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Do you have any quirks when "performing tasks" ?

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Nov 12, 2017
So this isn't anything dirty. What I mean exactly is:

Growing up, I would always be so confused by 3 things my brother would do (maybe more, but for now I can only think of these 3).

1) If he was playing some kind of game, lets say a racing game (but it could be something that just had motion in it - skateboarding for example) when he turns left, he would turn his whole arms & wrist left, as if he was steering a car or motorcycle. But like I say, it would be for anything where he turns and the character turns in the game.

2) When he would be concentrating on something, he would stick his tongue out a bit to the side.

3) Similarly to the tongue one, if he was angry, he would stick is tongue out in the center but between his lip and teeth..

I never judged him or really questioned them (still not questioning them) as he always did them so seeing him do them, was just 100% normal for me.
So my question: did you have - and do you still - any little quirks like this? Did your siblings, family members or friends?
I sing little narrations of what I’m doing.
First two examples were strangely common I feel. People would get wild with Mario Kart. This was before the Wavebird so you'd have people yanking the system sometimes. The Jordan tongue thing was odd with how many people would do it during tests.

I'll sometimes dance if I'm working on something alone. Not good dancing but random dance like moves while I'm moving from place to place.
Random quirks? I am sure my co-workers will say I have a ton. Here are the top three that come to mind:
1. Randomly start singing the last song I heard, or just a song stuck in my head. Sadly I am a horrible singer, so I often do this very softly.
2. Fist pumps. When something works, or goes right, I do a small fist pump.
3. When I get nervous I open and close my hands causing my joints to pop.
I frequently “wind on” with my right thumb after a shot even when I’m shooting digital.
I look at my bare wrist whenever someone asks the time or if I refer to a time or express an urgency in time. I’ve literally never owned a watch.
I pace or turn slow, wide circles while playing guitar, often to the point that I have to unplug from the amp and unravel the cord.
I’m certain I have a bunch more were someone to point them out.
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Ohh something a friend used to do, he was (still is I think) a smoker.. he would "flick" any food he was eating even when he didn't have a cigarette lit. S he would be imitating the movement/gesture of flicking his cigarette's ash - except with food.
He did it with pretty much anything like chocolate bars, biscuits, and even sandwiches. He didn't realise he did it til we saw him do it with a sandwich and told him lol.
1. When in the car and doing errands or going to multiple places, especially with other people, I tend to narrate it like it's some sort of tour. Don't know when this started. Don't know why. But it's always a thing I've done.

2. I do a little dance when I start eating something I like.

3.When waiting in a queue, I do a weird little dance too.
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My dad does the tongue out to the side when concentrating

I can’t eat the stem part of a pickle. I’ll eat right up to it and leave about a 1/4” before the stem

I can’t do a long thorough cleaning without gloves on. I don’t like touching dirty food items. Watching people eat and getting messy makes me gag.

I have to take a mental picture that I unplugged my curling iron/regular clothes iron/turned off the oven and stove. I’ll even drive back to the house if I forgot to double check. The thought that they might still be on if I’m out of the house will drive me crazy.

I talk to myself when alone like I’m being interviewed on tv sometimes. It’s weird and I don’t know why.
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I roll my toungue and bite it when I'm concentrating or frustrated.
I'm rather compulsive about getting the right tool to do the job. I also drove especially younger employees nuts as I wouldn't let them wear ear buds or such, but we were freaking workinng 30-80' in the air and you need to know if your equipment is making noises it shouldn't

Today I do live extremely rural I had to laugh as the UPS guy came thru. Dead end road door open singing at the top of his lungs, put a smile on his face.
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I touch my nose with my index a lot. Talking, in the middle of typing an email, etc.
At a crosswalk, I have to rabidly press the button seven times and count it out loud.
-Random singing-
I sleep with a specific blanket wrapped around my face so only my nose is peeking out.

I feel like this can just be an ongoing list. I tend to randomly pick up habits here and there. 😬
Haha, I sorta do the same thing with games with motion but I move my entire body in the direction I'm trying to go. If there's only one speed I will even try to press the button harder to go faster.

I also have to get up and walk/run/jump around my house if I am thinking about something exciting, it's just automatic.

If I am concentrating or just tired lost in thought I tend to fidget with biting my lips.
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When I'm playing with my breasts on cam I look up and to the right every single time. I have no idea why..

If I'm doing any sort of p play I hold my left knee with my right hand.
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