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Do you care when regulars are in another room?

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Jun 3, 2012
I've always been curious. I really only usually hang out in a couple different models rooms and they are on different nights so I never have much of a conflict, but some nights I would like to just check out some new rooms. I always feel bad and don't do it not wanting to hurt my MFC friends feelings. Just curious on what some models thought about this, would you care if you saw a regular hanging out somewhere else? Is there a good way to tell a model you regularly hang out with that you are hanging else where that night?

I know I could make a new account and use that, but on those night the models are so used to me being around they would still ask where I was probably and then I would have to lie, not a big fan of deceiving the models I consider friends.
victor0021 said:
(...) some nights I would like to just check out some new rooms. I always feel bad and don't do it not wanting to hurt my MFC friends feelings.
Don't feel bad! Your model friends are aware that there's a huge lot of models online at any given time. They know they're probably not the only ones who appeal to you. You won't hurt their feelings by going into different rooms; you don't owe them anything. They won't hold it against you if you visit other rooms.

Just curious on what some models thought about this, would you care if you saw a regular hanging out somewhere else?
Nope. :) I wouldn't care. I'm not their girlfriend (even if I was, I wouldn't care), and there's no reason for any jealousy.

The only thing that sucks is when in model A's room a member claims to be out of tokens, but model A catches him dropping big tips in Model B's room the same night. Why lie? If you don't want to tip model A but would rather save your tokens for model B, just do it without saying anything about it. Fortunately this hasn't happened to me yet, but I know it's happened to other girls - it's just tactless.

But other than that, you're always free to browse different rooms. You're not obligated to be in your favorite model's room every time she's online. Remember that you're on MFC for your own entertainment first and foremost ;) The fact that there's a vast variety of girls on MFC is great, and you can find new interesting models each day.
Yes, and I'd guess that's true of the vast majority of models. And if you find one who's away! :)

When I was new to MFC I was soon a reg in a certain Colombian lady's room. All was well until I decided one night to "look around." lol Somehow she located whose room I was in and PM'd me with a string of invective that'd scorch the fur off a warthog. I never returned.
There is nothing wrong with visiting a lot of different models and being a regular in a lot of different rooms.

If a model is telling you, "I don't like to see you talking to any other model", then yeah... that's a little weird.

However, you shouldn't talk to models about how much you love another model or how much you're tipping other models. It's kind of like hanging out with your car salesman buddy and saying, "Yeah I just spent fifty grand buying a new Jeep from some other salesman across town!"

Also, it is not necessary to tell a model you are spending time in a different room that night. So far I have never heard a model say, "I sure am glad my friend told me he was going to spend time in another room instead of watching my show tonight".

No matter what some members like to think, models do get attached to members and while we understand we aren't queens of the universe, it still makes us a little sad when a guy is like, "later, I'm off to check out a super hot show over in some other room!"
Evvie said:
There is nothing wrong with visiting a lot of different models and being a regular in a lot of different rooms.

If a model is telling you, "I don't like to see you talking to any other model", then yeah... that's a little weird.

However, you shouldn't talk to models about how much you love another model or how much you're tipping other models. It's kind of like hanging out with your car salesman buddy and saying, "Yeah I just spent fifty grand buying a new Jeep from some other salesman across town!"

Also, it is not necessary to tell a model you are spending time in a different room that night. So far I have never heard a model say, "I sure am glad my friend told me he was going to spend time in another room instead of watching my show tonight".

No matter what some members like to think, models do get attached to members and while we understand we aren't queens of the universe, it still makes us a little sad when a guy is like, "later, I'm off to check out a super hot show over in some other room!"

It's more that for the last 6 to 8 months i've been in her room say every Tuesday when I was online. My guess is she would PM me to chat when I was online, my guess is it would come up in conversation why I wasn't there. Not is a evil OMG why are you in another room, more of a that's weird I don't see you in my room list kind of way.
victor0021 said:
Evvie said:
There is nothing wrong with visiting a lot of different models and being a regular in a lot of different rooms.

If a model is telling you, "I don't like to see you talking to any other model", then yeah... that's a little weird.

However, you shouldn't talk to models about how much you love another model or how much you're tipping other models. It's kind of like hanging out with your car salesman buddy and saying, "Yeah I just spent fifty grand buying a new Jeep from some other salesman across town!"

