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Doggie Style...

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Oct 31, 2010
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I've seen more then one cat thread on this forum, but I can't say that I remember seeing any for man (and woman's) "Best Friend". So how about it... Post some pictures of your doggies.


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I wonder if Leo lets his dog play in the server room.


They are nice as they are tall, and they are not tall at all.

I love my dogs. I'd talk about them all day if someone didn't tell me to shut up. :shifty: These are the only pictures I have left of them right now because they're hosted elsewhere online.
Here's Sammy the first night we brought him home:

Sadie being a weirdo:

Sammy about 2 months ago:
Shaun__ said:
They are nice as they are tall, and they are not tall at all.

Does that sign say "We beat up Labradoodles"????? :think:
Below is a PS to a letter I wrote not long ago. I think I was frustrated at the time, and though I do not hold it against them, they really are perhaps the least swift dogs I have ever dealt with. (Swift is Not meant to be a comparison to Grey Hounds in this case.)

PS. I am also sending some pics of the most stupid dogs in all of everything there is or ever was or ever will be. We installed a dog door more than a month ago and these two dogs, are just now starting to go through the door by themselves. I thought, its not their fault, poor little things have no room for much of a brain in their little melons. I had spent hours doing everything from very nicely coxing them and bribing them with all manor of treats to gently stuffing them in head first and ramming them through with the butt of my hand like a man ramming the powder and ball down a muzzle loader, lol. There are two clear rubber flaps that hang down so things don't blow back and forth and your AC doesn't have to cool all of creation. They would go through after a while if I pinned these flaps up, but no way if they had to push through them by themselves. I really did think they were the stupidest dogs ever, but than i looked at them one day, and realized it is genetic. Somewhere in their past their distant relatives must have run head first into something very hard. This is how they got the flat faces, and now by instinct they will not push their faces up against anything. it is the only answer. or if not that, they are about as smart as a polished rock. Which is about how much room they have in that little tiny flat faced head for a brain.


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I also have a not so smart dog who happens to eat underwear. First he will go for the gusset and after he swallows that part he tears it apart at the side. I seriously think he has pica or something because he will eat anything if he can put it in his mouth. His favorite snack is tissue. I shared these photos already in another section of the forum but these are some of my favorite pics of my dog because they sum up his personality perfectly. Not sure if this is a guilty face or a "will you go away soon so I can finish eating this" face... :think:

This is him licking me but after knowing where that mouth has been I'm not sure I want him to do that anymore.

This is him when I put him in a box for a second. I suppose if I left him in there long enough he probably would've tried to eat his way out.

I know it sounds like I hate him but I don't. I love him a lot and if he wasn't silly like he is he wouldn't be him.


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My little chunk. He's the fattest wiener alive. (To be fair, he's an odd mix)

And my min-pin.

Both live with my mom for the time being because my cranky neighbor hates dogs and complains about EVERYTHING. :(
My name is Sadie. I'm 65lbs and I scare anyone who meets me and sees how big I am, but I'm terrified of everything and everyone and I think I'm my Mommy's special little lapdog. Most days I think that I'm only 5lbs because I play with my Grandma's yorkie and the neighbor yorkie all the time and let them beat me up. They usually end up sitting on my back while I lay down and whimper. However, if I think someone might hurt Mommy or come into my house, I growl and bark until they poop themselves. This is why the maintenance men won't fix Mommy's ac.


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He isn't around anymore, but he's the best dog I've ever had. Meet Morrison:




Dog. Male/2/handsome seeks ANYTHING TO CHEW EVER. Expensive? I'll chew it. Rare? I'll chew it. Belongs to parent's guest? Oh you better believe I'll chew it. Poisonous and will make me sick? I'll chew it before you even leave the room. Yeah I know the vet's expensive. Shit sucks for you, buddy.

(He got stomach cancer, IMAGINE THAT? And we couldn't afford chemo so we gave him pain meds until the end, when they didn't work. So we put him down, I couldn't have him living in pain for my own selfish reasons.)
This is my doggy woggy with a toy steak in her mouth...


This is my doggy woggy with a tennis ball in her mouth...


This is from one of those rare instances when the dog has nothing in her mouth at all...


We had to chuck out the toy steak 'cos she kept on getting it stuck in her mouth. It would kinda fit in there sideways no problem, but then she'd get it stuck in there upright and wouldn't be able to close her mouth or remove it from her mouth without human assistance... she's dumb.
This shit makes me laugh every time!


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This is my baby Sabboth :)

He is a rescue. As you can see he has no ears, because his pos first owners took him to some back woods ear cropper in Mexico and they completely chopped them off. They also let other pits bite his neck so much that he had a horrible wound for the longest time, you can see it in some of the pics.

He is an amazing dog, extremely well trained and sweet as can be, unless you want to hurt me lol. Some girl was trying to yell at me at my mailbox over something stupid and sabboth came running out of my house mean looking and growling and got in between me and her. She left without a word lol.





Shaun__ said:
AnaVictoriaXO said:
This is my baby Sabboth :)

Does he accept the kitty as part of his family?

Yep! he is actually a little scared of them lol.
My dog's like the archetypal bully. She used to bark at the next door neighbour's cat whenever she saw it and the little thing would always run away. Then one day, she barked at another cat and it ran up and took a swipe at her. We've walked by that cat a few times since and she's not dared bark at it again :-D
Shaun__ said:
AnaVictoriaXO said:
This is my baby Sabboth :)

Does he accept the kitty as part of his family?
Aw gosh! My heart just melts for the pitter bullys! My old boy was terrified of cats too. He got smacked one time and refused to even look at them after that. Any cat got close and he would just stare at the ground! :lol:
MY DOGGIE Blaze. He makes an appearance on cam quite often and has almost ran away with my dildo on a few occasions LOL.


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This is Rummy, he's two and he's a terroristic eater of shoes. He spends most of his day staring at this dangling unicorn thing that my aunt hung on our window. It's very amusing.


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