I just couldn't bring myself to ever pay
Those auto messages really put me off, to be honest. Then I found out that... okay, here's the thing. I started out on Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit, where you post and do your thing, and wait for the buyers to find you. You're thought of as pushy, needy, or desperate if you contact buyers first. It's the total opposite on selling sites; to get anywhere, you are expected to seek out the buyers and message every single one.
Anyway, when I suddenly had a shit ton of time during lockdown, I gave All Things Worn a try instead ($12/mo but now it's $14, ugh). At least there you can READ the messages, you just can't respond without upgrading.
I spent 1 to 2 hours a day messaging every new US buyer on the buyers list, and every US buyer that showed as being online. Flirting, kissing their ass, gleefully answering their stupid questions knowing they were never going to buy, the whole song and dance. Haha. In 3 months, after literally 80+ days of doing this, I got 2 sales. That isn't typical though; most guys on these sites just want so much more than panties, more that I'm able to offer. So if you offer sexting, customs, etc, you'll do
MUCH better than me, but it's still quite a bit of work to get there. If we lock down again, I might try again, but I'm not sure. It was so discouraging but at least it was something to do, I guess. Haha ❤