Also, it is not necessary to tell a model you are spending time in a different room that night. So far I have never heard a model say, "I sure am glad my friend told me he was going to spend time in another room instead of watching my show tonight".

No matter what some members like to think, models do get attached to members and while we understand we aren't queens of the universe, it still makes us a little sad when a guy is like, "later, I'm off to check out a super hot show over in some other room!"

It's more that for the last 6 to 8 months i've been in her room say every Tuesday when I was online. My guess is she would PM me to chat when I was online, my guess is it would come up in conversation why I wasn't there. Not is a evil OMG why are you in another room, more of a that's weird I don't see you in my room list kind of way.
If a model is asking you why you aren't there, then she's asking for an honest answer... I wouldn't worry too much about it.
I wouldn't sweat it, sir. You have every right to hang out with whom you choose. While it's completely reasonable (and kinda sweet) for a model to feel a pang of jealousy when you choose to hang out with someone other than her, it's unreasonable for her to purposely make you feel guilty about it.
But like Evvie said, there's no reason for her to even know as there's no reason to bring it up. And if she does ask where you were, you don't have to tell her if you really don't want her to know. If she pushes the issue and then reacts badly when you tell her where you were, then that's her bad. Provided you remain tactful, your shit can't help but come up smelling of roses in this instance (metaphorically speaking) ;)
Honestly, the only time it saddens me is when the guy does this night after night after night. Then it becomes a "does he not like me any more?" issue, but that's my issue, not his. I don't take it out on him, and don't get upset with him.

But a night here or there, no big deal. I don't expect any person to be in my room every shift.
I understand I have a right to do what I want on MFC, and I know I can go where ever I want. I was more just asking if models cared or not, and if they did what would be a good response from a member that wasn't in their room like they normally are. I am a guy we sometimes say stupid things, I like to think ahead and have a good response that is more tactful in case it comes up so I don't say anything stupid. I'd rather not hurt her feelings on accident.

Thanks for the responses.
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The one time someone said something that wasn't even the least little bit... (well, here I lack the right word, cause it's something not even as strong as upsetting...)

"I've been spending so much time with you lately, I wanted to see who else was on."

If you get asked, honesty is the best, even if it can't really be anything that can really be counted as "good". But you might not even be asked.
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victor0021 said:
I understand I have a right to do what I want on MFC, and I know I can go where ever I want. I was more just asking if models cared or not, and if they did what would be a good response from a member that wasn't in their room like they normally are. I am a guy we sometimes say stupid things, I like to think ahead and have a good response that is more tactful in case it comes up so I don't say anything stupid. I'd rather not hurt her feelings on accident.

Thanks for the responses.
I agree with the previous posts. I don't mind my regulars spending time with other models. In fact, knowing they do so makes it even more flattering with they save plenty of time and tokens for me ;) Like they said, don't volunteer the info but be honest when you're asked. I'd only be pissed if the member was like "sorry, I'm out of tokens and I gotta go to work" then I found him in another model's room spending away.
Also, as the girlfriend of an amazingly sweet man who often words things WAY wrong, I respect the fact that you care enough to ask for advice on explaining things to women. If the model confronts you like like a psycho, run. If she asks about it respectfully, just explain to her that while you enjoy spending time with her, you only watch cams for fun and you enjoy socializing with a variety of people. Maybe even invite her to hang out in that other chicks room with you, if you wouldn't mind her tagging along.

My favorite regular is a total perv and a very social person so he's always in someone's room. He always links me to other models' rooms and says "come perv with me". I love feeling special and pretty, but I also love knowing that I'm cool enough to be one of the guys occasionally.


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LilyMarie said:
victor0021 said:
(...) some nights I would like to just check out some new rooms. I always feel bad and don't do it not wanting to hurt my MFC friends feelings.
Don't feel bad! Your model friends are aware that there's a huge lot of models online at any given time. They know they're probably not the only ones who appeal to you. You won't hurt their feelings by going into different rooms; you don't owe them anything. They won't hold it against you if you visit other rooms.

Just curious on what some models thought about this, would you care if you saw a regular hanging out somewhere else?
Nope. :) I wouldn't care. I'm not their girlfriend (even if I was, I wouldn't care), and there's no reason for any jealousy.

