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date raffles and meeting members

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Sep 28, 2012
The daily meeting the Romanian model threads, got me thinking about a related topic date raffles.

It seems me to that I've read a lot models posting very sensible advice about how it is important to keep the fantasy separate from the reality and while you shouldn't meet a member in real life. I've also read very understandable concern over things like members finding out addresses through wishlists etc.

On the other hand, a heck of lot models have date raffles. I'm also thinking about activities like the Cam Mansion with the party where members can attend.
Maybe I'm missing something but if you are concerned about safety, and want discourage a members from being obsessive and stalking you meeting them in real life seem like not a smart idea.

I've been toying with the idea going to the cam mansion party, I go to Vegas a lot for business and pleasure so it is pretty much picking week vs another. I also have entered a few model's raffles for "dates" at the cam mansion event. I just saw the number of entries for one model and I must say the odds of me winning are slim :), cause one guy spent 25K tokens with raffle ticket and another guy bought 15,000 tokens worth.

So my questions for models is there a reason to do these other than making money? Do you have any concerns?

My question to members is if you or a real life friend have won or attended these events what was it like, did it live up to your expectation?

Feel free to PM.
HiGirlsRHot said:
On the other hand, a heck of lot models have date raffles. I'm also thinking about activities like the Cam Mansion with the party where members can attend.
Maybe I'm missing something but if you are concerned about safety, and want discourage a members from being obsessive and stalking you meeting them in real life seem like not a smart idea.

Your points are totally valid! I think for each model there is a right and wrong way to meet a member, and those circumstances would be particular to every model/member relationship. Events like Sophias Cam Mansion would be one of the safest means of connecting with members (safety in numbers, reasonably controlled environment and a hostess for whom security and civility (and fun!) is paramount).

Some of the wisest date raffles I've seen in recent years have been group dates, where a bunch of models who are friends go to dinner/dancing with some of their trusted members, so the members get to spend time with 6 vivacious broads for the price of one (I should clarify that I mean raffle prices here), and there's little chance of anyone disappearing or having anything untoward happen to them. Were I to ever do a win-a-date this is the method I would choose.

Date raffles aside when you, as a model, decide to attend an event like the AVNs you have to accept that you will be meeting hundreds of men at the FanExpo and you won't be able to tell the difference between an enthusiastic, mentally balanced fan and someone who is going to get (or already is) irrationally obsessed with you. If you had a pre-existing scary-stalker condition you shouldn't go to such an event because there would be no way to guarantee that the fellow couldn't walk right up and confront you. There is ample security available at these events but unless he announces on the way in and he's planning on tackling you and chopping off a lock of your hair nobody will know you're in trouble until it's too late. These are just risks we take and models with half a brain know what precautions to take to ensure nobody gets kidnapped, raped and murdered.

When it comes to one-on-one date raffles I just have to assume that the model in question has stacked the odds in her favor and created a secure scenario. From the members perspective the mythology built up around the "meet me" raffle might not match the reality 100%, perhaps he'll be introduced to the escort (bodyguard, boyfriend, etc...), perhaps the escort is planted secretly at a table 20 feet away and the member never knows, perhaps the entire thing is rigged and nobody really wins in the end anyway. Camgirls like money, that's no secret, but most women's price for truly endangering themselves can't be raised in a win-a-date raffle.

Members should be as concerned about meeting models as models are of meeting them, if I were to fly to a strange city and meet up with a girl I'd be pretty confident someone is going to roll me and there's little chance I'm going to authorities to explain that I brought $2000 to the party with the presumption of sexytimes but her boyfriend hit me over the head with a pipe and now I'm concussed, broke, missing my passport AND blueballed.
I have met a few models 1:1 IRL and they have all been great experiences and in each case we came away being closer friends. These all occurred after many months or even a couple years of talking frequently online and not just on the cam site but also phone, YM or Skype. There was a mutual trust that preceded the in-person meeting and the first meetings were always in the safety of secure public locations.

