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does your model name have special meaning?

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I went through literally 20ish names until I decided on this one.
I wanted a cute and simple name with two syllables or less, and something very ching-chong because I am Asian.
Mei = beautiful, yu = rain (Chinese).
It can also mean rainy season.

I really really love the rain. So that is how I got my name. Ok.

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I had a bunch of my favorite names saved on my computer, so I went through those and picked out two that went well. Cerise (very reddish pink) is my second-favorite color, but it had to be shortened to Cer since MFC wouldn't allow the username that long.
I chose Starry Nytes because my real middle name is Star and i wanted to play off that.

I wanted something that went along with Star and so i picked Starry.
I mostly go on at night my time so i was like well, i could be Starry Nights.
But to make it sound more of like a name and not a Poem, I changed it to Nytes.

Starry Nytes
My name comes from my real name and the forum I found mfc from, My real name is Dane, found mfc through and I stand well over 6' tall ( 6'-8" to be more precise or 2.03m for those that prefer metric ) I have always been called BigDog, DingoGrande, or GreatDane in real life, and in most of the forums I have been a part of.
"Phife" has been my online handle since late 1999 or so. I first used it on various forums (especially, and then in WoW and other online games, and then on MFC, and now on here (yay!). For the longest time I put forward a story that "Phife" was a nickname that I went by when I was younger because the actual word "Phife" could easily identify who I really was. Well, with the facebook-ification of the internet and the general ease of discovering who people really are online, I decided to drop the facade and be honest about things. My name in real life is Jay Phife. Somewhere in my family's past some of my descendants got into an argument with others in their family and changed the spelling of their Scottish surname from "Fife," which is much more common, to "Phife" which is highly uncommon (and looks oddly German).

And, yes, I was constantly and unfortunately connected with the TV show character Barny Fife. In fact, I used to use the animated gif of Barny Fife as my avatar online. That got annoying to me, so I've gone to the monk from the DaVinci Code movie, or pretty much any other monk that looks evil. (The story behind that is that I'm a PhD student studying comparative religion -- which some people take to mean that I'm training to be a priest, pastor, monk, or the like -- who likes porn, strippers, and camsites -- things some people think are evil.) for another side of the story. On MFC my username for quite a while now has been "Runts." It used to be "Phife" but that became annoying as people from around the web that knew me as "Phife" (or who thought I was the shitty rapper PhifeDawg) were ruining my perv time. So I switched my username as soon as I could. I tried various other names (none of which I can remember right now...) but "Runts" seemed to stick. Firstly, I chose it because the candy called "Runts" is one of my favorites. Secondly, "Runts" is easy to say and would be quite hard to mispronounce. Thirdly, it is somewhat ironic since I am 6'2" and was never a runt in any way, shape, or form.

Phew...I think that's it!
GreatDane said:
My name comes from my real name and the forum I found mfc from, My real name is Dane, found mfc through and I stand well over 6' tall ( 6'-8" to be more precise or 2.03m for those that prefer metric ) I have always been called BigDog, DingoGrande, or GreatDane in real life, and in most of the forums I have been a part of.

Oouuu I love tall boys! :love2:

As for me, when I first started posing newdie on the interwebz I needed a name that I hadn't already splattered all over the internet because of some troll on a forum I use to hang on who would google my name and try to embarrass me by putting it on THAT forum.
So, I was going to go with Willow because Alyson H is a hottie and I was a short pale redhead with a quirky face too(and I love willow trees!).
BUT that name was already taken.
So I wanted to pick something with nature and I remembered a chick I use to get confused for when we had our backs turned. Meadow. pretty name!

When I got into camming my first place was ImLive and I did MissMeadow but I didn't like how proper it made me sound. I didn't want to do MistressMeadow because it sounds too dom and I am not good at that... and I was down to QueenMeadow or MyohMeadow but thought people might call me MAYOmeadow instead :sad1:

In the end I picked QueenMeadow because I don't want anyone treating me like a princess. Princesses get flocked over and taken care of hand and foot while focusing on being pretty. I am different. I like RESPECT and to me... a QUEEN demands respect!

Now I'm kinda bored with it, but I dont want to change it because what if people can't find me then? The only other names I can think of don't even have Meadow in it, *BigLippedLisa* but I like being called Meadow.
It gets so confusing when someone changes their name SO much. I don't know what to call them anymore! you know?
(like when Ms.Predator went to KotaMorgue. I just got lost about what to call her!)

wow, i sure know how to ramble!
Basically, I have an online name that I go by everywhere but here and MFC...cause all my personal info is related to that sooo yea. I had a few friends try to come up with a name for me, cause I was in kind of a rush to get a name for MFC. So a few of my friends liked Eve, but I knew everyone on cam has Eve. Plus I think of Summer Eve LOL! So I was like, how about on Wall-E LOL! Then I needed another name, and one friend was like how about Changing cause you are always changing your look and hair color, but spell it funny. So then it evolved to Eva (said like ever, but with an A instead of an -er, tho no one ever gets that part) ChangeN, tho now that I have been online for a bit, it just doesn't seem to fit. I have nothing better at the moment, and I am debating the ever lurking "new account" since my camscore tanked again LOL, so any ideas for a new name...send em my way!! ;)

I'm a hillbillie.. I have nine piercings at the moment.. and it sounds like a girls name...

OH PS: if Candie sees this, still sorry I swear I wasn't copying LOLOLOL :eusa-pray:
kayceecane said:

I'm a hillbillie.. I have nine piercings at the moment.. and it sounds like a girls name...

OH PS: if Candie sees this, still sorry I swear I wasn't copying LOLOLOL :eusa-pray:

I KNEEEEEEEEEEEEEW IT!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Dale Jr fan here :D used to go to Richmond spring and summer races, and dover on occassion. Also took Vaca to Charlotte NC for all the race shops every year LOL
Eva_ChangeN said:
kayceecane said:

I'm a hillbillie.. I have nine piercings at the moment.. and it sounds like a girls name...

OH PS: if Candie sees this, still sorry I swear I wasn't copying LOLOLOL :eusa-pray:

I KNEEEEEEEEEEEEEW IT!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Dale Jr fan here :D used to go to Richmond spring and summer races, and dover on occassion. Also took Vaca to Charlotte NC for all the race shops every year LOL

ahhhahaha LOL

Ya, Daytona here ;) let me know if you ever wanna go to a daytona race :)
IDK, after the "car of tomorrow" came became an Iroc Series...but if I ever get the $ to make it down there, you can bet it will be for Daytona :D

/ thread jacking :)

It means little curly haired one...

I spent a good hour or so searching through names until i liked this one!

i have naturally curly hair, but i recently got a relaxer and enjoying the joys of straight hair life!
A lot of people know my story but basically, I have voyeuristic tendencies so I took the Spanish word mirar and turned it into Mirra since that sounded like a name. I considered Mirro but to me it just sounds like some cheesy ass magician. I pretty much just use it for adult-themed sites and forums.
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