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Do models see themselves as "salespeople"

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Aug 15, 2011
I just read a curious couple of posts on that left me a little wondering what goes on in the head of models. The way I understood the thread was several members had created quite a few posts spanning several months, complaining about a particular model, and how phony they felt she was, and how they felt her descending cam score reflected their opinion. To save space and time I'm not posting the entire thread, and paraphrased the bulk of the complaints.

What got me wondering was a post a different model made coming to her defense:

"you guys are so full of s***
yeahh you want her to be friendly to you and get naked for you for FREE?
are you retarded? the guys want one thing, hot naked women. and the hot naked women will get naked for one thing in return, TOKENSSS.

a fellow model

While it's certainly no secret that models are on MFC to make as much money as possible for getting naked, and to put on shows, is this models attitude a widely held one? That models feel the exchange of tokens is strictly for nudity? While I'm certain every model is a little different, I picked up on a particularly mercenary attitude from this model... And felt she saw herself more as a "salesperson" simply selling a product (Her own naked body).

This image didn't really fit with my perception of your average model... Which is your typical American/Canadian cam girl is really a "good girl" in the real world, that's simply working on MFC to achieve the best possible life style for themselves, and have a naughty thrill in the privacy and safety of their home along the way.... but I didn't necessarily think most models saw themselves as simply pitching a product until this post. My experience with being a regular in a models room is the women, on average, genuinely enjoy the company and attention of most regulars and it's more than just a customer they are servicing.

Now from a members view point, I will tip 10-50 tokens for a hot model I want to see naked or doing a show... And that exchange of tokens is simply for the sake of buying a product... But in those rooms I've been a regular in, it seems that tips from regulars are less about nudity and more about a loose knit desire to be helpful, or generous, or fun with helping a girl live a good life style. For those models I see tipped with regularity by the same men, it seems there is a certain unspoken trust (Once again within a certain MFC sense), that the tokens come with an understanding that the girl has "earned" it by being genuine and "real" with their gratitude that goes beyond nudity.

But I certainly got the impression she feels a model is free to say/do anything she needs to to earn tokens, as long as they are giving a product to their customers... Which is obviously to get naked, or do a show for a paying member... do models see any issue of ethics, or obligation to be "real", or genuine (And by real I don't mean personal info), or at the least not phony with their gratitude in exchange for those tokens to get naked?

Is there a change in attitude towards large tippers? Is it acceptable to show a guy that drops 1,000's of tokens a day on a single model insincere attention? I've hung out as a regular in several models rooms, and I've seen all different types of attitudes towards tippers... some models will chat it up with a guy that hardly ever tips, I've seen models that seem to develop a certain entitlement to tips from a guy that tips 50 tokens or so a night and continually expects that level of tipping to continue for friendly attention, and I've seen models that will only thank a smaller tipper and focus her attention on her "whales".

Any models care to share their thoughts on the subject?
I think it is normal for a model to show more attention to the guy that tips more.I mean if she gave alot of attention to the person who isn't tipping he is gonna think that he doesn't need to tip.I mean I talk to every one in my room but I do pay more attention to my big tipper. Hope this helps.
I try to treat everyone equally .. tipping or not! I do agree with cherry tho! Of course when someone does blow my mind with a huge tip i tend to get excited and thank them and give them lots of attention .. send them some videos .. pics ect! I appreciate all my tips too they add up!

If your chatting in my room with me i always respond back out loud or type if they dont have sound!

All models should remember just bc a member doesn't tip today doesn't mean he wont in the future!
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Some models do, some models don't. Technically, all of us [models] are "selling" a form of entertainment, some of us are just (?) about it/not constantly focused on it.
I see it as we are selling 'ourselves', our personality and looks. Big tippers make you feel incredibly special, because it is mind blowing and helps you out so much. I love all my tippers though! I also love the people who can't tip but try and help me by having conversations and talking to me. What matters the most though is if the person talking to me treats me as a person, and can genuinely have a conversation with me that isn't just in the realm of 'I love you' 'can I meet you' 'I would do so much to you if I was there with you' 'how horny are you' 'how much to meet you.'

But I know I also have to sell myself otherwise I wont be tipped and I wont be able to make rent. So I try to act sexy and whatnot, and I'm more friendly than if I was out in public or something. I don't normal go around making sexy poses and things like that.

Also I get different vibes with different tippers. There are people who tip me because they enjoy spending time with me, and people who tip me just for the sexual aspect of it, so I feel more of a connection to those who want to be connected with me in more than just a sexual way, so I will likely like them a bit more because they make me feel comfortable.