Getting to know someone and observing their behavior over time is important and will show you if they act consistently and predictably versus erratic, obsessive, overly emotional, insecure or possessive. I think there also needs to be a very clear understanding of the expectations discussed before the meeting. I know that this goes without saying but I also know guys who pretend to be "just friends" but secretly hope for a GF or sex. Especially for the model, if the guy doesn't bring it up, then you need to and in very explicit terms, e.g. "If you're coming to meet me with the expectation of sex or that we might develop a romantic relationship, please do not come!"

On the other hand, date raffles scare me. Unless they are rigged (I know some are, which is whole other topic), the risk of a model picking a total and complete stranger as the random winner is too much risk IMO. If you do this, please be sure to have security of a bodyguard or as suggested before, do a group date. I know that many girls have date raffles and I have never heard of any bad situations but the net is a wicked place for predators and I'm probably more cautious than most. Why take the chance? Seems like there are better ways to make tokens.
Yeah I've noticed a slight trend on the board:

In the case of models from UK, USA, Canada, Australia etc the models are very wary about meeting members in case they get kidnapped, murdered etc.

In the case of models from Russia, Romania and the Ukraine, the members are very wary about meeting models in case they get kidnapped, murdered etc.
Jupiter551 said:
Yeah I've noticed a slight trend on the board:

In the case of models from UK, USA, Canada, Australia etc the models are very wary about meeting members in case they get kidnapped, murdered etc.

In the case of models from Russia, Romania and the Ukraine, the members are very wary about meeting models in case they get kidnapped, murdered etc.

A trend I have noticed

Date raffles from models in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia etc , you do not see many from them and the few I have heard about appeared to be legit.

Date raffles from models in Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Colombia, you see quite a lot from them and the consensus seems to be they are all rigged and not legit.
Just Me said:
A trend I have noticed

Date raffles from models in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia etc , you do not see many from them and the few I have heard about appeared to be legit.

Date raffles from models in Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Colombia, you see quite a lot from them and the consensus seems to be they are all rigged and not legit.

Well most of the ones in the first category, IF they're legit then the member lives closeby enough that it's not impossible. I don't really pay attention to date raffles much but I would think the increased cost of a member flying to an international location for it makes it logistically more expensive for whoever is footing the bill. That said, who's to say if they are legit or not?

I've never actually been a regular in a date raffle room, but if I was and the winner was some dude who had dropped in sometime and bought 1 ticket...well that happens. Everyone notices the guy who buys 50 tickets but if there's several hundred sold then statistically he only has a small chance compared to everyone else. So ok, say it's some random dude. You've never seen him before, how likely is it he's going to come back after and show his great photos? Like what would be proof and why should we expect the model to provide it?

Sort of a different subject but escorts charge less per an hour to have sex with random guys, I would hazard to say anywhere in the world, than an hour long private costs - and I'm not at ALL suggesting eastern euro models are prostitutes or something - but it's not outside the realm of possibility that they'd say 'what the hell why not?' if they made enough money. Google escorts in any eastern euro country you'll have pages of them, it's no less dangerous for them to meet some guy they've never met before than someone a model might speak to for months. Not saying that's a good reason to meet guys off the internet for sex but it does happen, all the time.
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Jupiter551 said:
Yeah I've noticed a slight trend on the board:

In the case of models from UK, USA, Canada, Australia etc the models are very wary about meeting members in case they get kidnapped, murdered etc.

In the case of models from Russia, Romania and the Ukraine, the members are very wary about meeting models in case they get kidnapped, murdered etc.
LOL true that. As the saying goes just because you are paranoid doesn't mean that someone isn't out to get you. Still I am sure statistically the chances of anything bad happening are small.
I know I'm letting my imagination get away with me but a model whose room I used to visit a lot quit signing onto MFC many months ago...and checking today, I see her name is no longer carried on the MFC list. The last "event" I remember from her room before she disappeared was a date raffle. :( Yeah, it's probably a coincidence or maybe she married the date and quit camming...still.
I think the important difference is that with a date raffle or shaking hands at an expo, its planned out, usually in a public place, and there may be a chaperone or other models/members around. If the model gets a creepy vibe, she has the option of calling it off.
Jupiter551 said:
Yeah I've noticed a slight trend on the board:

In the case of models from UK, USA, Canada, Australia etc the models are very wary about meeting members in case they get kidnapped, murdered etc.

