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Creepiest Horror Movie Scenes

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I did bad things, privileges revoked!
In the Dog House
Mar 26, 2010
Usually somewhere between flippant and glib.
Frankie's villain thread spawned the idea for this one. I know a lot of models list horror flicks as one of their favorite movie genres.

What gives you the creepy chills or some may call it goosebumps, heebie jeebies, the willies, etc.?

Mine are mostly paranormal shit like people spider crawling on ceilings and walls, down stairs, etc., like the old lady from The Excorcist or the scene from Grudge and similar type shite. Some of the better werewolf transformations do it too like the scene from An American Werewolf in London.

What are yours?
Dr. Satan from House of 1000 Corpses scares the shit out of me. As well as that half man half superhero axe bearing thing that chases the girl underground.

I fucking love it.

Out of the whole movie that's the only part that really fucked with me.
Also, haven't seen the movie yet, but the trailer alone freaks me out really bad. I can't exactly explain why. Just the idea along touches on more than a few phobias. The acting seems really bad, but I'll give it a try when it comes out.

I saw The Human Centipede a couple of weeks ago. There wasn't as much gross-ness as I was expecting believe it or not.

And oh my god, the acting is shocking! It one of those movies that's so bad, it's good.

My answer- I can't handle anything with teeth pulling. *Shudder*
Anything involving anything being eaten alive.

My mind is a sick and twisted place... you don't want to know (but can probably guess).
I have no idea why I clicked on this thread, horror movies get to me too easily, so pretty much anything that would likely be posted in here would bother me.

that said I have no intention of keeping tabs on this for that reason
Frankie said:
Also, haven't seen the movie yet, but the trailer alone freaks me out really bad. I can't exactly explain why. Just the idea along touches on more than a few phobias. The acting seems really bad, but I'll give it a try when it comes out.

Oh I want to see that! So sick :D
what always gets me is unexpected bones sticking thru skin. I normally love gore, but scenes like the black guy in the crank in Saw 3, 4 or 5 where each of his limbs were twisted until they broke nearly made me throw up.
Freq said:
what always gets me is unexpected bones sticking thru skin. I normally love gore, but scenes like the black guy in the crank in Saw 3, 4 or 5 where each of his limbs were twisted until they broke nearly made me throw up.

Oh yeah that is one of the few things that gets to me as well, ick.
Why the fuck did I watch the centipede youtube. I now feel sick.

morment said:
I have no idea why I clicked on this thread, horror movies get to me too easily, so pretty much anything that would likely be posted in here would bother me.

that said I have no intention of keeping tabs on this for that reason

Um... yeah. This.

Bocefish said:
A bit off topic, but just for Amber :lol:

NaughtyAmberX said:
Whenever I watch Thirteen Ghosts, I hate looking at the Jackal. It creeps me out :|

your post totally reminded me of The Angry Princess, and how hot I think she is. Totally wierd that a dead girl covered in slashes makes me think that, but when I first saw 13 Ghosts, I was like "wow this bitch is hot" lol.

And as for my "creepiest scene", I have to go with anything from It. I have a severe clown phobia, and can't even post a pic because I can't look at pics of clowns without freaking out, but my ex made me watch the movie and I only got through the first quarter of it before I had to leave...but the scene...I think he's in a storm drain thing? Looking out? UGH. Fucked up.
SpexyAshleigh said:
NaughtyAmberX said:
Whenever I watch Thirteen Ghosts, I hate looking at the Jackal. It creeps me out :|

your post totally reminded me of The Angry Princess, and how hot I think she is. Totally wierd that a dead girl covered in slashes makes me think that, but when I first saw 13 Ghosts, I was like "wow this bitch is hot" lol.

Don't worry, if it's weird, I'm right there with you. lol.

SpexyAshleigh said:
And as for my "creepiest scene", I have to go with anything from It. I have a severe clown phobia, and can't even post a pic because I can't look at pics of clowns without freaking out, but my ex made me watch the movie and I only got through the first quarter of it before I had to leave...but the scene...I think he's in a storm drain thing? Looking out? UGH. Fucked up.

