hate it, and I make this horrible face after cause it always tastes sooooo baaaaaaaad. I just drink what I have on hand - which is usually some sort of schnapps (which goes fast with me), or flavored vodka (which by now I should just realize will always suck no matter the flavor). Once I buy a bottle though... I gotta finish it. Lets see... there was atomic fireball vodka that I affectionately called dragon jizz, clementine vodka which is just REALLY BAD, the time I ran out of all liquor except malibu - so I started mixing it with mountain dew (the only non water beverage I had). So malidews were terrible and also became a thing.

I make terrible choices regarding alcohol, but they turn into entertainment for all parties involved. And Im the best drunk ever.
My first time drinking on cam I got absolutely shitfaced because I did shots of wine for 50 tkns or something like that. I drank a bottle of wine in less than 40 mins with 2oz shots (all I had) and fucked the bottle when I was done.

Then I stumbled out of my room and told my roommate all about it, then told him all about it again in the morning because I forgot I told him about it the night before. ._.
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SeraTonix said:
My first time drinking on cam I got absolutely shitfaced because I did shots of wine for 50 tkns or something like that. I drank a bottle of wine in less than 40 mins with 2oz shots (all I had) and fucked the bottle when I was done.

Then I stumbled out of my room and told my roommate all about it, then told him all about it again in the morning because I forgot I told him about it the night before. ._.

Hehe! I remember last time when I got drunk online... I had 150 per shot (only tequila) in 3 min I drank 5 shots... and from then... I can't remember anything :lol:
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SNATCH said:
I don't drink on cam anymore very much... For several reasons...

I can drink... A LOT. I hold my liquor incredibly well. I actually have a lot more fun when I'm drinking on cam. I become a lot more patient, LOL. I also tend to make twice what I normally make sober. Sadly enough. LOL. However, the amount of times I have been full on DRUNK on cam, has only been like maybe 3 - 5 times in the 3 years I've been on MFC. At one point, I ended up polishing off almost an entire 5th, && I had to read over my chat logs && have a couple members fill me in on what happened the next day cause I couldn't remember, haha. =X. I also had a like FULL DAY hangover, ew.

I find getting a good buzz makes camming so sooooooooooo much fun for me. I make more, I have more fun, etc. But I stopped because the way my workout schedule works, I run outdoors, in the mornings, right after I get off MFC, so that doesn't really work with alcohol. I also have some liver problems, so I decided I kind of want to keep my liver around a bit longer if I can, lol. && lastly, I've been really into health && fitness, && clean eating, so I try to stay away from alcohol, except for every once && awhiles.

I was drinking at least half to a full bottle a night for a couple months at one point. && when I realized what I was doing, I was like yeah. I need to slow the fuck down, cause that's not even cool. There was even a few nights I had a couple bottles of wine. && I would feel like shit ALL day. :(.

I've found that maintaining a buzz seems to be difficult for me... I either lose it, from not drinking enough, or my room dies totally sometimes, therefor, I'm left buzzing, && signed off MFC, alone. LOL. I hate that.

Sometimes, what really sucks, is someone will come in && tip for like 8 shots. DICKS. LOL. I usually price mine depending on how much I don't want to be drinking. HAHAHA. AKA, 101 when I first start out, to like 333. I never take my shots very close together. People bitch about it, but I'm not going to sit there && down three shots one right after another. The idea of barfing when I'm supposed to be working, && having fun isn't really that great to me, haha.

This is me exactly. I also have a high tolerance and Im usually fine but there have been a few times that I have blacked out. Thats why I dont do shots on cam anymore I just mix drinks, but im trying to cut down in general
uh... yah I totally drink everytime (or like, 90% of the time) I cam. But I don't get drunk. I have always been into drinking wine on cam, but since living in Spain I feel like I live life with a glass of wine in my hand (or at least.. from the early evening onwards). I usually only make it through a glass or two in the night and I rarely am drunk drunk when I'm camming. But I'm a lot more laid back and fun (I think) when I've had a bit to drink.
I drink pretty regularly on cam. Especially Fridays and Saturdays. I do tips for shots and usually I end up getting several in a row, but I space them out. I do tend to be more chatty while drinking and it keeps people interested and room counts up. I've had a few times where something triggers me and I'll go into this long drunken rant and now some of my guys try to set me off but I know it's not really good for business so I try to not do it so often anymore

I can only remember one time where I got too drunk. It was the first night I moved into my new house, and a Friday. I did a lot of shots and was happy and fun then it all hit me and I logged off very quickly. I never got to the point where I passed out or got sick on cam though... Thankfully.

Yes. I drink on cam, I always have tips for shots, though I price it semi high so I don't get drunk every night. And the more shots I take, the more expensive it gets.

But when I get drunk, I get ragingly horny, so I have a feeling that probably is pretty encouraging for most people.

Also. Don't drink and mime, guys. You can't get trapped in a box if you can't even find the fucking box.
This is old but I wanted to chime in on this. My alcohol tolerance is
really weird. It's low, but some things make me happy drunk
and some things make me sad drunk. Beer, whiskey and champagne = happy,
anything else = not happy. I don't see myself drinking on cam, I
don't drink very often and with my medication, I'm really not supposed to.

But, uh, California does have a card for a certain leaf and I have cammed
while completely baked. I have not smoked on cam (obviously, that'd be so bad)
but I have no problem showing up stoned.
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