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Deathdoll said:
I see it as we are selling 'ourselves', our personality and looks. Big tippers make you feel incredibly special, because it is mind blowing and helps you out so much. I love all my tippers though! I also love the people who can't tip but try and help me by having conversations and talking to me. What matters the most though is if the person talking to me treats me as a person, and can genuinely have a conversation with me that isn't just in the realm of 'I love you' 'can I meet you' 'I would do so much to you if I was there with you' 'how horny are you' 'how much to meet you.'

But I know I also have to sell myself otherwise I wont be tipped and I wont be able to make rent. So I try to act sexy and whatnot, and I'm more friendly than if I was out in public or something. I don't normal go around making sexy poses and things like that.

Also I get different vibes with different tippers. There are people who tip me because they enjoy spending time with me, and people who tip me just for the sexual aspect of it, so I feel more of a connection to those who want to be connected with me in more than just a sexual way, so I will likely like them a bit more because they make me feel comfortable.


lol...I just imagined walking through walmart making random sexy
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I think we are sales people in a way and when someone tips big I dot tend to pay more attention to that person, but honestly I try my best to make everyone feel important. I do genuinely have alot of fun with the guys and girls in my room just hanging out talking dancing acting like an idiot at tips are important because I do have bills to pay but I think if a girl wants to get the big tippers or whatever she needs to be real and not totally fake because if guys just wanted porn they could find it for free easily. I think the emotional connections can be important. I have had guys in my room who tip who say that they like me because Im laid back and can carry a conversation without just begging for tips every two seconds. I even play WoW with a few of my regulars which is fun and I think they appreciate that extra bit of closeness.
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I wrote this but I am tired so I'm not sure it makes a lot of sense, might be a little big tangental. You've been forewarned.

I say sometimes that I am a bad salesgirl on MFC - you are a product that you are displaying to a customer base.. my videos, my shows, they all need to be "sold." - I can't just throw up a list of videos and hope someone will buy them, I've got to advertise and talk them up, like a salesman would do a car. Coke once stopped all advertisement in a remote market to test whether their marketing budget was worth it and as soon as they stopped advertisement, sales dropped dramatically. EVEN COKE NEEDS TO SELL ITSELF, and it's one of the most popular, well-known brands in the world. Why wouldn't we need to? Men don't stop spending money on MFC when you get boring, they move onto a different girl.

That being said, who do you like more.. a genuine sales person who goes out of their way to make you feel like your money was well spent or the cashier who simply rang you up? It's our job to make men feel like their money, especially big money, was well spent. Otherwise, no one else will feel inclined to do the same. Special treatment SHOULD be given for larger tips, otherwise what are they paying for? Wouldnt you feel odd if you tipped a girl 1000 tokens and she treated it like 100? I mean when I give 50 tokens I don't expect anything more than a thank you and then the girl to go on her merry way, because it's literally 1/30th of her show goal.

We have to be a harmonious mix of salesperson and friend that is very very hard to balance.

sorry for any discontinuity.
I am selling myself. For some, they are only interested in my body and what I'm doing to it. Wank fodder. Yup I can sell that. I also sell my personality, my company, a fun chat room, games and laughs.

I had a guy who has never tipped pm me the last time I was on and say "On MFC but not naked?"
to which i replied and explained I had JUST arrived and that there was a countdown to nude in my topic.

He told me I was too commercialized and left.

Then came back later after I pmed with a "HUH?!? what planet are you on?"

Told me he'd been on MFC for three years, and that while he knows I'm here for the money he wishes I didn't JUST do it for the money.

I love my job. I LOVE MY JOB. But I still like to get paid. And when I get naked for free or give whatever else I'm selling for free, I don't get food on my table. Then I have to quit my job and find another one. One where I don't get paid to masturbate.

And I really like being paid to masturbate. :)

Sorry this got a little ranty..... xxx
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I agree with everyone here.I mean if we didn't give the big tippers some extra attention they would not feel special at all and probably would not come back.Like I said previously love,I love talking to all of my customers and I do mean all tippers and I have a couple that don't but I think eventually will.I also make every tipper feel very special hell even the people who purchase off my wishlist I make feel special cause I give them discounts on skype like 30 tokens a min rather than 50. And they say you are so sweet thank you. If we gave everything away for free like banners and pics that have passwords on them plus giving our nudeness for free yea we would not be able to feed our children and ourselves.So yes we are adult entertainment saleswomen and we are damn proud of it too!
Miss_Lollipop said:
I am selling myself. For some, they are only interested in my body and what I'm doing to it. Wank fodder. Yup I can sell that. I also sell my personality, my company, a fun chat room, games and laughs.

I love my job. I LOVE MY JOB. But I still like to get paid.

This is exactly how I feel.