The only thing that sucks is when in model A's room a member claims to be out of tokens, but model A catches him dropping big tips in Model B's room the same night. Why lie? If you don't want to tip model A but would rather save your tokens for model B, just do it without saying anything about it. Fortunately this hasn't happened to me yet, but I know it's happened to other girls - it's just tactless.

But other than that, you're always free to browse different rooms. You're not obligated to be in your favorite model's room every time she's online. Remember that you're on MFC for your own entertainment first and foremost ;) The fact that there's a vast variety of girls on MFC is great, and you can find new interesting models each day.

I like that most of the replies have been honesty is the best policy, but we also have to know these kind of lies always go on in a polite society.

I agree they should just not say anything but too many times I see people can not keep quiet in these awkward social situations. They don't want to hurt feelings by saying they are saving their tokens for another model later, so they tell the "white" lie to avoid uncomfortable feelings. It is really no different with in person social situations. I seriously doubt that no one has told a lie about where or what they were doing to avoid telling a friend or family member that they did not want to talk or hang out with them that day.

It would be wonderful if we could just tell the blunt honest truth all the time, but we are social creatures in a society where politeness tends to win over honesty.
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Just Me said:
LilyMarie said:
victor0021 said:
(...) some nights I would like to just check out some new rooms. I always feel bad and don't do it not wanting to hurt my MFC friends feelings.
Don't feel bad! Your model friends are aware that there's a huge lot of models online at any given time. They know they're probably not the only ones who appeal to you. You won't hurt their feelings by going into different rooms; you don't owe them anything. They won't hold it against you if you visit other rooms.

Just curious on what some models thought about this, would you care if you saw a regular hanging out somewhere else?
Nope. :) I wouldn't care. I'm not their girlfriend (even if I was, I wouldn't care), and there's no reason for any jealousy.

The only thing that sucks is when in model A's room a member claims to be out of tokens, but model A catches him dropping big tips in Model B's room the same night. Why lie? If you don't want to tip model A but would rather save your tokens for model B, just do it without saying anything about it. Fortunately this hasn't happened to me yet, but I know it's happened to other girls - it's just tactless.

But other than that, you're always free to browse different rooms. You're not obligated to be in your favorite model's room every time she's online. Remember that you're on MFC for your own entertainment first and foremost ;) The fact that there's a vast variety of girls on MFC is great, and you can find new interesting models each day.

I like that most of the replies have been honesty is the best policy, but we also have to know these kind of lies always go on in a polite society.

I agree they should just not say anything but too many times I see people can not keep quiet in these awkward social situations. They don't want to hurt feelings by saying they are saving their tokens for another model later, so they tell the "white" lie to avoid uncomfortable feelings. It is really no different with in person social situations. I seriously doubt that no one has told a lie about where or what they were doing to avoid telling a friend or family member that they did not want to talk or hang out with them that day.

It would be wonderful if we could just tell the blunt honest truth all the time, but we are social creatures in a society where politeness tends to win over honesty.

Unless the model is specifically asking why you're not tipping, I see no reason that you would have to lie. Polite conversation can occur on MFC that has nothing to do with token counts or other models. There's not even a reason to bring up the fact that you're not tipping that night, or any night for that matter. Just have fun and be cool and it probably won't even cross her mind.
AllisonWilder said:
Just Me said:
LilyMarie said:
victor0021 said:
(...) some nights I would like to just check out some new rooms. I always feel bad and don't do it not wanting to hurt my MFC friends feelings.
Don't feel bad! Your model friends are aware that there's a huge lot of models online at any given time. They know they're probably not the only ones who appeal to you. You won't hurt their feelings by going into different rooms; you don't owe them anything. They won't hold it against you if you visit other rooms.

Just curious on what some models thought about this, would you care if you saw a regular hanging out somewhere else?
Nope. :) I wouldn't care. I'm not their girlfriend (even if I was, I wouldn't care), and there's no reason for any jealousy.

The only thing that sucks is when in model A's room a member claims to be out of tokens, but model A catches him dropping big tips in Model B's room the same night. Why lie? If you don't want to tip model A but would rather save your tokens for model B, just do it without saying anything about it. Fortunately this hasn't happened to me yet, but I know it's happened to other girls - it's just tactless.

But other than that, you're always free to browse different rooms. You're not obligated to be in your favorite model's room every time she's online. Remember that you're on MFC for your own entertainment first and foremost ;) The fact that there's a vast variety of girls on MFC is great, and you can find new interesting models each day.