In the case of models from Russia, Romania and the Ukraine, the members are very wary about meeting models in case they get kidnapped, murdered etc.
I live in the USA and I would have to say I am more worried about a member getting hurt if he comes to visit me :lol:

I think that our ideas about whether or not raffles are legit may come down to areas where there are more studios; a behind-the-scenes studio may have no issue with setting up a rigged date raffle to increase profits, whereas a model working independently may be too worried about the repercussions of doing so.

So my questions for models is there a reason to do these other than making money? Do you have any concerns?

I've never done a date raffle and I never plan on doing so, but here is my take, with heart bullet points! So adorable!

♥1. I have an active social life and I am currently dating one man and two women. I have no "empty" spot in my social life that needs to be filled. If I ever held a date raffle, it would not be because I'm lonely and I need a man from the Internet to comfort me.
♥2. If I wanted to meet a member because I think he is cool, he's my friend, et cetera, I would not make him pay in to a game of chance for the opportunity to meet me. I would set something up between him and I so we could meet.
♥3. While cam modeling is a job, there is no reason models should not be able to enjoy it. Just because it's a paid raffle doesn't mean both the model and member will have a great time partying and hanging out.

Date raffles may not be 100% about money. In my own limited opinion, they are still 100% about the job. Again, though, that does not mean the model isn't having a legitimately good time and wants to meet the member in question.
So my questions for models is there a reason to do these other than making money? Do you have any concerns?

I haven't done one and probably won't but...

♥1. Its not hard for an attractive young woman to get a date/sex if she wants one and
♥2. If she wanted to date/fuck, going with a person with random possible personality and random possible physical attractiveness is a pretty silly, roundabout way to go about it
♥3. And like Evvie said, just because it's for the money doesnt mean it can't be a super fun time as well! Just like camming, just because its our job doesnt mean we dont genuinely enjoy our time with our regulars

I like Evvie's heart bullets...
HiGirlsRHot said:
The daily meeting the Romanian model threads, got me thinking about a related topic date raffles.

It seems me to that I've read a lot models posting very sensible advice about how it is important to keep the fantasy separate from the reality and while you shouldn't meet a member in real life. I've also read very understandable concern over things like members finding out addresses through wishlists etc.

On the other hand, a heck of lot models have date raffles. I'm also thinking about activities like the Cam Mansion with the party where members can attend.
Maybe I'm missing something but if you are concerned about safety, and want discourage a members from being obsessive and stalking you meeting them in real life seem like not a smart idea.

I've been toying with the idea going to the cam mansion party, I go to Vegas a lot for business and pleasure so it is pretty much picking week vs another. I also have entered a few model's raffles for "dates" at the cam mansion event. I just saw the number of entries for one model and I must say the odds of me winning are slim :), cause one guy spent 25K tokens with raffle ticket and another guy bought 15,000 tokens worth.

So my questions for models is there a reason to do these other than making money? Do you have any concerns?

My question to members is if you or a real life friend have won or attended these events what was it like, did it live up to your expectation?

Feel free to PM.

I hope to see you there!

In my case, I am not advertising my date raffle, so I can pick and choose who I'd be comfortable meeting. I only have a hand full of entries, but i'm doing it for an opportunity to meet some people I've known for awhile online....not necessarily for money. It's also an awesome gift b/c they get to meet other models too!