There are a multitude of things that I provide for people on MFC. Not always just a naked body, not always just a mutual masturbation session, not always just dancing. It's companionship, it's entertainment (in many forms), it's someone to turn to and confide in, it's someone to make you smile, it's someone to vent to who will listen and provide feedback if you like. While in day to day life these things normally don't come with a price (well maybe a psychiatrist/therapist), as a whole package, it does cost tokens on MFC. That complete package is my job. And if you're getting any portion of that package, then you're buying my product, so to speak.

I LOVE this job, too. But if I was to stop getting paid to do it, I wouldn't be able to provide the level of quality that I believe I do now. It really does come naturally to me to be easy to talk to, to be compassionate, and to be chatty and flirty with people, so I'd probably still do that to some extent, but the fact that it's providing a means to keep a roof over my head and a comfortable lifestyle is what makes it remarkably fulfilling. It's a help-me-help-you situation, and I dig that. :)
AmberCutie said:
Miss_Lollipop said:
I am selling myself. For some, they are only interested in my body and what I'm doing to it. Wank fodder. Yup I can sell that. I also sell my personality, my company, a fun chat room, games and laughs.

I love my job. I LOVE MY JOB. But I still like to get paid.

This is exactly how I feel.

There are a multitude of things that I provide for people on MFC. Not always just a naked body, not always just a mutual masturbation session, not always just dancing. It's companionship, it's entertainment (in many forms), it's someone to turn to and confide in, it's someone to make you smile, it's someone to vent to who will listen and provide feedback if you like. While in day to day life these things normally don't come with a price (well maybe a psychiatrist/therapist), as a whole package, it does cost tokens on MFC. That complete package is my job. And if you're getting any portion of that package, then you're buying my product, so to speak.

I LOVE this job, too. But if I was to stop getting paid to do it, I wouldn't be able to provide the level of quality that I believe I do now. It really does come naturally to me to be easy to talk to, to be compassionate, and to be chatty and flirty with people, so I'd probably still do that to some extent, but the fact that it's providing a means to keep a roof over my head and a comfortable lifestyle is what makes it remarkably fulfilling. It's a help-me-help-you situation, and I dig that. :)

I don't think I could say it better than these ladies. This is a balance I struggle with sometimes too... I am not doing it JUST for the money, but the reality of the matter is as these ladies already so eloquently stated. This is indeed our job, and we love it, and love you guys... But we still needs tha tokenz! Otherwise we can't pay our bills! Lol :)
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i deffinatly do, as i did when i was a stripper. it is a sales job. you are selling joy to others. you can still be in sales and enjoy your job and care about some of your clients.

if you treat it like a sales job you will make more. set goals, be strategic and it will pay off for you!
Selling ourselves, yep we do. But not just our bodies, we're also sharing our thoughts, our sexuality, our humor, and whatever else we feel we have to offer.

You know, caming is kinda like a first date.

You try and give your best self to your new date. You're not gunna show up all stinky and grumpy, with a bad attitude and bed head. lol. You'll probably show up squeaky clean and polished with a favorite little outfit on. Because you're basically, selling yourself.

I don't think it's wrong that we are sales people and I don't think it makes what we do for fun on cam any less authentic. Everyone is a salesperson. When you walk in for a job interview of any kind, you're selling yourself. When you're trying to rent a house, you've gotta sell yourself. We're all salespeople, to a certain degree :)
I don't have time to read through all the responses, but I did want to add my answer to the OP's question...

is this models attitude a widely held one? That models feel the exchange of tokens is strictly for nudity?

I'm not seeing her say that tokens are strictly for nudity. I'm seeing her say that nudity is strictly for those with tokens. There is a subtle difference, but very important.

Yes, I believe that if a person wishes to see me naked, he needs to give some tokens. If he just wishes to chat, then he can feel free to join in the conversation. If he decides to tip for the conversation, that's his choice, but not expected.

However, us models have to deal with a LOT of guys who think we are there to get naked for them, and they shouldn't have to pay unless we blew their mind (and not just their load). I've had guys who proudly tell me that they came to me chatting in public, or the sneak peak pics on my profile, and then leave without tipping me. Which is just kind of a slap in the face, a "Thank you for doing your job. Let me make sure you know that you did a good job and aren't going to get paid for it." I wonder what would happen if they stopped paying other people who give services?

I do think a certain genuineness is needed. I think we should be genuinely thankful to anyone who has chipped in towards our paycheck, or chipped in towards the conversation. I also know it's hard to be genuine in this business- guys want to see us happy all the time. Guys in my room have gotten very disturbed when I've had a non-energetic day. I'm human. Sometimes I have an off-day. Of course, from what you say, it seems that she has this all the time.

The quote just goes on a rant about guys wanting freebies. Totally legit concern. The comments you talk about seem to be about no genuine interaction. Which is also a legitimate concern. And I have no way how to write a conclusion to this post without seeming to say the same shit over and over, but I hate leaving it hanging. :p All well.
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