I like that most of the replies have been honesty is the best policy, but we also have to know these kind of lies always go on in a polite society.

I agree they should just not say anything but too many times I see people can not keep quiet in these awkward social situations. They don't want to hurt feelings by saying they are saving their tokens for another model later, so they tell the "white" lie to avoid uncomfortable feelings. It is really no different with in person social situations. I seriously doubt that no one has told a lie about where or what they were doing to avoid telling a friend or family member that they did not want to talk or hang out with them that day.

It would be wonderful if we could just tell the blunt honest truth all the time, but we are social creatures in a society where politeness tends to win over honesty.

Unless the model is specifically asking why you're not tipping, I see no reason that you would have to lie. Polite conversation can occur on MFC that has nothing to do with token counts or other models. There's not even a reason to bring up the fact that you're not tipping that night, or any night for that matter. Just have fun and be cool and it probably won't even cross her mind.

I said I agreed they should not say anything. My point was, that generally you see people say they have no tokens when the model says to their room, "why is no one tipping" or "it is so slow for tips". There is a pressure to answer the model in the room even though it is a rhetorical question most times. When they are sitting alone in front of their computer many people tend to think the model is talking directly to them. Personally, I do not ever talk about how many tokens I do or do not have.

As to the OP. I have found that many models do care if you are normally a regular in their room and you are in another room when they are on. Certainly not all, but I have had a few uncomfortable moments when a model has asked me why I am not in their room.
I have never minded.
I have a few regulars who are also the regulars of other girls, quite frequently these girls are online at pretty much the same time as me. I find a lot of them just go back and forth throughout the night and it's never a problem.
Actually, I'm sometimes really flattered to find out that I share regulars with certain girls.
victor0021 said:
Would you care if you saw a regular hanging out somewhere else?

No, for members to hang out in different rooms is to be expected. Just enjoy yourself, don't get yourself caught in a lie (telling one model you're broke and jobless, and then 3 minutes later dropping a 5,000 token tip in another model's room), and refrain from rubbing it in another model's face that you're in a different model's room. A long time ago, a regular who was in a different model's room PMed me and said "______'s pussy is unreal!" :roll:

Also, I don't understand why some members feel the need to lie and tell models "You're the ONLY model I watch on here." Come on, dude...I just saw you going "Mmmm" and "Ohhh" in another room 10 minutes It's OKAY if you visit different rooms, so why lie about it? You are not required to kiss my ass and pretend that I'm the only model you visit. Aren't members always saying that they can't stand models who are fake? Okay, so don't YOU be fake Just tell the model that you love her room, and leave it at that.

I chuckle when I see a guy using the same line on 2 - 3 models who are all friends with each other and all follow each other on Twitter. "NO ONE turns me on and makes me cum the way you do." LMAO! After that, it's kinda hard to take any compliment of theirs seriously anymore.

Don't be like RON369 and post in every model's room/profile "BEST ON MFC, BOO. NUMBER ONE STUNNA." :lol:
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A long-time model friend recently banned me because, after hanging out in her room for 45 minutes, I went to another room when she took a private, and did not return to her room when the private was over. Frankly, I was relieved.
To be perfectly honest, yes, it does bother me to some extent. I know it's silly and overly emotional to think like that but to some degree I can't help what I feel. It does hurt me a little when I spend a night without someone who usually talks to me, log off, and see them interacting or tipping another model because it makes me feel inferior. However, I know that I can't let the suppositions of "he doesn't like me anymore" control me because, they're just that: suppositions. Also, I realize that I'm not allowed to control anyone nor am I entitled to a member's affection or tokens. They are free to do whatever they like and I should just continue on as if it is business as usual, just as long as neither of us demand something from one another that neither of us deserve just because we are friends.