I don't post often here, but I lurk a ton. Maybe once I make more friends at the mansion I'll feel more apart of the group and post here more. It's just that I'm a little shy lol

helloabbylee said:
I used to chat with a member who told me he helps out some models with date raffles and they always let him win.....and he'll help me if i want to do that. i've never done it tho
I remember Amber mentioned that guy as well, emailed her or something
Jupiter551 said:
helloabbylee said:
I used to chat with a member who told me he helps out some models with date raffles and they always let him win.....and he'll help me if i want to do that. i've never done it tho
That sure is giving a stranger a ton of power. What if you piss him off in some way? He'll always have that over your head. Think of your regs (which you must have or else a date raffle wouldn't work too well in your favor I don't think) too, I can't imagine pulling that kind of thing on the guys who've been basically paying my bills and esp a certain one or two of the bunch. Is it really worth it? I am an AWFUL liar though, but even so I can't imagine doing all that for just a few extra tokens....just my unsolicited advice. I almost bit my tongue but I felt I just had to point that out, especially what that shady character must expect out of it for him.
OriginalCyn said:
Jupiter551 said:
helloabbylee said:
I used to chat with a member who told me he helps out some models with date raffles and they always let him win.....and he'll help me if i want to do that. i've never done it tho
That sure is giving a stranger a ton of power. What if you piss him off in some way? He'll always have that over your head. Think of your regs (which you must have or else a date raffle wouldn't work too well in your favor I don't think) too, I can't imagine pulling that kind of thing on the guys who've been basically paying my bills and esp a certain one or two of the bunch. Is it really worth it? I am an AWFUL liar though, but even so I can't imagine doing all that for just a few extra tokens....just my unsolicited advice. I almost bit my tongue but I felt I just had to point that out, especially what that shady character must expect out of it for him.

There is certainly more than one person that has done this. I really do not understand the personality type that would even suggest or want to be a part of that. Even if it was just to try to have an in with the model, how could you ever trust that model if she is willing to go along with it?

As to giving a stranger a ton of power, if they truly are a stranger there is not much the model can loose by doing it. Credibility? Sure, if her regulars believe a stranger that comes in saying she cheated them. She can easily ban the person so she doesn't have to deal with in room accusations. In my experience even if you are a regular and friendly with the other members in the room, they will believe what the model says 99 times out of 100. Most member have blinders on when it comes to anything said about their favorite model.
helloabbylee said:
I used to chat with a member who told me he helps out some models with date raffles and they always let him win.....and he'll help me if i want to do that. i've never done it tho

It may be useful to note that if a model and a premium were to enter into such an arrangement, it would be considered a "conspiracy to defraud". It would be indictable in most jurisdictions, which would of course includes the USA, the UK and the EC. As MFC is based in the USA I imagine anyone, from wherever they are, could potentially launch an action in the USA. MFC would be the defendant and I do not think they would relish that.

However I appreciate that a model might get scared that some mad man might win, and I, for one, would always forgive a model for trying to play it safe.
freeezze said:
However I appreciate that a model might get scared that some mad man might win, and I, for one, would always forgive a model for trying to play it safe.

I would be deeply hurt if someone I trusted did that to me. If they are worried about who they will meet, they should probably not be doing date raffles.
I forgot to mention the burden of proof, which would lie upon the plaintiff ( the accuser ). Just don't give anybody any evidence. In other words, if a model and a premium were to do such a thing then do not do make the agreement via MFC or in any written form. And if the member decides to blackmail the model after the event, then they should be reminded that they are just as culpable as the model.
I have been wondering about this topic as well. I agree with the responses. I think a group type deal would probably be the safest. Like anything else, if you're going to do a 1:1, someplace public, not local to your home, is best. Keep it as safe as possible. While I'm sure it brings in some nice tokens, it would be awesome to meet some of my most faithful viewers (if you can call them that yet considering I haven't been camming long).

A group meet would be hella fun though if you ask me. I would probably only do a 1:1 for something like Valentine's Day. I'm curious to hear more success stories...or horror stories so I know what NOT to do!
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