I have a clown phobia too, but I actually liked that movie for some reason.
From my favorite horror movie, "The Evil Dead". A movie I've seen numerous times but this small clip always gets to me. Creepy? No. Cringe-worthy? Fuck yes.

I have always been creeped out by the Zelda scenes in Pet Cemetery.
I am having nightmares tonight, just from the pictures!

As for myself, anything really with a bathroom. The Shining, the ghost walking across the bathroom in the Sixth Sense. Basically ALL of the Exorcist....

btw, that picture of the old lady in the bathtub, what version is it from? I could have sworn the old hag in my version was younger, and deader looking.
SpexyAshleigh said:
NaughtyAmberX said:
Whenever I watch Thirteen Ghosts, I hate looking at the Jackal. It creeps me out :|

your post totally reminded me of The Angry Princess, and how hot I think she is. Totally wierd that a dead girl covered in slashes makes me think that, but when I first saw 13 Ghosts, I was like "wow this bitch is hot" lol.

And as for my "creepiest scene", I have to go with anything from It. I have a severe clown phobia, and can't even post a pic because I can't look at pics of clowns without freaking out, but my ex made me watch the movie and I only got through the first quarter of it before I had to leave...but the scene...I think he's in a storm drain thing? Looking out? UGH. Fucked up.

I'm with you as well. Chick was hot, but left me sleepless that night!
Creepy? Well, on top of my creepy list is The Strangers. I'm already afraid of the dark - yes I'm a big kid, and watching The Strangers at home alone after midnight was the worst mistake I ever made.

Every shadow, every creek in the house... OMG!!! I spent the night under my covers with the lights on in my bedroom and don't think I fell asleep until day break.

Also, the twist at the end of the original "Shutter" when he found out why he was having such horrible neck pain...old school chills.

And I HATE scenes in horror movies that involve nails clawing things (especially if the clawing is with such force that they rip off). The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake f'd me up for example as far as that as well as some short scenes from "Legion", "P2", and "Dawn of the Dead".
Not sure if it's been mentioned but Freakshow. The last scene of the movie. OMG. I'm a horror lover and even I had to close my eyes during the majority of the ending.

It's more the gore factor than anything else. Fucking wrong!!!!!
For me it had to be the scene in 13 Ghosts where the lawyer has the doors close on him, essentially turning him into a human fillet. I wasn't very eager to pass through automatic doors after that.
I love watching horror movies :) There are more than I can count that fuck me up! Some I can watch over and over again but others leave me shuddering under my covers even tho the lights are on in the other room.

The very first movie I saw was It. Ever since then I have a horrible fear of clowns.

The Grudge fucked me sooooo bad after I heard the creepy kid wail... When my friends make that sound I freak out like a little pussy

13 Ghosts is one of my faveorites even though I have nightmares that I am trapped there and the ghosts kill me in different brutal ways each time.

The Saw movies are absolutely horrible... there r some sick demented people in this world.

The Texas Chainsaw Masacares didn't really bother me until I found out that the story is based on actual events.

Freddy movies are awesome.

Friday the 13th remake scared me a hell of a lot more than the orginals.

The Shining with Shelly DuVall and Jack Nicholsan was a strange one for me. I laughed my ass off every time I saw Shelly acting out her parts. I can't stand her as an actress. She is so incrediably fake. Jack Nicholsan scared the crap out of me though. The remake that came out in the 90's gave me the chills.

Jodie Foster did a movie about a mother and daughter moving to a different state by airplane. When Mom wakes up in the middle of the night her daughter is missing and everyone on the plane tells her she is crazy because she doesn't have a daughter. She searches for the little girl by herself with no help from anyone. That movie scared the shit out of me because I have kids as well. My daughter is the youngest and I could not imagine loosing her on an airplane. If I ever fly somewhere I have vowed to stay awake for the entire flight and watch my daughter like a hawk.

Halloween didn't scare me that much. Rob Zombie's remake was creepier and so much better!

All of Stephan King's movies give me many forms of chills. :)

Sorry I wrote so much but I love movies :)
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