I prefer if it's not mentioned to me because as someone who is bothered by it it'd just make me more aggravated. If I see a friend on my friend's list who doesn't come into my room I just try to ignore it and don't make an effort to find out why they aren't in my room. So basically sometimes I can't help from feeling jealous and I think it's a natural thing to feel but how we act after acknowledging those feelings should be judged as equally important.
Personally I don't mind for the most part.. the only time I really have a problem with it is when they don't even pop in to my room or at least send a pm just to say hi.
I actually had this discussion with a few of my regulars the other night and they said they were surprised to hear me say that because they said there are a lot of models who get really mad; but as long as your regulars say hi and don't forget about you I don't see it being a problem. :)
SophieMei said:
So basically sometimes I can't help from feeling jealous and I think it's a natural thing to feel but how we act after acknowledging those feelings should be judged as equally important.
I totally agree with this statement. It's natural for us to feel a bit of jealousy, especially after we feel we've connected to someone, then see them sharing that same connection with another person right in front of our eyes. Looking at my friend list (the online one, which is shrinking day by day as I delete people) I see names of people who used to spend hours upon hours with me, but they aren't in my room and haven't been for weeks. So I delete 'em. ;) Is it a jealousy thing? I dunno.

I will say, though, that due to my reputation of being helpful/friendly with many other models, and due to me running this forum, that members seem to have the idea it's absolutely cool to discuss other models with me. As open and friendly as I am with other ladies of MFC, I would still prefer to focus on me when you're in my chatroom, and still may be a little hurt when you tell me you're going to tip another girl instead of me while I am online. If I am on my premium account, I'd love to hear about it so I can go witness it, but while I'm on cam on my model account, it just feels different.

Sticking with the general rule of thumb: it's ok if you're visiting and tipping other models, but it doesn't need to be discussed with me, nor do you need to feel like an excuse is necessary.

How do you feel when someone enters your room who has the name of another model as there member name? Do you find it rude and like theyre promoting the other model in your room because there username is the models name? even if they are in your room to see occasionally tip you?
spankamber said:
How do you feel when someone enters your room who has the name of another model as there member name? Do you find it rude and like theyre promoting the other model in your room because there username is the models name? even if they are in your room to see occasionally tip you?
It's a bit awkward, for sure.
I only care if they neglect me =P Who wants to think their friends don't want to be around them anymore for whatever reason, even if that reason is just finding another friend they connect with more? You want to connect with everyone on some level, it's hard not to take it a bit personally when interaction stops and you find out that it stopped because of another person, basically.

Realistically though, I get jealous occasionally and it's usually because the member brings up how much tipping they've been doing to other models or they bring up "How they wish they could tip you big" and turn around, dropping 5 digit tips on other models within a pay period. That stuff makes me jealous, but also makes me think they're trying to make me jealous - what other point would there be. I almost feel like some of them want me to get jealous so they can see I have a reaction over what they say, so that they can see that I might care in some bizarre way about them.
spankamber said:
How do you feel when someone enters your room who has the name of another model as there member name? Do you find it rude and like theyre promoting the other model in your room because there username is the models name? even if they are in your room to see occasionally tip you?

Double post, I always call these dudes by the model's name. Whoops.
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I once had a guy change his name so it had "Luna" in it. I told him that was kinda creepy, and asked him not to do that. He changed it back, but occasionally changed it still. He also explained that it was cause of this other model with Luna in her name, and that just made it that much worse.
Totally agree with all the other girls on this!

Here's an example for when it's really pissed me off, a guy who was fairly regular to my room yet hadn't tipped yet was in my room, then leaves my room for a while, comes back angry about how he'd taken a girl private and halfway through she'd taken a pm from a jealous regular and cut off the private. I was like, 'wtf? I've been here all night, you haven't tipped or offered me a private so don't go moaning because instead you took a model you haven't talked to before'. Really annoyed me! He did tip the rest of his tokens and still comes into my room, he's chatty and I like the guy so it's alright, but still.

Also sometimes when you can see someone's tokens, they're in your room for ages all the time, have plenty of tokens but don't tip, then they skip out your room but you've still got them clicked on and start seeing the tokens disappear because they've taken another girl private! That is very frustrating if it's a slow night!

This may sound bad, but I don't care if people go visit other girls rooms, half the point of mfcs is variety! But I do care if they tip them, especially if they're tipping them and not me. Sometimes when you check out another girls room and see a regular there it's tempting to see if they tip/how they talk to the other people in the room etc.
I've been upset when one of my regulars who I'm very close to admitted he's tipped another girl quite a few big tips. He was very honest about it, and fair enough, it's his money, but because me and him spend a lot of time talking, and at that point I don't think they'd interacted with each other that much, it made me feel a bit gutted.

If I do perve as a guest/basic and I see someone I recognise from my room I will vaguely keep an eye on them out of curiosity, or just pm them.
After camming sometimes I'll perve round with regulars, will usually be just me checking out girls I want to look at and them following. I kept trying to catch Fluffs mad blowjob skills! Was worth the wait, that's some crazy skills!

I have this really annoying regular who tips tiny amounts and always asks for a request, I think it's the way he says it. Often the requests are just biting little finger etc, but when he first came into my room he wanted me to wear a dress for private and totally wasted my time by wanting me to show him loads of different ones etc, then the private lasted like 300 tokens. He often asks for 'catwalks' and to see different outfits etc. Anyway he's pretty much the bane of my life lol, he's pretty harmless and takes it pretty well when I tick him off, and does tip although very small amounts. Anyway I was looking at another girls high tip screen shots, and there was this one tip just before I'd met him where someone else had tipped the massive tip, and then this guy had also tipped 20 tokens saying "so and so.... pls do a catwalk for me naked wearing heels...?" or something similar, and also ridiculous as he's going into a fully dressed top models room expecting 20 tokens to get her naked, in heels and doing a catwalk for him! Sometimes it's almost reassuring to know that the idiot regulars also badger other girls! This time it just made me laugh!

I wouldn't worry about it too much, like the other girls said though, best not to rub it in! and isn't there a way to be present in more than one girls room at a time?
I don't mind when my friends hang out with other models. I totally understand that I'm online at the same time as a lot of other really cool chicks and it's fun to bounce around from room to room while on MFC. I like to think of it as a huge party: it would suck if people felt obligated to hang out with their "click" the entire time. It's one thing if they want to hang out with them but they should never feel like that have to. It's a fun experience if you hop around the party to mingle with different groups.

What turns me off is if the person tells me, "Hey. I'm going to hang out with xyz model now" before they leave. It's distracting for me and to the other people in chat. I would prefer if people exit quietly or if they want to say they are leaving, say something along the lines of, "I'm going to do my rounds but will talk to you soon." That never puts a negative thought in my mind and is totally cool.

As far as people coming into the room with a name of a model in their username - It doesn't bother me at all (for instance, AspensSlutboy visits occasionally and he's cool as hell) UNLESS they end up talking about said model a lot or going on and on about what they're currently doing in their room, talking about how she got a giant tip, etc. I find it rude and it changes the dynamic of the room.
I am fascinated by all your responses about members who come in with other model's names incorporated into their own. I suppose my username is pretty obvious to anyone who visits my profile.

I have never really considered another model's perspective. It is a bit of a catch-22 though. On the one hand i appreciate it may feel like I am *advertising* another model. I tend not to mention other models in a room, unless a model is complimenting one that I happen to know or like, when i may join in with the appreciation. So it isn't a ploy to subvert another model's room indirectly.

I could certainly revert back to my original username when I am not in my favourite model's room. But then I would feel like I am "betraying" the original model (my personal feelings, and not in anyway a reflection of how she may feel).

I initially changed my name as a celebration after having reached 1000 points, rather than for purely sychophantic reasons, but I found I liked it so I stuck with it. A member's username does sometimes become part of his identity too, if he has had it for a bit.

Who said the life of a member was an easy one?

Isabella_deL said:
and isn't there a way to be present in more than one girls room at a time?

If you use the pop-up feature then a member can be present in as many rooms as he likes at any given time, each room being a separate window. The only restriction being the speed of his broadband. The maximum I have managed is 8 rooms before the lag became unbearable (i only did that as an experiment because i was bored a few weeks ago).
spankamber said:
How do you feel when someone enters your room who has the name of another model as there member name? Do you find it rude and like theyre promoting the other model in your room because there username is the models name? even if they are in your room to see occasionally tip you?
When I first started Streamate, I had a guy enter my room under the name of Kristin_Fan. I was like ERMAHGERRRD! Made my day. I figured it was a fan who followed me to SM from my old site. Then he so kindly informed me that it was just a coincidence and he had never seen me before. Fucker lol.
spankamber said:
How do you feel when someone enters your room who has the name of another model as there member name? Do you find it rude and like theyre promoting the other model in your room because there username is the models name? even if they are in your room to see occasionally tip you?
It doesn't bother me at all when members come in with other model's names on them. I think it's cute!

However, I wouldn't suggest a member put a model's name in his name, for a few reasons. Imo it's just a bad idea (but sometimes, for like an hour or two it can be fun or cute).
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